one's door

Chapter 264 Inspiration

Chapter 264 Inspiration
The little stone has a solid skin and an oily mouth, especially after getting acquainted with Zhang Yan's family, he shows his true nature.

Zhang Yan was extremely thankful that he had forged a golden hoop. He couldn't remove the small stone by himself unless he untied the formation on it.This thing brought a great "shock" to Xiao Shitou.

After setting up the small stone, Zhang Yan returned to his room, instead of directly entering the state of practice as usual, but holding a piece of iron essence and gold essence, thinking about other things.

After helping Xiao Shitou to complete the first aura formation just now, although the ignorant and proud words Xiao Shitou said aroused his forehead a few times, they also gave him some reminders in other aspects by coincidence.Or some inspiration.

In the final analysis, spiritual energy is indeed inhaled into the body before it can follow up the subsequent exercises.The word "suction" seems rough, but it is not wrong.It's just that Xiaowa'er looks at things too directly, which seems unreasonable at first glance.

But this word "suction" also reminded Zhang Yan that the hesitation and new discoveries that he had made after talking with Bai Yu today seemed to be able to focus on this word "suction".

Don't you want to try some methods that can target ghosts from Zhang Yan?Although Zhang Yan can't teach the method, but he has other methods.

For example, "Shocking Bell".Of course it's the beggar's version.

Formation and refining techniques, Zhang Yan can do it now, but the grade can only be controlled at the lower grade.The only energy used is the longevity stone, which is the spirit stone.

Sucking ghost bell, shooting, is to suck.When approaching a ghost, it will automatically ring when it is disturbed by the evil spirit and hostility of the ghost, and after the formation is activated, it can actively generate the power of absorbing the ghosts within the range, absorbing wild ghosts and some weaker ghosts Locked up in the sleepy array among the bells.It will lose its function after it can't be closed, and it needs to be cleaned once.Or the spirit stone ran out of energy, terminating the bell's ability.

How to clean up?Naturally, it is directly superseded.Even the ghosts locked in the trap don't need to be released, they can directly enjoy the fun of transcending through the bell.

So here comes the question, why do those monsters choose to absorb those ghosts instead of directly feeding their companion beasts like Zhang Yan has seen before?

The answer is the Bone Strengthening Pill in Zhang Yan's hand.

Not all demon species can have companion beasts like Bai Yu.Companion beasts are also uncommon in the demon species, and only those who belong to the demon species can encounter and have talents through this.Most of the monster species are still taking the path of advancing both civil and military, and basically all of them are outstanding.

But being outstanding doesn't mean reaching the top.It's just that the lower limit of the demon race is much higher than that of the average human race, whether it is learning literature or martial arts.But the upper limit also needs talent, luck and many other factors to create together.The numerical weakness in this aspect makes the demon species not conspicuous in terms of top-notch power.It fell to the disadvantage of the human race and the monster race in an all-round way.Otherwise, how could you be caught between the two races and have to rely on your own "usefulness" to find a place where you can only stand up?
Therefore, if Zhang Yan's method against ghosts is actually a tentative attempt by the demon species, then the purchase of the bone-strengthening pill is a solid and earnest hope.

The reputation of Strong Bone Pill is not based on bragging, but endorsed by Shi Xuan, the commander of the Eastern Army.The bottleneck in the early stage of Duanshan Realm, a breakthrough in just a few months after one pill went into the middle stage of Duanshan Realm.

That's Duanshanjing!A small realm is a huge improvement in strength.

How many warriors are there at the end of the mountain in the demon species?And how many of them are stuck in the bottleneck of the small realm where it is difficult to make progress?One year, two years, ten years, eight years, the longer you get stuck, the more impetuous you become, and the harder it is to make a breakthrough.Even some warriors have mental problems due to the collapse of their minds.

Now Zhang Yan can use the ghost bell in exchange, whether it is a wild ghost or a weak ghost, these ghosts can be nourishing to Zhang Yan, compared to his own little bit of breath to get aura I don't know how many times faster.

Judging from Bai Yu's stalking of the Wu family father and son before, they were actually raising the ghosts around the Wu family father and son as pigs.When Bai Yu appeared, he was probably here to kill pigs.It's just that Zhang Yan came out, and Bai Yu met the spirit general on the way, and then he suppressed himself before he began to think about Zhang Yan's methods.

It is also impossible to have only one white feather.Outside of Nanyuan Nation, how many psychic mediums are there who are being followed by demons to raise pigs in so many multi-ethnic countries?

Not to mention the amount of absorption, there is [-] to [-] percent, which is enough for Zhang Yan to open the altar every day to practice things.When the time comes, little will add up, and Zhang Yan feels that he can make the practice speed that is now as slow as a snail speed up again.This is even faster than him traveling around looking for ghosts to save him.

At the same time, the advantage of doing this is that it can make the demon species produce a method that is difficult to teach, and the method that can be passed on is only dead objects, and it can only have effects on wild ghosts and weaker ghosts.Nothing to worry about.

As for time, it always flies by quickly without knowing it.When Zhang Yan didn't need to cover up, he really didn't need to worry about anyone's coveting or hostility.

Do it when you think of it.

Zhang Yan first got acquainted with the main magic circles of the Sleeping Formation and Ghost-Suppressing Bell.Point to the beggar's version.In the end, when the sky was about to dawn, he really asked him to make a low-grade ghost-sleeping bell.

The reason why it took so long to succeed is that Zhang Yan made an attempt to make the groove of the spirit stone embedded in a seamless pattern, just like the design of a flashlight with batteries.It's just that if you want to open the replacement port of the spirit stone, you need to find out his magic circle lock. The refining technique here is relatively complicated, which is a bit reluctant for Zhang Yan. It took many attempts before finally succeeding.

After it is finished, due to the restriction of the grade, apart from the limitation of the ability to absorb ghosts, this ghost-absorbing bell can hold at most twenty wild ghosts, or three weaker ghosts.

And these amounts, three times, Zhang Yan can exchange for a bone strengthening pill.This is also what Zhang Yan thinks is not too "expensive".

Didn't do much either.Just one, wait until dawn to find Bai Yu and hand it over, and then let the other party see the effect.

As for how the demon species guessed why Zhang Yan wanted to collect ghosts.He didn't even think about taking the initiative to explain in the past.Even if Bai Yu asks about it then he won't tell.Just leave it to the other party to guess.Even if he guessed wrong, he didn't think the other party could guess the answer.

Even Zhang Yan didn't think that the other party would directly reject his proposal.Will at least try a few rounds first.But Zhang Yan probably won't have too many ghosts in his hands.

With ghosts, you can experiment with something that Zhang Yan has always been curious about without going out.That is, he can obtain the merit and aura given to him by the world of Huangtianyu through superseding ghosts, and even help him cheat when he breaks through. What about his disciples?Is it possible to enjoy this kind of treatment?

(End of this chapter)

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