one's door

Chapter 263 Fish Like

Chapter 263 Fish Like
Zhang Yan was not in a hurry to answer, and he wasn't even going to give an answer today.Of course there is no rejection.

The warehouse was rented out, and Bai Yu even wanted to give Zhang Yan a [-]% discount on the fee, but Zhang Yan refused.Zhang Yan really has no shortage of money, after opening up the sales of magic weapons.Wanting to give him money as a favor is no longer feasible.

After returning, Zhang Yan has been thinking about the reasons behind Bai Yu looking for him this time.

The more he thought about it, the more Zhang Yan felt that Bai Yu, or the demon clan, seemed to be at ease, not as simple as he said.There are still many things that are not appropriate to say.

For example, Bai Yu mentioned that the reason why their demon species still have "room to survive" among the demon and human races is because they are "useful".

Zhang Yan is not yet fully aware of the specifics of this "usefulness", but targeting ghosts and eliminating ghosts must be one of the "usefulness" of monsters, even a very important one.

In other words, whether it is a sanctuary or a ghost, it is an important target for the demon species to reflect its own value and existence.

Here, what Zhang Yan can be sure of is that the demon species represented by Bai Yu will definitely not be limited to Nanyuan Kingdom or other Three Kingdoms countries, but like the Jiangwu Academy, it should be a big force that spreads all over the human race. .Even if the monster species on the side of the monster clan are counted, it will be even bigger.

But although they are huge, the number of demon species is their biggest weakness.The combination of the human race and the demon race is already a cross-ethnic group, the fertility rate is extremely low, and the reproductive ability of the demon race is even lower.If it wasn't for the outstanding individuals, the group would have been difficult to develop and would have been annihilated by itself.

In comparison, no matter it is the monster race or the human race, they all have an absolute advantage over the monster race.Gives you room to live when you need it.What if I don't need you anymore?Will you take back everything that was given to you?After all, the combination of human race and monster race is forbidden in both races.There is a very bad ideological opposition.

Well, with the above context.Then we can look at the relationship between demon species and ghosts in a different direction.Definitely not the relationship between "yamen servant" and "thief".Rather, it is a relationship similar to that between a big fish and a small fish in a pond.

Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimp.If there are no small fish, what will the big fish eat?Big fish can't eat shrimp, so will they starve to death?

"In this way, it is false to ask me to eliminate ghosts, and it is true to test the depth!" After Zhang Yan figured this out in his heart, he suddenly felt enlightened.

It even seems that the appearance of Zhang Yan is not good news for the demon species.Because before Zhang Yan, apart from their demon species, only the half-baked guys from the special case department could fight with ghosts. The demon species' ability to have companion beasts is the main force to deal with ghosts.

Now if Zhang Yan's ability can be taught at will, it will be very bad for the situation of the demon species in the human race!It belongs to the kind that smashes people's jobs and pushes people's courtyard walls, leaving no way out.What's more, Zhang Yan is now working as a guest teacher in the Academy of Martial Arts, and also teaching in the Academy of Miscellaneous Studies in Xinnong. If he can teach, wouldn't it be easy to spread the word to the outside world?

Of course, these judgments were made by Zhang Yan based on the environment of the human race.He doesn't know the situation on Yaozu's side, so he can't think so far.

The demon species will not know that the threshold of Daoist methods is much higher than that of warriors, and it is not so easy to learn.At least for the time being, it is actually a bit unfounded.In the future, it's hard to say.

"Should I refuse it? Or. Another way?"

Zhang Yan was thinking about things on the recliner in the backyard, while supervising Xiaoshi to fill in the names of acupoints on the two sketches of the human body.No mistakes are allowed.Xiaoshi has been doing this for several days. From the very beginning, he was completely relying on blindness, and now he can basically locate more than [-]% of the major acupuncture points on the human body.Even Zhang Yan had to admire how smart this kid is!If he had this memory back then, how much less beating would he have suffered?
"Brother! Look, you won't be beaten this time, right?" Wang Nian triumphantly put down his pen, picked up the two sketches of the human body and ran to Zhang Yan to ask for praise.He was very confident this time, and felt that he would only make three or five mistakes at most.Because there were only three or five, he was not sure.

"Okay, let me see." It's at home now.It won't be a problem for Xiao Shitou to call Zhang Yan "brother".Zhang Yan is also curious about how many little stones can be against this time.

Looking carefully, Zhang Yan laughed, the little stone made two mistakes in total, and they were two minor details that were not so important.This means that Xiaoshi can officially start practicing the basic skills.

"Okay, today you can start formally practicing the "Returning Qi Method"."


Seeing the kid bouncing around excitedly, Zhang Yan also smiled happily.As for the first disciple, although he is still a registered disciple for the time being, Zhang Yan is very caring.He didn't even dare to use the more subtle exercises in Wanxiangzhu to lay the foundation for Xiaoshi, but took out the "Returning Qi Method" he had practiced.What I want is a word of stability.I was worried that my knowledge was not enough, and I could not give Xiao Shitou the most detailed guidance when practicing other exercises.

Maybe when Zhang Yan's cultivation level is higher, and he understands the principles more deeply, he may dare to try the so-called exquisite and powerful exercises in Wanxiangzhu on his new disciples in the future.

That night, Zhang Yan began to guide Xiao Shitou to practice for the first time.It was much smoother than Zhang Yan had imagined before.Shitou's breathing before has achieved a little success, there is spiritual energy in the body, it can be regarded as an entrainment environment with half a foot in, and this baby is also very talented, and the sense of energy is even more acute, and it only takes less than [-] minutes. In half an hour, the first group of spiritual energy was successfully completed.

After that, you just need to slowly turn the air mass in the dantian into a cyclone.At that time, the air-entraining environment of the little stone will be considered.

"Brother, this is not difficult, it's just sucking in all the spiritual energy to form a ball, and then mixing them together. It's just very grueling. My father said that this is water grinding, and you don't need to rely on your brain." Wang Nian thought I understand very well.After finishing speaking, Zhang Yan knocked on the forehead.

"Running the aura is the key! Who told you that inhalation is the key? You still "stir it up", if you mess up the aura in your lower dantian and damage your foundation, I can't help you. At that time, you are a useless person, so don't learn any Taoist methods, just go back and farm."

Wang Nian scratched his head, smirked a few times, and said, "Hey, brother, you still have to inhale it first and then turn it on. Don't hit it, don't hit it, I get it, I get it! Ouch!"

(End of this chapter)

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