one's door

Chapter 253

Chapter 253
Xiao Shitou is Wang Shi's youngest son, Wang Qin's younger brother, whose name is Wang Nian, who has just turned seven years old, and is very stocky.A pair of eyes looked very lively, and he was the only one among the people Zhang Yan had come into contact with after he came to Huangtianyu who had a good talent for cultivation.

It is also the only registered disciple Zhang Yan has accepted under his sect so far.

And the two are still in-laws.The fate in this also seems to have its own destiny in the dark.

Wang Shi's appearance is notoriously upright and honest, but that doesn't mean he's stupid.On the contrary, he has a kind of transparency unique to honest people.

Take Wang Qin's marriage as an example. In the beginning, there were still some gossips in Zhuangzi who said that Wang Shi had told his daughter a crippled marriage, and that marrying him would lead to a lifetime of hardship.But what happened afterwards?The wedding banquet alone scared all the people in Wang's village who knew the news later and completely shut up.Not to mention Mr. Zhou Cangzhou, even the commander of the Eastern Army sent people to congratulate him. How can this family be normal?
Now Wang Qin has followed her husband to Xiangkou to expand business.Too few days to rush?The second elder brother of the Zhang family even became an instructor in the martial arts academy in Langyuan City, how can his status be attained by ordinary people?
This marriage has now become evidence of Wang Shi's "wisdom to know people".Who in Zhuangzi would dare to give him face?

Although it can't be said that the father is worthy of the daughter, but also because of the daughter's marriage, Wang Shi's family has gained respect that they didn't have before.

Moreover, Wang Shi could clearly see that it was not Zhang Shun who was talking about things in the in-laws' family, but Zhang Yan, the second elder brother of the Zhang family.Although he didn't know what kind of ability Zhang Yan had, he also knew that it must be a great ability that was different from ordinary people, otherwise he could be a teacher in the martial arts academy?Can you let so many big people come to save face?

So when Zhang Yan mentioned his youngest son, Wang Nian, Wang Shi was stunned for a moment, then he waved his hand and asked his eldest son to grab the little boy who was holding a stick at the door to poke the sugar pocket on the cart to steal a piece of sugar to satisfy his hunger. Come in.

"Second brother of the Zhang family, it's his luck that you can see this kid. From now on, let him follow you, serve you tea and water, and run errands. If you don't obey, just beat him up!" Wang Shi said while slapping himself. The son pushed Zhang Yan in front of him.

"Hehe, Uncle, Xiao Shitou is also my younger brother, how can you not treat him well? Don't worry, he followed me to learn skills, not to do odd jobs." Although Zhang Yan knew that the other party might be telling the truth, not polite , but he had to make it clear that he would not treat Wang Nian badly.

Wang Shi nodded heavily, and then told Wang Nian with a stern face that he must not hide the skin, otherwise he would go to Langyuan City to find him and use the rolling pin at home to help him loosen the skin.

"Father, I can't bear you!"

"Get out! You're going to burst into laughter! Little bastard!"

Wang Nian is not a child who can pretend, and wanted to express his reluctance, but the smile on his face was uncontrollable.I was very happy.Finally, I don't have to stay at home and be beaten by my two older brothers and my father every three days, and every five days.

Turning his head to look at the gentle and elegant Zhang Yan, Wang Nian felt that he might never be beaten again.After all, Zhang's elder brother doesn't look fierce, so he definitely won't hit anyone.

That's the end of the business.Wang Shi confidently handed over his child to Zhang Yan, knowing that this was a rare opportunity for his child.Whether the Wang family can really make a fortune depends on how well this little boy learns from the second brother of the Zhang family.

After that it was a good meal.The two jars of spirits should have been finished in one meal by the three members of the Wang family, father and son, and Zeng Hao.Even Zeng Hao was in better shape this time than last time, even though he was drunk, he was still able to walk.

"I just, I knew it would be a good meal today. Come out, drink a drink-strengthening medicine before going out, otherwise I won't be able to walk today." Zeng Hao didn't realize that he had spoken out of the teacher's school. A big secret.Zhang Yan's eyes lit up when he heard it.

When they went back, Wang Nian was sitting on the cart, Zeng Hao staggered behind, and Zhang Yan was pushing the cart.

"Brother, I have already been able to introduce those little caterpillars under the belly button, and now they love to crawl all over my body, so warm and comfortable."

Wang Nian looked at the drunken Zeng Hao, he was very familiar with people in this state.I know that the other party can't remember what I said at this time.So he whispered the secret between them to Zhang Yan who was pushing the cart.

"Very good. Taking you back to study this time is to arrange for you to practice later. You already have a good sense of qi, and there are even signs of drawing qi into your body. What you lack is a suitable one. Kungfu guide."

"Brother, when will I be able to play paper figurines?" Wang Nian's current cultivation motivation lies in "fun", and the temptation of paper figurines is too great for him.I always think about when I can manipulate a paper figurine to play with me like Zhang Yan, and be my little follower.Even write for yourself to complete the annoying elementary schoolwork?
"Soon. You can try to learn the talisman method when you step into the middle stage of entraining Qi, and then you can learn the paper figurine talisman and play with the paper figurine when you are familiar with the talisman method. And before learning the paper figurine talisman There are many interesting methods that can be learned. For example, "Yin Yang Pupil Art", you can see a lot of interesting things, and I will teach you when you step into the air-entraining environment, okay?"

"Well! Brother, I will study hard!"

Zhang Yan was very satisfied.An obedient student can indeed save a lot of trouble.But learning the Tao isn't easy, and it's not always fun.The reason why he was able to go straight to the road after arriving in the wild world was not only because of the superior physical talent he inherited, but also because he was persuaded by his master for more than ten years when he was on earth. .Only when you have a basic foundation, can you learn Taoism with a solid foundation, otherwise, even if you put the Taoism book in front of you, you will not be able to understand a few words, let alone get started.

But Zhang Yan didn't say anything about it.Baby, you can't discourage enthusiasm, just teach it slowly in the future.And Wang Shi also said that Wang Nianpi is very solid, he has been beaten more than a hundred times since he was a child, if he is disobedient, he just needs to be beaten, and if one meal is not enough, two beatings are very effective.

After returning home, Zhang Yan told his old mother Wang Lanping about Wang Nian, Wang Lanping was very happy, and she liked the child from the bottom of her heart.It has been a long time since I have been talking about my two sons adding to the family. Although it has not yet been completed, it is also lively to bring a baby in advance.In addition, Wang Nian is a sweet-mouthed boy with a stocky and cute appearance, which is very attractive.

After Wang Nian settled down, Zhang Yan went out to send the drunken Zeng Hao back to the inn to rest.Recently, Luo Changshan was running around the school building, so he didn't have time to care about Zeng Hao.And I heard that several old scholars of miscellaneous studies have already arrived in Langyuan City, and they are very motivated to follow Luo Changshan.It is said that the school building is almost completed, and the first batch of textbooks for miscellaneous studies are already being compiled.

(End of this chapter)

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