one's door

Chapter 240 Leaking

Chapter 240 Leaking
I don't know when a very weird news spread from the Eastern Army's camp. Because the content was too horrifying, it spread to the top circle of the entire Beijiang County at a terrifying speed.After that, it overflows outward at the same time, and passes it down at the same time.

A new word was mentioned in this shocking news, called "Dan".

It is said that Shi Xuan, commander of the Eastern Army, suddenly sped up the time for accumulating muscle and bone strength that should have been silent for several years or even longer because of this thing called "Dan", and then immediately reached the opportunity to seek a breakthrough, and finally stabilized The breakthrough successfully entered the middle stage of Duanshan Realm.

How did the news get out?No one knows.Where is the source?Not sure either.

In short, this incident was unusual from the beginning.At the same time, it is accompanied by overwhelming doubts and speculations.

Although I don't know what that "Dan" looks like, and I don't know how to use it.But relying on just one thing can send a warrior who has just touched the bottleneck of a realm directly to the next realm?is it possible?What's more, that's a majestic warrior in the mountains!Can break through so easily?
So although the news came out quickly, almost no one took it seriously.Because this news is contrary to everyone's common sense.It's like a completely illogical joke.It's just that the joke was made up in style, and Shi Xuan, the commander of the Eastern Army, was used as the topic, so it spread quickly.

But later, many people keenly discovered that the Eastern Army had no explanation for the news at all.Someone poured dirty water on Shi Xuan, yet Shi Xuan didn't explain?Disdain or another reason?
The reaction of Shi Xuan, commander of the Eastern Army, made many people who hadn't taken the news about "Dan" seriously feel weird, and began to pay attention to this matter secretly.I think there should be a follow-up to this matter.

However, after waiting for more than half a year, the news did not come from the Eastern Army barracks, but from Yuanding Imperial City.

It is said that the Ministry of War ordered Shi Xuan to report the details of his practice three times, and used it as a reference for the warriors of the Ministry of War to break through the Duan Mountain Realm.This is what the Ministry of War Yamen has been doing for a long time, and it is also a benefit for the officers and generals of the Ministry of War Yamen.You can learn some of the most authentic and practical experience in practice as a reference.

Of course, access to these experience descriptions requires some military merit and authority restrictions.Not everyone can watch it, just watch it if you want.

In the military department, there are only a handful of end-mountain warriors like Shi Xuan, not to mention that from the early breakthrough to the mid-term, such precious detailed information is extremely rare.

Therefore, the Yamen of the Ministry of War has been urging.It took almost a year to get Shi Xuan's statement officially.In addition to the various wonderful feelings of breaking through the realm and the problems encountered, etc., there is another eye-catching description: Dan.

The news in the Ministry of War is like eggs in a dustpan.It looks tight, but it actually leaks everywhere.In addition, this news is really scary, and it directly confirms a piece of news that has been circulated more than half a year ago and has been regarded as imaginary.

There really is such a thing as "Dan" in the world!
And at least [-]% of the reason why Shi Xuan was able to break through so quickly was due to "Dan".

What followed was Shi Xuan's detailed description of the thing called "Bone Strengthening Pill", including the reasons why it could help Shi Xuan.

When these news came out one by one from the Yamen of the Ministry of War, the momentum could no longer be stopped.

There was news from the military office, and rumors that had been laughed at as jokes for half a year, and when the two sides were put together, the context immediately became clearer.

The key is not only the "Bone Strengthening Pill", but also who gave it to Shi Xuan.Ask Shi Xuan?No one has the guts.Maybe someone in the Ministry of War knows, after all, since Shi Xuan has said the cause and effect of his breakthrough, there is no reason not to mention the key points.It is very likely that this key information was choked.

But how long can this information last?And it is absolutely impossible to be leak-proof, but how can anyone who has a heart and power fail to find out if they spend a little effort?

At worst, you can watch all directions and listen to all directions to see how and where other forces with connections and means are moving.This kind of thing can only be hidden from the prophet and the hindsight.

As a result, all kinds of news from various channels gradually began to converge towards the same place: Langyuan City, Beijiang County.

Huh?Is it Langyuan City again?There's been a lot going on in this place recently!

First, Beijiang County Sheriff's Office took over the local yamen of Langyuan City.This matter is not a small matter in the entire Nanyuan country, but those who were shocked were the top figures in the official and business circles, and ordinary people would know it if they knew it, and would not take it too seriously.

Then Princess Qingling brought Nanyuan Kingdom its first victory over Huayue Shang Kingdom in more than a hundred years in the ring.After receiving the Ruyi Order, she became the first princess of Nanyuan Kingdom.Then a key to the victory of the first princess was discovered: it was because Princess Qingling participated in a new course taught by a guest teacher named "Zhang Yan" in the martial arts academy of Langyuan City, and got a higher score than her. The strength gain of one's own realm.

Afterwards, before the person named Zhang Yan was contacted by everyone or any family, he emerged with a new identity: a master caster who can forge powerful weapons.

The news about Zhang Yan put the eyes of countless forces on Langyuan City.Now the matter about the "Bone Strengthening Pill" is in Langyuan City again?

How is it such a coincidence?
What a coincidence?What's more coincidental is still behind: the bone strengthening pill is also made by Zhang Yan.

This news is far more difficult to hide than anyone imagined.Because as long as you move, you will be noticed.But what if you don't move and others move first?Willing to be second to others?So this kind of suspicion directly lifted all the veils.

The "Method of Refining Skin and Flesh with Medicine" that helped Princess Qingling win; forging powerful weapons; and a scholar of miscellaneous studies; now there is also a miraculous method that even warriors in Duanshan can get great help and effect "Strong bone pill".

Any of these abilities can make a person a scarce talent that is looted by all parties.Now gathered on one person, besides being shocked and lamenting that God treats this person too favorably, there is only one thought: to win over to one's own influence!

But when he wanted to make physical contact or use the old methods to win him over, he couldn't help but stop his hands and feet.Because apart from these astonishing abilities, Zhang Yan also has an identity over his head: the guest teacher of the Wuyuan Academy.

Even if it is a guest teacher, it is still a person who teaches martial arts!Use strong?I'm afraid no one would dare.Even getting in touch with Zhang Yan has become a need to be cautious, for fear of being misunderstood as disturbing the people in the martial arts academy.

Talking about the Martial Arts Academy is really too tricky.
(End of this chapter)

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