one's door

Chapter 249 Instant Kill

Chapter 249 Instant Kill
Several attacks in a row couldn't even move the corner of Zhang Yan's clothes, even though all the combat skills were used.

This is not a question of whether to win or not, but whether or not to step down.

You yelled that you were going to fight, but he stood smiling and asked you to fight, but you couldn't even blow the hem of his clothes.If this is the case, the reputation of this hundred refinement level warrior will definitely be completely stink in his own circle in the future.

So he was ready to pull out the weapon at his waist and fight with all his strength.

But before he could draw his sword, Zhang Yan, who had been slowly shaking his fan with a smile on his face, suddenly moved, his figure disappeared in an instant, and in the next instant, he appeared only two feet away from the warrior of the Hundred Refinement Realm remaining position.

What do you mean if you don't move, your life will be taken by you if you move?That's it.

The timing was also just right, just the moment when the opponent was about to draw out his weapon and stretched his hand towards his waist to show a flaw.

Who would have imagined that Zhang Yan, who had been smiling and playing tricks on the other party, would suddenly move when he was bullying the other party and couldn't break through his own defense?

It's as if you have been driving a wooden pile, and the wooden pile suddenly came to life, can you imagine?

What's more, what Zhang Yan used was not any body technique, but earth escape technique.There was no warning in advance, and there was no track when moving, and it was even more immediate when it appeared, which was completely different from the movement method of a warrior.Anyone who encounters this kind of teleportation for the first time will definitely be caught off guard.

However, warriors practice their physical bodies. Whether it is the unconventional movements in the extreme state, the reaction speed of the slightest, or even the physical body's ability to resist blows, they all follow the same path as those on the earth.So even if Zhang Yan made a sudden move and caught a flaw in the other party, it didn't mean that the other party would let him slaughter him.

I saw that at this very moment, the martial artist of the Hundred Refining Realm was not ashamed of his own realm and strength, forcibly twisted his body, and before he could draw out his weapon in time, he swept across Zhang Yan with the scabbard, who was close at hand.Using the long knife as a stick, he pounced forward at the same time, trying to stagger the attack behind Zhang Yan with unreasonable movements.

I have to say that this impromptu reaction was indeed wonderful.

pity.Since Zhang Yan has moved, he won't explain any reason to you.

The moment the escaping technique was active, the folding fan in his hand had already been folded into a "stick" and slowly poked towards the opponent.The time also happened to meet the scabbard weapon that the opponent swept over after responding.


There was a soft metal clash.After that, Zhang Yan separated from the opponent's forward figure.The two were out of position by a full two feet.And Zhang Yan turned around without haste. "Shua!" Shaking open the folding fan.

Zhang Yan didn't chase after him, and even the aura that exploded on his body gathered up again after a moment.

But the other party rushed forward for more than two feet before stopping his footsteps, turned around abruptly, and his face flushed to an unusual dark red.The eyes are protruding, and the bloodshot visible in the flesh fills the entire white of the eyes.


boom!Before he could finish his sentence, the warrior at the Hundred Refinement Realm suddenly exploded, like a watermelon dropped from a very high place, and instantly exploded into a pool of red and white blood rain including the belt and bones.It even splashed three to five feet below the stage.

On the contrary, Zhang Yan had prepared in advance, an invisible wall stood in front of him, and after being drenched in blood, it looked like a ball.Then it disappeared quickly as the blood dripped down.

It was only here that the frightened people in the field uttered "ah", and then it stopped abruptly.In the huge venue, the sound of panting could be clearly heard.

Not to mention those big shopkeepers who have never seen any bloody scenes.Even those warriors, or those who have seen too many bloody scenes like Shen Wujiu, have never seen the scene of turning people into blood bubbles and poking them just now.The terrifying sound of flesh and blood explosion is estimated to be hard for them to forget for a long time.

After the blood was scattered in the air, several big shopkeepers sitting in the front row bent over and vomited, looking down and seeing a few scarlet lumps the size of thumbs, they vomited even more Hold on, and those who are rolling and crawling will dodge to the back.But even so, they didn't intend to leave the venue early.

"Hehe, as expected, I still can't stop it. I thought that a martial artist in the Hundred Refining Realm would be physically strong and able to stand it, but it turned out to be...hehe. Fortunately, I signed the life and death certificate, otherwise I would really be in trouble." Zhang Yan Smiling, he spread his hands towards the hundreds of people in the audience, looking very helpless.

Zhang Yan pointed to the three weapons on the long table in front of him, and said, "I won the one just now, so now only one of the warrior's two weapons is left. The bidding has become two again.

Then there will be warriors coming up to compete with me next?The rules are the same as before, you can come up after signing the life and death certificate.Don't worry, I will definitely use more strength this time, the life and death status is just in case.

Anyone willing to give it a try? "

try?Or die?Looking at this, it may be a fatal question.

The sound of vomiting kept coming and going, and everyone looked at Zhang Yan, who was standing in the middle of the bloody mess on the stage, but his body was as clean as before, and his eyes had completely changed.No matter who, no longer dare to look at him with mocking or neglectful eyes.The most exchanged becomes: fear.

What happened in that instant?
Why did Zhang Yan directly divide life and death even though he was blocked by Fang Ge after he tapped the fan?

Why is it a way to die in which the whole person is blown to pieces?
Even how did Zhang Yan move to the opponent's side in the first place?How did he block so many attacks and even two combat skills in front of him without any damage?You have to know that even if it is an unarmed combat skill, it is still being performed by a martial artist of the Hundred Refinement Realm!And at least [-]% to [-]% of the strength has been shown.

The most puzzling thing is how did the fatal blow come to fruition?
If you can't figure out these questions, who would dare to compare with Zhang Yan?

Not to mention the remaining two warriors at the Hundred Refinement Realm present.Even Liu Renchuan, a warrior in the Duan Mountain Realm, did not dare to easily match Zhang Yan.

Unknown pressure is the most dreadful.

certainly.It's not that everyone just scratches the back of their head and can't see any clues.In fact, some people saw something.For example, the weird folding fan in Zhang Yan's hand that no one cared about before.

You must know that Zhang Yan had a head-to-head confrontation with the opponent's weapon with the folding fan just now.Ordinary folding fans can withstand this kind of impact?Moreover, Zhang Yan also threw out a transparent blade with a fan before, and it is still hanging in the mouth of a hapless guy at this moment!
Is there a saying that Zhang Yan's previous strange methods and kills are inseparable from that folding fan?After all, Zhang Yan is a master caster. He hasn't done it before, but it doesn't mean he won't have one now. It's possible!
(End of this chapter)

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