one's door

Chapter 262 Pattern

Chapter 262 Pattern
Zhang Yan listened very carefully. What Bai Yu told him before was about the situation among the human race, the demon race, the spirit race, and the demon race in the entire Huangtian Territory.The demon species speak the least and have the least population, so they can be ignored.The other three races have reached a very delicate balance.

But there are some logical holes in this balance.So what Bai Yu said later is to use facts to make up for these logical loopholes.

According to Bai Yu, the nine holy kings of the sanctuary are actually divided into two factions.One group is the "demon spirit" who transformed from the demon race into the spirit race, and the other is the "human spirit" who transformed from the human race into the spirit race after death.On the whole, the "demon spirit" faction is stronger, because they occupy a full three seats among the top four holy kings.Although the "Human Spirit" faction has one more seat, it is mostly among the next five great sage kings.

The reason for this situation is actually that the two sides did not like to see each other when they were alive, and they became ghosts after death and continued the inertial senses in life.Just like the current relationship between the human race country and the demon country, it has been passed down from generation to generation and is deeply rooted.

Secondly, it is also because of the racial differences between the monster race and the human race.The monster race is not only physically tyrannical, but the strength of the soul is generally higher than that of the human race. After death, the ghosts will naturally be much stronger than the human race in all aspects.It is the gap at the starting point, and it will form high and low when it continues to the back.

Correspondingly, if the demon spirit wants to grow itself, although it also needs to devour, the profit of devouring the living soul of a demon race is much higher than that of devouring the living soul of a human race.Moreover, many small tribes of the Yaozu live scatteredly, and it is easy to do it. They even often go out of the sanctuary in groups to sweep up the tribes on the edge of the Yaozu and Yaoguo, which is called "Lark Night Hunting".

It was extremely rampant.

It comes from nature.Whether it is a monster clan or a demon spirit, their nature is rough and tyrannical, and what they like is the way of opening and closing.

At the same time, because the quality of life and soul of the Yaozu is higher, all the dead and silent paths of the Yao Kingdom are strictly controlled by the Yaoling faction.Correspondingly, it has also withstood all the offensive and defensive pressure from the Yaozu.

This is the so-called enjoyment of its benefits and its harm.

On the other side, although the human spirits are weak and unable to occupy the Dead Silence Dao of the Yaozu territory with better quality of life and soul, they still hold all the Dead Silence Dao on the Human Race territory in their hands.And it adopts a completely different strategy from that of the demon spirit.

Find saints, use saints as the starting point to establish a certain size of power in the human race, and then rely on this power to lurk and raise, supplemented by low-intensity erosion, and restraint in continuously gathering souls to strengthen yourself.

In this way, a very interesting pattern has been formed, that is, they are both members of the sanctuary, but because of their respective origins and ideas, they are divided into two distinct factions, which leads to the fact that the power in the sanctuary is not unified under normal circumstances of.That is to say, although the monster race and the human race are resisting the sanctuary, they are not exactly the same.

This created the delicate balance between the several ethnic groups in the wild sky domain that Bai Yu mentioned before.

"It seems that the news about the demon clan represented by Your Excellency Bai Yu is very unusual. Speaking of which, the rumors that the demon race is struggling in the demon race and the human race may not necessarily be true?"

Zhang Yan quickly digested the situation of the Huangtian Territory and the layout of the Sanctuary that the other party said, and combined with some of his previous speculations and analysis, he basically had a relatively complete cognitive logic in his mind.

On the contrary, Zhang Yan had a new curiosity about the monster behind Bai Yu.As for the things in the sanctuary, it is impossible to get such information in the human race.Because according to the other party's statement, the human race can't find the kind of deadly way that can connect to the sanctuary, so they can only get news about the sanctuary from the monster race.

Even Yu Wenbing, the author of the "Miscellaneous Scrolls of Spiritual Affairs" that broadened Zhang Yan's horizons and knowledge, should have learned detailed information about the sanctuary from the monster clan before he could write the book and spread it.

And what did Yu Wenbing say in Bai Yu's mouth?It's "Yu Zu"!This shows that the entire demon clan respects and even worships Yu Wenbing!

Following this to a deeper place, doesn't it mean that the demon species has quite deep eyes and ears in the realm of the demon clan?Perhaps it is deeper than they opened a metapharmacy in the human race.

Does such a demon species still belong to the living situation of "rejected by the two races"?It doesn't look like it.

Bai Yu had expected that Zhang Yan would suddenly ask this question in advance.After a short pause, he smiled, with a somewhat melancholy or indifferent tone of voice, and said: "The situation of the demon species is actually not much different from the appearance of everyone yelling and beating in the outside world. Zhang Jiaoxi saw that I came to see you after taking such a big turn today, so I should be able to see it.

It was only because of necessity that we were able to survive in the cracks between the two races, and we found a way to turn around.Even compared to us on the human side, life on the demon side is actually easier.After all, the demon country is too big, and the various tribes are scattered, so it is much easier to hide and travel. "

A "need" fully expresses the particularity of the demon species.

But what exactly do demon species need?And what are the needs?Based on this "need", what kind of tolerance limit did the demon species receive in the two races?Zhang Yan couldn't ask these things yet.Because it involved the core of the demon species, he knew it would be inappropriate to ask, and the other party would never tell him easily.

After Bai Yu said so much, she also stopped, picked up the tea on the coffee table and took a sip.Then he said with a smile: "To tell you the truth, dealing with the Sanctuary is a job for our demon species, and it must not be sloppy. But the spirits in the human realm have always been very good at hiding. It is difficult for us to find it, and we will not dare to find it." To clean up directly, we can only take the method of tracking and regular cleaning as control, which seems too passive.

The method shown by Zhang Jiaoxi before seems to have more direct insight and targeted methods for the spirit race.I don't know if these can reveal a thing or two?Of course, we won't let the teachers do their jobs in vain, as long as the teachers are willing to help, feel free to ask for anything. "

Means against ghosts?Is this a requirement to teach?
Zhang Yan leaned back in the chair, feeling amused.His methods against ghosts come from Taoism.Only monks can use Taoist means. Although all the monsters can be said to have developed both mind and body, almost all geniuses in the wild world, but it is not the case when it comes to Taoism.Even if he is willing to teach, the other party cannot learn.

"In addition, I don't know if Zhang Jiaoxi still has bone-strengthening pills in his hand? Our demon clan is willing to ask for some according to the price of the teacher."

In addition to means, there is Dan.The demon species is determined and unwilling to let go of this rare opportunity easily. It is rare that he and Zhang Yan are familiar with each other before.

(End of this chapter)

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