one's door

Chapter 251 New Road

Chapter 251 New Road
Two lives before and after.The bloody smell made the whole meeting place a stench.

Zhang Yan waved his hand, and the wind blew up on the ground like a tornado, sweeping up the flesh and blood splashed on the ground, and even the unpleasant smells in the venue.The smell was thrown out of the window, and the flesh and blood dregs gathered into a puff, and finally they were safely put into a few large vacant wooden barrels in the corner for people to carry away.It also let the people in the auction house understand why Zhang Jiaoxi asked someone to prepare these wooden barrels in advance. Is this how they are used?In this way, wouldn't it have been premeditated?
Although the spine felt chills, none of the people in the auction house dared to speak out these thoughts in their hearts.

In fact, if Zhang Yan dares to do it, he is not afraid of being known about his thoughts.These people present are not fools. At this point, who can fail to see that today's trip was deliberately set up by Zhang Yan?

To establish prestige, to use human life to establish prestige, by the way, the effect is naturally the best under the watchful eyes of all forces.It's just that the scene was really bloody.

But Zhang Yan thought it was fine.As long as he stays on Yubei Mountain for a month, he won't feel that there is nothing he can't adapt to the scenes just now.

In addition, Zhang Yan also wanted to test the power of his "Don't Forget the Root Fan" in actual combat, so he didn't try to use any strength.Now at least let him see clearly how this magic weapon, which is also his first magic weapon, behaves when facing warriors.It looked about the same as he expected.

At present, warriors in the Hundred Refining Realm cannot break through the range of this magic weapon's swallowing defense by relying on their combat skills, even in the late stage.And the persistence is very good. In terms of combat skills, the opponent can absorb four to five times under full strength.Then when you release it, you can choose to release it in batches, or you can choose to release it all at once.

On the contrary, the "flying blade" thrown out by the fan was somewhat beyond Zhang Yan's expectations.The speed is too fast and too sharp, and the connection with the fan body is also extremely close. Anyway, within thirty or forty feet, there is a jerky feeling of no connection at all.

It can be said that the variety and treachery of Yukongshu have been brought into full play to the extreme.There are a total of sixteen fan bones, and sixteen flying blades can be issued, which can be issued individually or together.The manipulation is also a compulsory course for this magic weapon.Currently Zhang Yan can control six flying blades at the same time and can use them in actual combat.No matter how much you need to continue to be familiar with later.

"Anyone else willing to come up and try?"

There was complete silence in the venue, and even Liu Renchuan lost his eyes. He was becoming more and more unable to see through the smiling Zhang Yan on the stage.At the same time, he secretly said "Sure enough", his intuition was correct, this Zhang Yan hid it too deeply.Aside from those methods and the fan, let's just say that the wind that was raised by waving his hand at the end was as flexible as a living thing.How is this possible?
It seems that Zhang Yan really has a new way of strength, and it is an extremely powerful way!This discovery is what Liu Renchuan cares most about.After all, for the Academy of Martial Arts, what it means and the impact of having a new path of strength are unknown, but they are worth pondering.

As for the others, they are not ready to say anything more at this time.They took two human lives to stand up, and they are two warriors of the Hundred Refinement Realm. The meaning is very clear, and they just want to convey a meaning: I am not easy to mess with, and everyone can communicate normally. Just weigh yourself first.

A person who can literally kill a warrior at the beginning of the Hundred Refinement Realm and a warrior at the middle stage of the Hundred Refinement Realm, this strength can be called "tyrannical" in the Nanyuan Kingdom.

Threatening such a strongman again would cost a lot of money and cause many future troubles. If there is a choice, no one would do such an obviously thankless thing.

Therefore, although the shopkeepers were terrified, they still calmed down. At this time, they thought about dividing up the three big weapons first, and then left the venue, so as to pass the news back as soon as possible.

After asking twice, even Zhang Yan specially ordered the remaining scattered warriors in the Hundred Refinement Realm, and asked him if he wanted to come up and try.Almost scared the other party out of the door.So give up.

At this point, Zhang Yan's goal of establishing a prestige has been achieved.In the future, you just need to slowly extend your strength to other aspects.I believe that it won't be long before anyone in Nanyuan Kingdom will dare to provoke him.

The subsequent auction was also considered smooth.The scattered martial artists have completely become spectators, and no one dares to leave early.Uneasy, but also envious.

The last three large weapons were all sold at a reasonable price with a [-]% increase from the starting price.While Zhang Yan was earning a lot of money, he also agreed to the dinner that these big shopkeepers came together for that night.

After the work is done, Li Wei has also established himself, so we can't just put on airs, and getting to know each other appropriately is also a good thing.What's more, these big firms that have money and have the right to repay their customers are also excellent customers for Zhang Yan.Whether it is selling magic tools or pills, these relationships may still be useful in the future.

After the auction, Zhou Cang came over and took away the two certificates of life and death.With this thing, Zhang Yan's last trouble is gone.

"It's hard for Mr. Zhang to hide it from me! If I had known that Mr. Zhang has such tricks, I would have enjoyed watching the show." Zhou Cang didn't say a lot.For example, he knew that Zhang Yan's ability was definitely not what he had before.Otherwise, how could he be plotted by the Wu family father and son to almost die and then be sent to the army?It wasn't there before, it was only recently, at most it was after joining the army.But how many years has it been?There is no such thing as a full three years.

How could he be able to kill two warriors at the Hundred Refinement Realm in less than three years? !Zhou Cang felt that he had to explain to his son after he went back, and he had to hug Zhang Yan's thigh no matter what, because he had to learn something to come back.

Following a group of big shopkeepers on the wine table, Zhang Yan lost all his previous momentum, and was already drunk after a meal.Even though what he drank was only fruit wine, but the amount of alcohol was placed there, it was a scum.He really couldn't understand, why he still didn't have much tolerance for wine even though his physical body had been tempered many times.

It was almost Haishi when I got home.

Although people from Zhou Cang helped spread the word, Wang Lanping and Zhang Huiyuan still waited for Zhang Yan to come back and ask for clarification before they were relieved.Today, they were suddenly protected by heavy troops and were not allowed to go out, which really scared the two of them.

"Remember to go to Wang's Zhuangzi tomorrow. One of the things your elder brother sent back is for the Wang family, and your sister-in-law's family letter, you take it with you."

"Okay, got it!"

Zhang Yan responded and went to wash and change his clothes.When he came out, he saw that the lights at home had been turned off, so he went directly into the quiet room of the Sanqing Shrine, preparing to meditate for a night, and by the way, he would sort out what he had gained today.Especially his next coping strategy in all aspects in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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