one's door

Chapter 241

Chapter 241
After the news of Zhuang Gu Dan broke out, the superimposed influence brought Zhang Yan's reputation from "famous" to "famous".

Some of them had expected it but failed to fully anticipate it, and some were even more caught off guard.

The most unexpected thing is actually the attitude of the martial arts academy.

Just like Zhang Yan was on guard from the beginning.He didn't believe that Shi Xuan, who helped him enter the martial arts academy, really had no selfishness at all.Because of empathy, if he is in Shi Xuan's position, if he meets a person who can refine such a rare treasure as the bone strengthening pill, he will not let it go easily. Some methods are convenient for proper "handling" in the future.

But now, no matter how much Shi Xuan left behind at that time, he knew that he couldn't handle this magical young man who kept throwing out the same ability.

With just a Bone Strengthening Pill, Shi Xuan might be able to rely on his influence and power in Beijiang County to force the Martial Arts Institute, and use "protection" as a condition in exchange for Zhang Yan's intimacy with the Bone Strengthening Pill in the future.But when there was an additional subject of "The Method of Refining Skin and Flesh with Medicine", Shi Xuan understood that his idea was useless.Otherwise, maybe the news of Zhuanggu Pill can be kept hidden for a longer time.

And there are soldiers casting methods emerging from behind.Talking back and forth that the Martial Arts Institute will let others handle Zhang Yan?

And once the Academy of Martial Arts is watching, or notices, Zhang Yan has a very powerful amulet in Nanyuan Kingdom, or in the entire territory of the human race.Not to mention invulnerability, but at least few people dare to mess with it.

The reason for this is actually that the three words "martial arts academy" carry too much weight, and they cannot be shaken by Nanyuan Kingdom or the so-called forces in the period.

The origin of the martial arts school runs through most of the history of the human race.Even many historians of later generations regard the emergence of the Kobu Academy as a historical watershed in the true rise of the human race.

Before the appearance of the Martial Academy, the life of the human race was a hundred times worse than it is now.Regardless of whether it is a big or small country, all the fish and meat on the chopping board are left to be slaughtered by the monster clan.It is even like the livestock enclosed by the monster clan. Not only do they have to grow food to survive, but they also have to accept the looting and slaughter of the monster clan.Even the monster race's favorite is the flesh and blood of the middle-aged and elderly people of the human race, who think it is chewy and delicious.
At that time, the human race was so weak compared to the monster race that it was a joke.Even if the signs of warriors had begun to appear at that time, it could not change the general trend at all, and could only show their existence in some painless places.There is no way to face the Yaozu organization to effectively resist.

Until Xu Fengyang, who was honored as a martial artist by later generations, appeared.The highest state recorded so far by human warriors is the late stage of the Nine Gates Realm.With this strength, he wrote the book "The Essence of Martial Arts" and established a martial arts school in the rear of the human race, and began to systematically impart various knowledge of martial arts to people with martial arts talents in the race.

Even for a long time, the Academy of Martial Arts will participate in the specific military and government affairs of various countries.It's just that when the monster race and the human race finally reached a relative balance, the Jiangwu Academy pulled back its hands and feet in all directions, and guarded the most fundamental and original will of the Jiangwu Academy with peace of mind.Until today.

So if you want to say which force in the human race is the most powerful, the most feared and relied on by people, it must be the Martial Arts Academy.This is also the reason why the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom has the right to appoint the judges of the Martial Arts Academy, but not the president.Because the daily chores in the martial arts academy of various countries are taken care of by each country, and even some of the expenses involved are borne by the national treasury of each country.The purpose is to use the martial arts academy to train qualified martial artists for their own country.However, the independence of the Military Academy is not something that countries are qualified to interfere with.

It is precisely because of the huge and profound strength and heritage of the Martial Arts Institute that those forces who are eager to take Zhang Yan away at this moment are a little helpless.

Come hard?Leaving aside whether Zhang Yan is really as easy to deal with as the rumors say, do you dare to touch his identity as a guest teacher in the martial arts academy?

Then there are only two options left: overcast and soft.The order of priority should be courtesy first and soldiers later, so that the opponent will not be driven in the opposite direction as soon as they come up.

This also caused Zhang Yan's house to be bustling like a city near the door.There were as many gold-plated invitations as there were snowflakes.In the words of my younger sister Zhang Huiyuan, these bronzing invitations, scraping off the gold powder on them, probably made more money than the woodware shop she worked in in a day.

However, the invitation was received, but Zhang Yan never showed up.They all asked their student Zhou Yun to pass back a post at the gate of the Jiangwu Academy to decline the invitation.The etiquette seems to be very measured, but in fact no one can make Zhang Yan treat him differently.

Dissatisfaction began to slowly accumulate among the various forces gathered in Langyuan City.Among them are some powerful ones.They have always been invincible in Nanyuan Kingdom, even if they are sometimes weak, it is because their opponents are of the same size as themselves.When did a loner dare to put on airs for himself?Is it true that you can sit back and relax just by relying on the martial arts academy?

Zhang Yan's refusal without discrimination, it seemed that everyone could not understand Zhang Yan's lofty attitude.

"Does Professor Zhang need the help of the Academy of Martial Arts? I think that Professor Zhang seems to be in danger of slipping in the storm recently, which is worrying."

This is Liu Renchuan talking.Yesterday he had someone bring a message to Zhang Yan, and Zhang Yan went to the hall building to find Liu Renchuan early this morning.After the two sat down, Liu Renchuan directly pointed out Zhang Yan's current difficult situation, and offered to say that the Martial Arts Academy could give him more help.

how to helpZhang Yan looked at Liu Renchuan with a smile, but didn't respond.

Liu Renchuan also smiled and continued: "You can give Zhang Jiaoxi a fixed status, become a direct official teacher in the martial arts academy, and give him the highest treatment and authority. I hope Zhang Jiaoxi can seriously consider it."

Although he was smiling, Liu Renchuan's words were extremely cautious.And very heavy.

As long as Zhang Yan nods, his current predicament can be solved immediately, and he can also enjoy all the essence of human knowledge gathered in the martial arts academy for thousands of years, or for reference.From then on, Zhang Yan was no longer bound by one city and one country, and completely stood under the protection of the most powerful force in the human race.

"Mr. Dean Zhang Yan appreciates the kindness of Mr. Dean. I am also grateful for Mr. Dean's concern. But the current situation is not so far that I can't handle it. Besides, I have always been kind to others. If it is reasonable, those coveting people outside should also I will understand, and I won't force you too much." Zhang Yan directly declined Liu Renchuan's kindness.

Perhaps it would be a good choice to completely join the Jiangwu Academy.Before Zhang Yan stepped into the realm of returning to the gods, he really couldn't tell how he would choose.But now, he has a better choice.

(End of this chapter)

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