one's door

Chapter 260

Chapter 260
Alchemy is alright, Zhang Yan has always purchased medicinal materials, and although there are many types of medicinal materials used in Peiyuan Pill, the weight of each one is not much.One trolley pulled from the pharmacy at a time can last a long time.Including the medicinal bath medicinal materials used in the lectures in the martial arts academy, they were also taken home at one time.

The Zhang family has now specially set up a small warehouse next to the back door to store Zhang Yan's things.

The medicinal materials are actually good, and the materials for the refining equipment are actually consumed the fastest.This is also because the refining tool is a magic weapon, and there are requirements for the foundation of the material, so it needs to be tempered first.Even if it is the cheapest iron, there is no one in ten after tempering, and the loss is huge.And to make a piece of magic weapon, the light iron will consume more than ten times the amount, not counting other auxiliary materials, and things such as longevity stones and brittle iron that need to be hoarded in large quantities for a long time.There is almost no room in the small warehouse.

Zhang Yan has always hoped to have a magic weapon that can store items. Isn't there a mustard seed in the legend?He also tried to use Wanxiangzhu to change this kind of magic weapon, but the omnipotent Wanxiangzhu was not satisfactory in this respect.

It's not that the Wanxiang Pearl can't conjure magical artifacts like mustard seeds.It came out, but it didn't work.Because of the things you put in, when the Wanxiang Pearl changes form again, such as turning into a fan of not forgetting the root, all those things will be thrown out immediately.

Zhang Yan had doubts about this.Because all his skills and techniques were obtained from the classics in the tower in Wanxiangzhu.Why can those massive classics exist in the Wanxiangzhu for a long time without being thrown out due to the change of the shape of the Wanxiangzhu?

So Zhang Yan made a careful distinction, and finally came to the conclusion that the tower in the mysterious space in the Wanxiangzhu may not be a real thing, but an illusory construction of consciousness.Correspondingly, the massive classics in it are not real things. You can read and study them by immersing yourself in them, but you can't bring them out.Likewise, it won't be thrown outside because of changing form.

Because it's not real at all.

Therefore, if Zhang Yan wanted a mustard-like magic weapon, he couldn't rely on Wanxiangzhu, so he could only refine it by himself.

However, refining a storage-type magic weapon like mustard seeds requires a very high level of craftsmanship, as well as several rare materials, and even requires a deep study of space magic circles.So Zhang Yan didn't have to think about any magical artifacts for storage in a short time.It is reasonable to honestly think of other ways.

So renting another warehouse became Zhang Yan's top priority.It can be used to store low-value primary materials.Such as pig iron, brittle iron and so on.

But when Zhang Yan took the time to find a suitable warehouse and rent it out, he unexpectedly saw an acquaintance whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

white feather.

"Professor Zhang, I haven't seen you for a long time, but now that I see you, the demeanor of Professor Zhang is even better than before!"

There were a lot of changes from Zhang Yan's appearance when he met Bai Yu before.The most obvious thing is that the opponent's body is no longer as relaxed and wanton as last time, nor is the indifference that seems to be everything under control.On the contrary, there was restraint in the smile.

In fact, Bai Yu didn't want to come here either.But who said that he and Zhang Yan can be called familiar among the monsters?If someone abruptly sends a new face, no one can guarantee whether Zhang Yan will directly shoot him to death?After all, Zhang Yan at this time was a ruthless man who could kill two Hundred Refinement Realm warriors without breaking a sweat.There are few people of the demon species, so they don't want to play around like this.

"Oh? So it's Your Excellency Bai Yu, are you safe?"

"Hahaha, thank you Teacher Zhang for remembering, I'm just fooling around. I dare not compare with Professor Zhang's prosperous life."

"Your Excellency Bai Yu is here, is this the warehouse?"

"That's right, Teacher Zhang guessed right. This warehouse is under the name of Yuan Pharmacy. It was a secret warehouse that used to be vacant for storing special medicinal materials. Teacher Zhang also knows that the things in the pharmacy cannot be stored in one place, so as not to leak water or other accidents." What accidental medicinal materials are all gone at once, in order to have more contingencies. So there is no sign of the Yuanyuan pharmacy here to the outside world."

Hearing this, Zhang Yan understood in his heart.No wonder the other party agreed to rent this warehouse as soon as he saw him the last time he came here, without even saying a word about the price.It just said that it would take two days to wait for the owner to come back before he could make a written statement.It should be to leave two days to come out and notify Bai Yu to come over.

"What a coincidence."

"Professor Zhang was joking. It's not a coincidence. I'm here to wait for the teacher on purpose. Because it's not easy to meet with the teacher alone, and the teacher also knows that my identity is not suitable for running around. So I can only come here. The worst thing to do is ask Zhang Jiaoxi to forgive me." Bai Yu said while bowing his hands to Zhang Yan to express his apology.

"Your Excellency Bai Yu, do you want to tell me something?"

"Hehe, yes. It's mainly about the things about the Spirit Race before."

Bai Yu's face was a little embarrassed, after all, he had let go before, saying that Zhang Yan would need the help of their demon species in the future to continue to live a stable life.What I want is to wait for Zhang Yan to come to the door and dig out the benefits, and tie Zhang Yan to their demon power.He also left a swallowing beast tooth for Zhang Yan as a token, and at the same time informed Fang Yuan of the background of the pharmacy, as a deterrent, but also to increase the value of his power.

But what happened next was far beyond the expectations of Bai Yu and the demon forces.Not only did Zhang Yan have nothing to do, but the so-called Sanctuary of the Spirit Race suffered a big loss.

This is also the news that the demon species got from Yu Yuanding Imperial City through a special channel not long ago.It is said that Zhang Yan's response to the Holy Land after killing a Holy King was not slack, on the contrary it was very intense, which can be described as a large-scale mobilization.Among them, there are three holy kings and more than ten spirit generals that can be determined, and these are only a part, and how many uncertain spirit races are hidden is still unknown.

But it was such a strong force that collapsed outside the new house in Langyuan City.

Bai Yu was shocked when he saw the news for the first time.The "continuous thunder" mentioned in the combined news was used as Zhang Yan's means to kill those spirit races, even Zhang Yan himself ended everything in a massacre without even showing his face.

Later, Bai Yu went to ask about the strange thunder.This really happened, and the strike points of Luolei scattered around Zhang's house, and the farthest one even spread to the gate of the city.It seems that one of the Eldar escaped during the massacre.

It can attract thunder, can see and kill the spirit race, and even now can easily kill warriors at the hundred refinement level.The demon clan behind Bai Yu couldn't sit still.

This is why Bai Yu came to such a "coincidence" today.

Zhang Yan swung open the folding fan with a swish, but this action startled the opposite Bai Yu, so he managed to hold back and ran away without turning around immediately.He had heard that the two Hundred Refining Realm warriors that Zhang Yan killed in the auction house not long ago used this ordinary-looking folding fan.

"Your Excellency Bai Yu wants to talk about the Spiritual Race? Hehe, to be honest, I know very little about the Spiritual Race. I only know a thing or two from the "Miscellaneous Scrolls of Spiritual Affairs" written by Yu Wenbing. If Your Excellency Bai Yu wants to talk, I need to introduce more, otherwise I don’t know where to start.”

Although Zhang Yan didn't think through Bai Yu's reason for coming, it didn't prevent him from guessing that the other party came here to ask for something from him.Otherwise, how could there be such a picture of hesitating to speak, and jerky doing the foreshadowing?

Therefore, since Zhang Yan has something to ask for, Zhang Yan is not polite.

Aren't you going to talk about the Eldar?Then let’s talk about the things about the spirit race that you demons know but I don’t.

(End of this chapter)

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