one's door

Chapter 259 Immortals

Chapter 259 Immortals
I have to say that Wang Shi is very accurate about his son, that is a very solid little monkey who remembers eating but not beating.

The golden hoop is made for "discipline". It is not harmful, but it will make people itch from the scalp to the whole body.

Simply put, it would be very uncomfortable.

Of course, the golden hoop will not always make people uncomfortable, and it only serves a role similar to a "ruler".To deal with a monkey like Wang Nian, you must have the number of ways.

But Wang Nian was good, he was uncomfortable at the time, and he forgot about it when he turned his back. Even after school, he still thought the golden hoop was beautiful, and ran to show it off in front of Wang Lanping at home, and said that after he had this thing, he would definitely become the second brother of the Zhang family. "Straight A student"!
If it weren't for Wang Nian's uncomfortable humming from time to time during class, Zhang Yan wouldn't be sure whether the object he made was effective or not.

However, Zhang Yan also understands that one cannot rely on dead things like golden hoops to force him to learn everything.Not to mention that Xiaoshi could bear it, and he himself didn't want to use this method for a long time.Let Xiao Shitou know that if he is not serious, he will be punished. After that, he still needs to cultivate interest in more ways.

These are not necessarily all Zhang Yan's own ideas, but they are all summed up by him.When I was studying in the past, there were teachers and masters in it.

For example, today Zhang Yan told Wang Nian a story about the Foolish Old Man who moved mountains.

Two meanings.The first level is to let Wang Nian understand the spirit of "persistence" and "not admitting defeat".Although this kind of spirit is not necessarily desirable in many cases, it is perfect for learning.

Another meaning is that behind the Yugong Yishan, it involves an important place in the legend of the earth: the heaven.At the end of the story, Tianting was also moved by Yu Gong's spirit, and sent a giant spirit god to move the mountain away, which solved the major problem of inconvenient travel for local residents.

"What is Heaven? Who are the giant spirits?" As Zhang Yan expected, this question was asked on the spot by Wang Nian, who was very curious and fascinated by the story. It's all about longing and wonder.In his little head, he couldn't imagine how that giant spirit god could move huge mountains with a single hand.Xu Wusheng who often appears in the storybook is not so powerful!

"Giant spirit gods are immortals, and Heaven is the kingdom of immortals where many immortals gather."

"Then what is a fairy?"

"Immortal is the general term for "god" and "immortal". Those who cultivate the way of gods and transcend the five elements and do not enter the cycle of reincarnation, and who have attained the middle class of the Tao are "gods" and can enjoy the incense in the world. Cultivators who are detached and do not enter the cycle of reincarnation and get middle class can enjoy the blessings of heaven and earth."

"Then what is the way of cultivating the gods? What are the ways of cultivating skills and the way of cultivating the body? What are we cultivating?"

Smart children don't need anyone to remind them, they naturally follow the order of Zhang Yan's words to explore below.It is also because of this that the enlightenment that Zhang Yan wanted to give Wang Nian in the first class was truly realized.

On the Huangtianyu side, there is only the term "god", and it is also the god of the monster race. On the human race side, there is only "ancestor" and no god, let alone the concept of "immortal".

When Wang Nian was young, it was the time when his cognition was most open.The concept of "immortal" mentioned by Zhang Yan may be just a fictional story that makes people laugh elsewhere, but it will have a different meaning in Wang Nian's heart.

"What we practice is the simultaneous advancement of the way of art and the way of God. It can be collectively referred to as the "Taoist" means."

"Then can we transcend in the future? Can we become gods like giant spirit gods?"

"It's possible, but it depends on everyone's practice and luck in the end. It's like how many warriors are there in this world? Who can reach the level of Wu Sheng Xu Fengyang?" Zhang Yan looked at himself throwing it out with a smile The seeds of Taoism slowly took root in the mind.

"I'm not afraid of difficulties! Just like Yu Gong, I can practice little by little, and one day I will be as powerful as the Giant Spirit God!" Wang Nian raised his head and firmly stated a small goal of his own.

Zhang Yan nodded, and didn't attack the other party, Chengxian, he himself was not sure, let alone speculate on Wang Nian's future.But as a teacher, I still have something to say.

"The goal can be lofty, but you have to walk slowly step by step. Don't you want paper dolls? Then first lay a solid foundation with your heart, and then follow me to learn the basic skills. Start learning talismans, and then you can learn paper figurines."


It has to be said that Zhang Yan's strict and lenient teaching is very suitable for Wang Nian.This kid is solid, not afraid of being cleaned up, and smart at the same time, even though there will always be a little slack in a class, but generally he has not left behind what Zhang Yan taught him.Soon, I can start to learn the location of acupuncture points all over the body and the opening content of the exercises.At this moment, Wang Nian really touched the threshold of Taoism.

According to Zhang Yan's estimate, Wang Nian should be able to step into the entrainment environment within a month.The reason why it is relatively slow is because of the difficulty in understanding the exercises.First of all, it is obscure and difficult to understand, and secondly, it also involves a lot of knowledge such as meridians, acupuncture points, viscera induction, Vipassana cognition methods and so on.It's all about learning while lecturing, and the progress can be made as fast as it is now. It can be seen that Wang Nian is not only talented in cultivation, but also quite intelligent.

On the contrary, Zhang Yan's time was squeezed a lot.In the past, he could wander around during the day, or toss about refining weapons and alchemy in the house, but now he spends at least half of the day in the academy.But thanks to the fact that he doesn't need to sleep anymore, even though his time is taken up, he won't lose his practice.

After stepping into the state of returning to the gods, the spiritual energy required has increased exponentially. Even if Zhang Yan has replaced a new technique, the breathing efficiency is better than before, but it is still unrealistic to expect a visible increase in cultivation.Even though it has been several months since he stepped into the state of returning to the gods, his growing cultivation is almost undetectable.This is the sensory feeling after the pool becomes a lake: the practice is too slow.

On the contrary, the progress of refining tools and alchemy is rapid.Although Peiyuan Dan has not been completed once, he has been able to complete the complete set of Peiyuan Dan Dan Jue smoothly.It is reckoned that Cheng Dan should be able to be seen after refining and scrapping a dozen furnaces.

Refining is even more gratifying.I don't know if it's a relationship that is still in its infancy, but Zhang Yan feels that he is making rapid progress.Now he doesn't have to work too hard on low-grade instruments.Moreover, the small-sized magic weapon can already be shrunk to an inch.For this reason, he would go to the jewelry store almost every few days and ask someone to save some small-sized longevity stones for him.

With a small longevity stone, it is possible to forge exquisite and small instruments, which can also be beautiful when used by family members.Moreover, the smaller the magic weapon, it also means that Zhang Yan's craftsmanship is better, and more magic circles can be engraved on the surface of the narrow magic weapon, so as to achieve the diversity of the power of the magic weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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