one's door

Chapter 248

Chapter 248
No matter on the earth or in the wild world, no matter in the past or in the present, people who don't listen to good words always account for the majority.

If you speak well, you will be regarded as cowardly and timid, and there will always be people who want to use their lives to prove that you are not so easy to bully.This kind of thing is not uncommon, you should avoid it, stay away, so as not to get dirty.Or go all out and give them a good look.

Fortunately, this is the Desolate Heaven Territory, and fortunately, Zhang Yan is a cultivator of returning to the gods with a relatively high cultivation level at this time.He has many ways to deal with people who can't speak well and always want to trouble him.Even after laying the groundwork for so long, this is the kind of person he is fishing for.

It is better to be proactive than passive defense.

It's still the great man's saying: hit one punch, and avoid a hundred punches!

Zhang Yan originally wanted to use the three magic weapons to lure those who coveted him to take the lead, and deal with a batch of them with heavy hands, so that other people would be able to prevent others from acting rashly.At the same time, they need to see clearly what kind of existence they are facing.

Waving his hands to stop Zhou Cang and Princess Qingling's dissuasion, Zhang Yan smiled and waved his hand, indicating that the other party would come to the stage now.The sharp blade that was still hovering in one's mouth before said that the warriors in the Tongqiao state did not pose a threat to Zhang Yan. Even in the later stage, they had little ability to resist Zhang Yan's transparent and rapid "hidden weapon".What's more, it is still uncertain whether it is a "hidden weapon".And how can you continue to control it after you let go?It's all a mystery.No one knew what else Zhang Yan was hiding in his hands.

Perhaps the biggest mystery should be Zhang Yan himself.He is obviously not a warrior at all, the fluctuation of Qi and blood is obviously not a fake.Then how did he have such a strange and powerful method?

Could this be a new approach to power? !
Of course, it is not ordinary people who can elevate the problem to new forces.Both Liu Renchuan and Xiao Shu had this guess.Shen Wujiu is no longer guessing, but has already confirmed this point.As for the others, they didn't think much about it yet, they all fixed their eyes on the warrior who walked up to the front desk and stood two feet away from Zhang Yan.It is also the one who has been picking things up and saying "fairness".

"Mr. Zhang, it's not easy to spread your hands and feet here. Are you sure you don't need to change places?"

This is the brick and stone platform of the auction house, not a solid stone platform specially used for fighting.This kind of place, not to mention the warriors of the Hundred Refining Realm, would collapse under the swell of vitality.It's not a place to compete at all.

Zhang Yan didn't care at all.Smiling and shaking the folding fan in his hand, he said, "It's all right. Although this place is fragile, it's not impossible to protect it. This one will do it directly, don't worry."

"My name is Chen"

"No need, I'm not interested in your name at all. If you win, you'll pay half of the money and take the things away. If you lose, hehe, there's nothing to complain about." Zhang Yan interrupted with a smile Introduced each other's self.The coldness in his eyes turned into killing intent.He was not at all interested in the name of a dying man.


Anger is certain, especially the laughter from the crowd sitting below is even more nerve-wracking.People don't even bother to know who you are, so you can imagine how much they despise you.The anger in my heart quickly turned into the intensity of making a move later.He was planning to use some tricks, as long as he wins.Now he decided to give Zhang Yan a little bit of a hard time first, to let the other party know that it is not a big deal to take down a warrior who is in the Aperture Realm by clever means, because the Hundred Refining Realm and the Aperture Realm are not the same concept at all!
"Please!" Zhang Yan urged again, shaking the folding fan in his hand.He just felt that the other party was not straightforward at all after he came up, how could he know that the other party was playing too much in his heart.

"Teacher Zhang, please!"

As soon as the word "please" was uttered, the martial artist at the Hundred Refinement Realm slapped Zhang Yan's right shoulder with his palm.He didn't use a weapon, and it seemed that he didn't want to hurt Zhang Yan's life from the beginning.It also made many people in the audience feel a little more at ease.

However, the weight of this palm is not light, at least it used [-]% strength.At the same time, the other hand held a vitality shield, which should be the kind of "hidden weapon" that Zhang Yan threw out before taking precautions.

A palm shot from this side is close, only two feet away. In a blink of an eye, the palm force has reached two feet in front of Zhang Yan, and it is about to hit Zhang Yan's right shoulder. This blow will at least break the bones of Zhang Yan's upper arm. Even the shoulder blades can crack him.

But looking at Zhang Yan again, the old god was shaking his fan and didn't evade, nor did he make a gesture to resist.People can't understand.

"Mr. Zhang, be careful?" Zhou Cang said in two parts, and the last word was interrupted by the strange situation that happened in front of him. "Senseless".

Because the mighty palm stopped suddenly when it was more than a foot away from Zhang Yan, no, it didn't stop, it was more like slapping on a group of five-element cushions, and after a muffled sound, there was no more words .Not to mention flying Zhang Yan, the power of that palm couldn't even make a louder sound.

"Hehe, are you greeting me?"


Shocked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, the martial artist at the Hundred Refining Realm quickly backed away, even faster than the one he had slapped close to him just now.Obviously frightened by the inexplicable and weird "air shield" in front of Zhang Yan.

"Is that an air shield? Is it an air shield? But why is there no sense of air at all? And can it release all the strength of that palm?"

"It's not leaking, but absorbing! Do you see any changes on Zhang Yan's body and the ground? The strength of that palm has not leaked at all."

"Didn't it leak out? Where did that strength go? It couldn't be Zhang Yan who resisted it?"

Many people in the audience saw the strangeness of that moment just now, but no one can tell how Zhang Yan did it.This was actually the fright and confusion in the heart of the Hundred Refinement Realm martial artist on the stage.

Obviously, the vitality and strength of the palm have a real feeling of being patted, just like the feeling of being slapped on a person, but why is there no effect at all?It's like chaos, the power is sucked away by something else.

"You can use a little more force, I can still bear it." Zhang Yan continued to shake his fan.Smiling but disdainful.It seems to be disliked by the other party for not eating enough and lacking energy just now.

This invisible irony made the other party red-eyed even more.

But nothing changed after that.Whether it was palms or fists, or even the unarmed combat skills used at the Hundred Refining Realm, they all stopped more than a foot in front of Zhang Yan, unable to advance an inch.It seems that there is an insurmountable gap somewhere.

In this way, no matter how slow the reaction is, people can understand that Zhang Yan must have some kind of extremely strong defense method, which is similar to the vitality shield but stronger.

When everyone is guessing the limit of Zhang Yan's method, whether it can withstand the impact of the weapon's combat skills, or how long Zhang Yan can last for the consumption of using it.No one noticed that the folding fan in Zhang Yan's hand was shaking more and more slowly.

The word "Tao" on the white surface and the word "Heaven and Earth" on the black surface on the fan seem to be shining a little bit
(End of this chapter)

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