one's door

Chapter 250 Magic Weapon

Chapter 250 Magic Weapon
Find a doubt and then speculate and then generate your own understanding. This is the habitual way most people recognize the unknown.

It's like using the fact that you need to drink water to survive to speculate on other creatures, and then come to the knowledge that water is the source of life.

But if the creatures that appear in front of you are not creatures in your world, why don't you need to drink water?Is there such a possibility?have!But almost everyone is unlikely to think about it, and even if they think about it, they will quickly deny themselves.Because it subverts cognition.

Coincidentally, Zhang Yan is actually an existence from the outside world in Huangtianyu, and the things he knows have nothing to do with many common senses and cognitions in Huangtianyu.It is not appropriate to use the known to speculate on the unknown.

"Huh? Didn't many people applaud before? Do you think the bidding is unfair to you warriors? Why are you still silent now when you use your fists to get yourself? Tsk tsk, you can't be really scared, right? As you said, it was an accident just now. I must be more careful this time, and I will definitely not make such a mess again. Come on, if you don’t come again, you will continue to bid for all three weapons as before. Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance what!"

Zhang Yan said sarcasm with a smile, without hiding the irony in his words.One life is not enough to deter everyone, at least one more is needed.

Of course, Zhang Yan's ridicule may fall on some people who have used their own cognition to speculate and come to a rough conclusion, and it can also be regarded as "bluffing".

Because many people speculated from Zhang Yan's previous actions that Zhang Yan was rooted in the fan.Perhaps if he used his weapon at the beginning, broke through the defense with the strongest combat skills, and avoided the chance of contact with the fan, he should be able to win, at least even if he lost, he would not die on the spot like the previous one.

This risk is enough for people to take it once under the temptation of getting a superb weapon at half price.

"Teacher Zhang is good at tricks. I'll try it too, and I'll ask Zhang to teach me how to fuck."

Another person came up, also a warrior of the Hundred Refinement Realm.Although he was reluctant, he signed the life-and-death certificate that Zhang Yan called "going through the motions".But in terms of words, he no longer had the arrogance of the previous person.Even with a little softness in words.I don't know if this is to ease the relationship, so that I will not fall into a dead end in case something happens.

Zhang Yan nodded with a smile, he looked easy to speak, and even put away the murderous intent in his eyes.

"Zhang Jiaoxi's methods are rare and powerful. I dare not take them too seriously. I can only fight them with weapons. Please be careful."

"Okay. Please!"

Similarly, when Zhang Yan blurted out the word "please", the other party made a move, and pulled out the long knife at his waist with a swipe, holding it with both hands, and immediately used a combat technique.The overflowing vitality exploded like a bomb, and the bricks under his feet were instantly blown away.The fragile masonry platform showed signs of collapsing at once.

But this time Zhang Yan still didn't move, he waved the folding fan and waited for the opponent's weapon to strike.

Just like before, the invisible barrier blocked and sucked away all the power of combat skills, without even a sound, and even the remaining power was completely sucked away, making the masonry platform that would have been washed to collapse bizarre It survived, only the one under the opponent's feet was obviously broken when the opponent exerted force, and everything else was intact.

"Is this the combat skill power of a warrior at the Hundred Refining Realm? That's all." Zhang Yan smiled, moved his feet, and unfolded his body skills, and the speed was not slow.But there was no breath fluctuation in the whole body, it was as stable as walking in a courtyard.

But just when the other party was about to turn around to greet him with a weapon, Zhang Yan's figure disappeared instantly.Appearing on the other side, there was another teleportation of the escape technique.

"Good come!"

It seemed that he was waiting for Zhang Yan's change of move. When Zhang Yan's figure approached, his opponent yelled loudly, and it seemed that a move that had been hidden for a long time was violently thrown out. It was close at hand, and it was still The single-body combat skill of stabbing seems to be determined to break through Zhang Yan's invisible defensive barrier.

Although the idea is good, the reality is cruel.I saw Zhang Yan unhurriedly shaking open the folding fan, the black side of the fan was facing outwards, and the word "Heaven and Earth" on it was shining brightly, as if opening the lid of a well, swallowing the seemingly indestructible stab directly like a whale. All the power of the great skill has been sucked up to nothing.Even Zhang Yan's steps still maintained the appearance of strolling in the garden without any mess.

Seeing that the trick he had hidden was still unable to break through the opponent's defense, the man's eyes were a little more flustered, and he probably felt that he could not win, so he wanted to distance himself and admit defeat, and did not want to continue fighting.

But Zhang Yan is a cultivator, and what he talked about was a clear idea, and he said that if he wanted to take human life to establish his prestige, he must take enough.One is not enough, at least two.How can you let the duck in your hand fly away after hitting this point now?

So he followed with all his strength and stuck it up, and the folding fan in his hand closed like a stick again, and he simply and directly poked towards the opponent's face.

"I can't take it!" This frightened the opponent's ghosts, and what he thought of was the cruel scene that was blown to pieces earlier.Hastily turned around to avoid it.

It has to be said that the martial artist's control over the body is indeed powerful, and such a short distance can also complete extreme avoidance.Zhang Yan, who didn't have much experience in physical arts, couldn't keep up.

"I think."

But it was too late to admit defeat.Because Zhang Yan's body might not be able to keep up with the warrior's rhythm, but with a flick of the fan, a flying blade with a transparent index finger as long and short as a cicada's wing was thrown out by him.The speed is far above his movement or escape speed.In the blink of an eye, you have reached the other side's door!He also kept the other party's last word in his mouth.

This flying blade cannot be avoided, it can only be blocked.But as soon as the weapon was lifted up, there was a soft sound of "噗味", the weapon trembled slightly, and it was cut off directly from it!Then, with an unbelievable expression, the close-up vitality shield was as useless as paper, and the tough flesh body was also useless, and the bones and flesh were directly cut open under the thin sharp edge.

Even the blood was temporarily too late to spurt out.


With a strange sound in his throat, he took two steps forward, then knelt down, and with a thud, his head fell off his shoulders, and the blood gushed out like a fountain and went up to a height of more than five feet.

On the stage, Zhang Yan smiled and shook the fan in his hand, aiming at the fountain of blood in front of him.

Don't forget to fan.magic weapon.

The time between inhalation and exhalation is the foundation of Taoism, and the essence of mutual conversion between the power of heaven and earth.

Not only can a solid contact be able to show its power.The flying blade thrown out by the fan bone can also be used.The difference between the two is just which way to release the absorbed power.The essence is the same.

(End of this chapter)

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