one's door

Chapter 258 The Golden Hoop

Chapter 258 The Golden Hoop
After a rather grand opening ceremony, Luo Changshan, the main force, gave an impassioned meal.Before, I wanted to pull Zhang Yan up and say a few words, but Zhang Yan sternly refused.When he was in school, he was most annoyed by the school leaders talking endlessly on the stage, but now he can't go up no matter what.

It was the first time that the knowledge of miscellaneous studies was taught in an open place like the Academy. Whether it was an old man like Luo Changshan or a young man like Zeng Hao, they all felt a little excited.

Among them, a few freshmen who had come into contact with miscellaneous studies for the first time and put on the robes of the new school of miscellaneous studies stood in the crowd, their faces flushed with excitement.

It is said that these newcomers to miscellaneous studies were recruited from various contacts in the miscellaneous studies.They are all finished elementary school, and are evaluated as "smart" generation.

The so-called "relationship persons" are actually people from their respective families who are scholars of miscellaneous studies, and most of them choose outstanding young people from their own families.

So from Zhang Yan's point of view, today's opening seems to be quite lively, but in fact, there is still a long way to go before the School of Miscellaneous Studies can seriously recruit students.The current model is at most just bringing miscellaneous studies from the underground to the ground, and its internal inheritance structure is almost the same as before.

Of course, these have to be followed slowly.Maybe Luo Changshan still has backhands?

It's just that it's different from other places where there are people watching the ceremony.At this time, the Academy of Miscellaneous Studies had no guests to observe the ceremony other than its own people.But it is estimated that no one will come even if invited.Because it is still uncertain how long this academy can survive and how much trouble it will cause.

After the opening ceremony, Zhang Yan led the little stone Wang Nian to find the quietest small room at the back of the mansion, where there were five small tables and one large table.

This is the classroom assigned to Zhang Yan.But now Wang Nian is just a student.

"elder brother"

"Call me teacher! Call me teacher in the academy." Zhang Yan interrupted Wang Nian with a straight face.

"Oh, sir, am I alone?"

Wang Nian is not afraid of Zhang Yan at all.He has fallen in love with Zhang's life these days.Not only is it much better than eating at home, but you don't have to be beaten.Moreover, Wang Lanping treated him very well, so that he would not feel uncomfortable at all.What's more, sitting in the quiet room with auspicious pictures hanging on it and practicing the breathing method taught by Zhang Yan is much more effective than practicing at home. Those "little caterpillars" are also more active and easier to incorporate into the body.

The only thing Wang Nian expected was that he had no playmates at home, and a child he didn't know on the street. After a long time, he felt that it was almost meaningless to play alone.

Wang Nian had been looking forward to the opening of the school today for a long time.He thought that after the opening of the hospital, he could see many children of his age and play together.He even felt that as Zhang Yan's brother-in-law, he could completely dominate a classroom, or even the entire school.This has also been seen in the Meng school where he went to study before.A little chubby bully everywhere because his father is the steward of the school.Wang Nian thought it was very majestic and wanted to enjoy it.

But as soon as today came, Wang Nian would be wilted.He found that the youngest person here besides him was a "big boy" of Zeng Hao's age, and he couldn't get along with him.Immediately lost interest.

"No. For the time being, you are the only kid in the whole academy. There should be one in the future." Zhang Yan said with a smile, pointing to a small table in the first row, motioning for Wang Nian to sit down.

Came here to attend class.Zhang Yan was also a little excited.Let him recall those days when he was with the master.Now that the master is gone and the world is changing, he has become someone else's teacher.

Wang Nian limply pursed his lips, reluctantly sat down at the table.Then he took out the paper and pen from the small cloth bag he was carrying.

The paper is coarse paper, which is better than thick.The pen is a charcoal pen, which was specially ordered by Wang Nian and Zhang Yan when they went to the grocery store.I brought two of them today, and I have many more at home.Wang Nian also heard from Zhang Yan that if there is a chance in the future, this kind of charcoal pencil can also be used as a trade.Although he doesn't understand it very well.

I thought it was similar to what I had learned in Mengxue before, but after Zhang Yan started to talk about it, Wang Nian realized that it was quite different.Especially those weird symbols, 123456
"Arithmetic calculations are complicated, and it is inconvenient to rely on words alone. So this kind of numbers came into being. The literacy part you have learned before can be used as usual, but the arithmetic part needs to be learned according to what I taught you."

Wang Nian is still in elementary school, what needs Zhang Yan to spread out is not only the set of things of Taoism, but also needs to do some advance awareness and popularization.Some simple addition and subtraction operations still need to be learned.Afterwards, the distribution of various acupoints in the human body also needs to be poured into Wang Nian's brain.Including one after another obscure practice exercises.

Zhang Yan is very sure of this point, he doesn't think Wang Nian will do whatever he wants honestly, after all he has personally experienced how painful it is to learn these obscure things.

Of course, in the end Zhang Yan was forced out by his master too.As for the process, it's not that pretty, but it works.And he is also going to directly copy the method his master taught him back then and apply it to Wang Nian.And also made some preparations for it.

Sure enough, Wang Nian began to doze off halfway through the class.Boring lectures are indeed the most effective means of sleep aid.Unfortunately, the consequences were beyond Wang Nian's expectation.

Even after Wang Nian was woken up, he didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. Instead, he was curious about a small copper ring Zhang Yan was holding in his hand.

"Hey, brother, teacher, what is that in your hand?"

"This thing is called a gold hoop. It's something you wear on your head."

"Can I try?"

"Of course, this thing is prepared for you. After you take it, you won't be distracted in class in the future."

"Is it so amazing? I want to try!"

But anyone who has heard of "Journey to the West" will know what the golden hoop is.It is even more impossible to actively ask to wear it on your head.

Although the golden hoop made by Zhang Yan is not the powerful magic weapon that Avalokitesvara gave Tang Seng to control his grandson monkey in "Journey to the West".The usability is the same.It was something that Zhang Yan made on a whim when he was training his refining skills, and it is considered to be the best use of it when it comes in handy now.

Without knowing it, Wang Nian put on the gold hoop with a smile on his face. The moment he put it on his head, the gold hoop scaled and became a comfortable tightness around his forehead.

The scene after that was not so peaceful and calm.Zhang Yan folded his arms, and looked at Wang Nian who dozed off again and was yelled by the golden hoop, and smiled happily.Although he did not enjoy the extreme treatment that Wang Nian was giving at this time, he still ate it all the way from the fried meat on bamboo boards. The method was different, but the approach was the same.

(End of this chapter)

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