one's door

Chapter 261 The general trend

Chapter 261 The general trend
News is also valuable. Although it has no entity, it often has practical significance and can even be converted into real interests.

When Zhang Yan first came to Huangtian Territory, he was like a humble dog thrown into a stuffy jar. He looked around and didn't know anything, and could only understand the world by stumbling and touching the stones.

Fortunately, Zhang Yan was lucky.With the Wanxiangzhu, he has the accumulated background of the entire Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate for thousands of years, and he has a body inheritance with extraordinary talent.That's how you stand firm.

Later, Huang Tianyu and Tiandi helped to cheat, directly pulling Zhang Yan up the road that would take hundreds of years to walk in just two or three years.

The strength has improved, but what the eyes see and what the brain knows is still as if trapped in a fog, not clear at all.Including the top power of Nanyuan Kingdom, including the monster clan and monster species that seem to be far away but are close at hand, as well as the ghosts that Zhang Yan regarded as a great tonic along the way.All these related information are extremely scarce.

Especially for ghosts, and the so-called sanctuary is actually a ghost domain, known as the "country", and there are nine great ghost kings.There is no feedback for such a magical place, so Zhang Yan can only wait.I said in my heart that although I was not in a hurry, I really hoped that the other party could show some tricks again, just like last time, it was much faster than relying on him to practice now.

Bai Yu didn't resist at all.Before he came, he was instructed not only that most of the news about the Spirit Race and the Sanctuary could be told to Zhang Yan, even if Zhang Yan wanted to ask about the news about the Monster Race, he could get out some limited information.These are all sincerity, and I hope that I will not miss the opportunity to establish a relationship with Zhang Yan again.There's nothing wrong with paying a price.Who told them that their judgment on Zhang Yan was so wrong?
"Professor Zhang, let's sit down and talk?" Bai Yu pointed to a small tea table and two chairs in the warehouse.These things were prepared by Bai Yu before.It can be seen that he has made up his mind to have a good talk with Zhang Yan.

"Okay, Your Excellency Bai Yu please!"

The two sat down, and after Bai Yu poured tea for Zhang Yan, he said, "Zhang Jiaoxi thought that the world was stable until now, why did he seldom hear about the evil spirits? They are almost impossible to resist when facing ordinary people, why? Don't you open it up to wreak havoc and use it to strengthen yourself?"

Zhang Yan smiled and looked at Bai Yu without making a sound.Bai Yu's words have already been answered silently.

"Hehe, Zhang Jiaoxi thought it was because of the existence of our demon species? Haha, yes, not exactly." Bai Yu continued with a smile: "Actually, Zhang Jiaoxi should have met the special case department from Nanyuan Kingdom, right?" ?They, like us demons, have the means to deal with the spirit race. It's just that their means are not enough to deal with the powerful spirit race like the Holy King.

In fact, there are special yamen similar to the special case department in every human country, and they serve the same purpose, but the names are different.

If we add it up, we, the demon clan, have contributed a lot to deal with the spirit clan, maybe [-]%.The special case divisions of various countries count as a force.Can you guess where the remaining [-]% of Lizhang's teaching came from? "

Zhang Yan didn't expect to hear this, and at the same time, Bai Yu asked questions that he had before.Let him guess now, it seems that there is only one answer, right?Although that answer sounds a bit strange, it must be unique.

"The monster race has sixty percent of its strength?"

Bai Yu nodded, and said: "That's right. The reason why the Desolate Heaven Realm can now suppress the Spirit Race in the Sanctuary, and can only do evil outside is limited, and a large part of the reason is because of the Monster Race."

"I would like to hear the details." Zhang Yan straightened his body.Whether it's the Yaozu or the so-called sanctuary, he is very curious.At the same time, he also realized that what Bai Yu was going to say next was likely to be the overall situation in which the forces in the entire Huangtian Territory were intertwined.It is possible to solve many of his seemingly unreasonable doubts about the relationship between the monster race and the human race, and between the human race and the ghosts in the wild sky.

Bai Yu didn't make any detours, and continued directly: "This starts with the way the sanctuary is connected to us. The existence of the sanctuary is not completely connected with the world we live in. Similar to a limited two-way channel, there are two ways of size and size. A cave. The place where we live is the "big cave", and the sanctuary is the "small cave". The Eldar travel between the two places through passages.

That kind of passage is called "the way of death and silence" by Yu Zu. "

Zhang Yan knew that Bai Yu's so-called "Yu Zu" refers to Yu Wenbing, the strange man who wrote "Miscellaneous Scrolls of Spiritual Affairs" and tried to change the situation of the demon species.

But what Bai Yu said about the "Deadly Way" and the existence of the sanctuary hardly differed from Zhang Yan's previous judgment.That is the ghost domain recorded in the classics of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Gate.It is also a gap between heaven and earth, a kind of overlapping different space.

"Although the existence of the Way of Death and Silence has always been hidden, it is only for the human race and our demon species. For the demon race and monster beasts, they have the talent to find it quickly.

Moreover, some special monsters and monster races who have practiced special methods can intrude into the sanctuary along the path of death and silence in reverse.It will not be passive defense like the human race here. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yan frowned, because although it was the first time he had heard what Bai Yu said, it didn't take too much effort to figure out the problem from it.Some contradict reality.

For example, if the Yaozu can adopt a strategy of both offense and defense when targeting ghosts, coupled with their unique restraint methods against ghosts, this way of coming and going can indeed involve most of the energy and strength of the sanctuary.But this doesn't fully explain why ghosts are so "restrained" on the human side.Even the human race has demon clans like the Special Case Division and Bai Yu as checks and balances.

In other words, the platooning of the human race is not enough, so that the ghosts are not so self-restraining.On the contrary, in Zhang Yan's view, ghosts should wreak havoc on the human territory even more violently when they are sluggish on the monster territory, so that they can benefit from other places to a greater extent, strengthen themselves, and increase their The odds of winning when wrestling with the Yaozu.

Bai Yu also saw Zhang Yan's frown, and said with a smile: "It's right for Teacher Zhang to have doubts. What I just said just now can't explain the reason why the human race is relatively peaceful.

If we want to explain it clearly, then we have to break down the situation of the sanctuary.

There are nine great saint kings in the sanctuary, but there is no subordinate relationship between them.Instead, each manages its own.

The nine great sage kings are divided into four upper sage kings and five lower sage kings.Among the top four holy kings, three are spirit races reborn from monster races, and one is spirit race born from human races; while four of the lower five saint kings are transformed from human races, and one is transformed from monster races. .”

(End of this chapter)

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