one's door

Chapter 242 School Building

Chapter 242 School Building
Zhang Yan has no education, and on earth, he only has compulsory education to mass-produce defective products.At most, he also dabbled in some unpopular knowledge of Taoism.But after he arrived in Huangtianyu, he would always dig up a lot of things he had learned before from the depths of his memory, carefully read them, it was useful, and it was also a memory of the past.

At this moment, Zhang Yan felt that the situation he was in could be compared with a poem by Zheng Xie.

I insist that Qingshan will not relax,
The root was originally in the broken rock.

Thousands of blows are still strong,
Ren Er has east, west, south, north winds.

This poem used to be read by the master when I was in the rivers and lakes, so as to comfort myself. As a disciple of Longhushan, I ran around all day long for a bite, and even went down to the well.

It was completely different from Zhang Yan's mentality of "it doesn't matter, I'm just making a living anyway". Zhang Yan's master cared a lot about his status as a disciple of Longhushan, and he was also worried that he was forced to make a living to ruin the reputation of Longhushan. feel ashamed and humiliated.It can only persist with some spiritual self-comfort and paralysis.In the end, it was also because of the long-term alcohol anesthesia that worn down the body, and died in his early sixties.

Influenced by his former master, Zhang Yan is also very familiar with Zheng Xie's poem.In the past, the master used it to comfort the persistence in the heart and the persistence of Taoism.Now he uses it to compare his situation and Mingzhi's confidence to transcend this world.

Liu Renchuan's kindness is also the kindness given by the Jiangwu Academy.To be honest, it was very sincere, and there were no stringent conditions attached, and it didn't even mention bone strengthening pills and soldiers casting.That is to say, as long as Zhang Yan agrees to become the official instructor directly under the Jiangwu Institute, then the Jiangwu Institute will fully protect him.What Zhang Yan needs to pay is what he should do as a teacher.

But Zhang Yan finally refused.The main reason is not that he is worried about being manipulated or restrained by the other party, but because he is not in the same way as the martial arts school in essence.The destination may be the same, but the path chosen is completely different.Temporarily borrow this identity to get through the stage of weak strength, and then Zhang Yan still wants to walk his own path.

Why don't you try to see if you can reach the lofty cultivation realms in the legends in Taoism?

How can such a world that looks like a fertile new land in the eyes of the Daoist sect not have the figure of the Daoist sect?

Since it is still difficult to change the weak situation of the human race by relying on warriors, why not try other ways?

Anyway, here they are, these are the paths Zhang Yan is going to take.And he has been accumulating strength for these goals.Now it's just that the speed of saving is much faster because of the gang cheating with this world.Essentially, it was still within Zhang Yan's plan.

But some things are often beyond Zhang Yan's expectation.He also often adjusts his plans according to changes in things.

It's as if he didn't expect that the so-called sanctuary would send so many meritorious spirits to him, he didn't expect it beforehand.Just like Huang Tianyu, it was beyond Zhang Yan's expectation that the world could help cheat.This caused him to return to Langyuan City, but it was only a few days and a year away, but he had crossed a realm that many monks could not reach in their entire lives.His plan is also constantly changed and accelerated by himself in these unexpected changes.

It was not only the above that happened suddenly, but also Luo Changshan who had recently rushed back from Xiangkou to find Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan did not expect that Luo Changshan would propose a concept of "academy".At first he thought it was a little outrageous.But later, when Luo Changshan said that the confidence in this move came from his ability and his status in the martial arts academy, Zhang Yan immediately realized it, and even felt that this was an opportunity he had been looking for.

Perhaps there is no more suitable opportunity than this.

So Zhang Yan quickly told Luo Changshan some of the thoughts in his mind.Take the influence of "getting rid of the mainstream school" as a breakthrough, persuade the other party to minimize the attention of recruiting students, and make a fuss about those children who have not yet completed their studies or are just about to learn.

Zhang Yan has his own considerations.The younger the baby, the stronger the ability to accept new things.On the contrary, it will be weaker.It is said to be enlightenment, but the enlightenment readings also have the meaning of instilling some inherent common sense on Huang Tianyu's side.For example, Zhang Yan scoffed at many things about warriors.The human race on Huangtianyu's side still has a too narrow perception of power.

Luo Changshan didn't agree with it at first, because there are many things in the enlightenment.And according to Huang Tianyu's common sense, people who have never been enlightened are not qualified to learn at all.And Luo Changshan felt that the Academy of Miscellaneous Studies he wanted to run was a place for learning, so how could he let a group of older kids get involved?
However, under Zhang Yan's repeated suggestions and the importance he attached to Zhang Yan, Luo Changshan finally gave Zhang Yan a spot for the event.Minimum one, maximum ten.Within this range, Zhang Yan can freely recruit students.Even enlightenment can be done by Zhang Yan.If it is effective, this method will be followed by the academy.

This is not the first time that Zhang Yan has seen the "stubbornness" and "hypocrisy" of these scholars of miscellaneous studies.Not only Luo Changshan, Zhang Yan felt that almost all scholars of miscellaneous studies were more or less like this in the previous two tea parties.

Get used to it, and it doesn't matter.Zhang Yan's greatest goal was to accept a few serious students under a pretense.

Luo Changshan moved quickly.After discussing with Zhang Yan, I searched for the location of the academy near Langyuan City.

First of all not in the city.Zhang Yan didn't understand why, Luo Changshan replied, "The city is too impetuous, not a place for learning." Zhang Yan couldn't react for a long time.I don't understand how the "impetuous in the city" came to the conclusion.In the end, it can only be attributed to Luo Changshan's habit of liking the quiet and mountains, so he tends to build the academy in the outskirts of the city.

You can't build a thatched hut in the mountains and accept students, right?
So Luo Changshan found a Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Langyuan City, and spent money to buy a large house in the Zhuangzi.Said it was crime property.The original owner was an official in Langyuan City, but now he is implicated in Wu Yuan's case, his head is gone, his family is also broken up, and the house is confiscated and sold as criminal property.Because the location of this house is very good, it is not near or far from Langyuan City, and it is backed by mountains, with a river in front, and the scenery is pleasant, so the selling price is high.

However, no matter how high the price was, it was the same in front of Luo Changshan. He didn't even ask how much the price was, and just decided to buy it.

The school building is fixed, and a series of repairs are still needed.When all the people are here, you can officially hang up the plaque and start accepting students.It will also mark the beginning of a new path that no one has ever traveled before in the miscellaneous studies of Nanyuan Kingdom.Anxiety and expectation made Luo Changshan, who was already grey-haired, seem to be particularly motivated, and he seemed to be much younger.

(End of this chapter)

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