one's door

254 Chapter 6

Chapter 254 Sixth Day
The largest restaurant in Langyuan City was fully booked today.The owner of the restaurant also personally sat at the counter to control the scene, while the shopkeeper ran to the back kitchen, staring at the chefs and waiters busy in the back kitchen with a serious face.Nothing can go wrong in the restaurant today.

Today is Zhou Cang's fiftieth birthday, which is a whole birthday, so there is a big banquet.

Generally speaking, people with Zhou Cang's identity and status rarely hold banquets in restaurants. They always hold banquets in their own courtyards, and guests also come to congratulate them. grand.

But although Zhou Cang's status and status are not low, he is an official of the garrison.There is talk here.

In Nanyuan Kingdom, the chief officers of the garrison, that is, the city guards, all work in different places, and they will be far away from their hometowns. In general, the whole family is not allowed to accompany them, except for studying.So Zhou Cang didn't even prepare a house in Langyuan City, and his food and lodging were all in the garrison camp.The only one around him is his son who followed him to study in the martial arts academy in Langyuan City in the name of traveling.

So even if it is a whole life, there are no relatives in the family, and there is no house to set up the banquet, and it is impossible to set the banquet in the army.The restaurant became Zhou Cang's only choice.

Although it is to book the entire restaurant.But there are actually not many seats.There are thirteen tables in total.Among them, Pao Ze in the army occupied nine tables.The remaining three tables represent various local relationships.There are big merchants, local yamen, and some people from Jiangwu Academy.

Early in the morning, Zhou Cang changed into a brand new long robe that he had prepared in advance, tied on a jade belt, and put on a tiara. Today's outfit is much lighter than the usual samurai robe.

"Father, my son kowtows to you! I wish you a happy life every year! Good health and success in everything!"

Zhou Yun knelt on the ground obediently and kowtowed to his father, offering gifts with both hands.It is a copper paperweight with a strange shape, which looks like a stretch of mountains.

Zhou Yun played with the paperweight a few times, praised it twice, and asked the adjutant to put it in his study.In fact, there is no shortage of these things in Zhou Cang, but how can the son's heart not make him feel happy?

"Hahaha, Yun'er is really caring. I just need a paperweight for my father. You've thought of it, okay!"

Zhou Yun stood up and smiled happily after kowtowing.But he was also muttering in his heart that he should have given his father a more suitable gift.Unfortunately, the idea was taken away.Can't say yet.I also feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

After Zhou Cang handled some simple official duties, he led a group of personal guards to the reserved restaurant in Langyuan City ahead of time.After the changing of the guard in the army, the brigade will pass by, and Zhou Cang has to greet the visitors first.

In fact, not many people from the local yamen were invited.At first, it was meant to avoid suspicion. There are two ways in the military and politics, and it is no good to get too close.Secondly, Langyuan City had just been hit by a huge earthquake, and [-]% of the officials were gone, and the new ones were basically from the county guard's mansion, and they were not familiar with them.

Most of them are merchants and aristocratic families from Langyuan City.These people are actually the main components of the so-called "upper class" in Langyuan City.Even if Zhou Cang didn't invite these people, he would take the initiative to find them.Those who could be rejected were rejected, and the remaining ones who were not easy to reject still sat at two tables.

People arrived one after another, and when the heads of the army came over, the restaurant became lively all at once.

Zhou Yun has always stood by his father's side, and he has to deal with his father's contacts one by one.

"Father, Mr. Zhang is here!" Zhou Yun had sharp eyes, saw Zhang Yan approaching from afar on the street, and hurriedly reminded his father beside him.

"Well, I see. Go and meet him." Zhou Cang adjusted the smile on his face, looked at Zhang Yan who was approaching with a smile, and at the same time motioned his son to meet him to show respect.After all, Zhou Yun is Zhang Yan's student, so it's not flattery for a student to go out to greet the teacher, and it won't arouse Zhang Yan's disgust.

Zhou Yun greeted him in response, and at the same time noticed a seven or eight-year-old child who was following Zhou Yun, and a rather heavy-looking box held by the child in both hands.


"Well. Talk to your father." Zhang Yan patted Zhou Yun's shoulder with a smile, and continued walking towards Zhou Cang without stopping.

Zhou Yun walked half a step ahead, leaning sideways to lead, his eyes swept over the long box in the little baby's arms several times.On the one hand, he was curious about who the little baby was, and on the other hand, he guessed that the box should be the congratulatory gift prepared by Mr. Zhang.What kind of big weapon will it be?
The auction house a few days ago has already spread.After Zhou Cang returned home, he also told Zhou Yun a lot.Zhou Yun's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it, as if he was listening to a story.That was completely different from Zhang Jiaoxiu in his impression.It's hard to imagine Zhang Jiaoxi standing on the stage looking like a tiger, looking like a tiger, killing people like hemp.

"Master Zhou, congratulations!"

"Hahaha, where is it, Mr. Zhang's presence is Zhou's biggest face!"

"Master Zhou's birthday, how can Zhang Yan not come? Just a few days ago, his craftsmanship has improved a bit, and he forged a weapon to congratulate Master Zhou. I hope you don't dislike it."

"Cast, forged a weapon for me?!" The expression on Zhou Cang's face froze instantly.Surprised and unbelievable.He has seen with his own eyes how valuable Zhang Yan's weapons are.A few days ago, there were two masters at the Hundred Refinement Realm just to be eligible to buy Zhang Yan's weapon, but they died in Zhang Yan's hands because the method was too arrogant.

Although I thought about how refreshing it would be for Zhang Yan to forge a soldier for himself.Even Zhou Cang has this plan.But I didn't expect someone to send one directly.

"Of course it's a gift to my lord, to congratulate him on his birthday." Zhang Yan asked Wang Nian beside him to pass the things over with a smile.The short Wang Nian was already tired of carrying the box. He put the box in the hand of Zhou Cang who was bending over, and heaved a sigh of relief.

But without waiting for Zhou Cang to thank him, a suspicious and abrupt voice sounded from Zhang Yan's side.

"Master Zhou is so lucky! You can get the gift from Zhang Jiaoxi, and it is a new weapon. I am afraid it is even better than before! I wonder if I can take a look?"

Those who dare to talk to Zhou Cang in Langyuan City will not be simple.

Xiao Shu, the court judge of the Martial Arts Institute, had already come close, with his hands behind his back, looked at Zhang Yan with a smile, and then looked curiously at the long box in Zhou Cang's hand.

"This..." Zhou Cang has no way to refuse, he can only say that the outside is not suitable, please wait and see in the restaurant box later.Then he arranged for Zhang Yan and Xiao Shu to enter the box of the restaurant together.

Zhang Yan didn't care, there was nothing he didn't dare to show others, not to mention that this magic weapon was now Zhou Cang's property, and he wouldn't interfere in whatever he wanted to do with it.

(End of this chapter)

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