one's door

Chapter 265

Chapter 265
From the day when Zaxue Academy opened, this relatively secluded place away from Langyuan City can often hear the sound of reading, and sometimes you can see some young people dressed as scribes with various clothes. Strange wooden and bamboo utensils go to the river, or do some strange things in the fields, and farmers who pass by occasionally look at them curiously, but they can't understand them.

But the news that there is an academy here is slowly spreading.

As Zhang Yan judged at the beginning, there was a big problem with the college's recruitment of students.When Xiao Shu came to look for Zhang Yan before, he expressed his love for Zhang Yan and his recognition of Zhang Yan's identity and status.At the same time, although the two didn't say it clearly, they also exchanged some benefits tacitly.Among them are "students".

But the problem is that this is for Zhang Yan's face, and has nothing to do with miscellaneous studies in essence.Therefore, Zhang Yan had talked with Luo Changshan before, and it might not be easy to recruit students.This is indeed the case today.All the new students in the School of Miscellaneous Studies are the outstanding youngsters of the scholars' own families, and there are none of the students who are recruited seriously.

Luo Changshan has thought of many ways, such as finding some acquaintances as intermediaries to introduce, or revealing his identity in places where miscellaneous knowledge is effective, thinking that he can immediately recruit students, and he believes in the charm of miscellaneous knowledge .But the result was nothing.This can be described as a heavy blow to Luo Changshan and other people who promoted this matter.The idea that they have always thought that "the world has been longing for the knowledge of miscellaneous learning for a long time" now seems somewhat ridiculous.

Of course, this seemed normal to Zhang Yan.The school of miscellaneous studies has been hidden in the mountains and fields for a long time, without showing the mountains and rivers, and few people know about it, how could it have any reputation?Even if there is, it is known among upper-level figures like Shi Xuan who know the benefits of miscellaneous learning. How can more ordinary people know your ability of miscellaneous learning?Not to mention abandoning the traditional mainstream schools that can enter official careers and devote themselves to miscellaneous studies.

However, Luo Changshan and the others also expected it in advance. Although they were deeply hit, they would not let them give up their ideas.Even the Academy of Miscellaneous Studies can be opened quietly until now without being burned down by someone, which is actually their biggest victory.This shows that they won the bet. Because of Zhang Yan's status, people from the mainstream school can't touch them in the territory of Beijiang County, or even intervene directly. All they can do is secretly.

As long as you can settle down, you will have time to slowly find a solution to the student's affairs.Luo Changshan and the others do not believe that the extensiveness of miscellaneous learning will not attract students who really yearn for learning the truth.

Zhang Yan saw all these things.He knew very well that Luo Changshan and the others made a mistake that is easy for pedantic scholars who close their doors to study.That is, they only focus on learning, and regard outside scholars as pure people like themselves who aim to explore the truth, while ignoring that in the field of learning, exploring the truth is actually only a small number of people.Most people, even if they are very talented and have made great achievements, their goal is to "use knowledge to make their lives better".

This creates a problem that seems difficult to solve: how to enable gifted students to make themselves and their families live better through knowledge without the support of external resources.

The mainstream school of others can take an official career and be an official, with real material support.What about miscellaneous studies?have what?
If this problem can't be solved, in Zhang Yan's view, Luo Changshan's ideas will be thorny and difficult.

However, Zhang Yan has no way to remind about this matter. Some things will cause cracks if they are spoken out. It is unnecessary. His suggestions for recruiting students will not be taken seriously.

The problem belongs to the School of Miscellaneous Studies and has little to do with Zhang Yan.What he has to face now is another problem: picking people.

Early in the morning, the entrance of Miscellaneous Academy is different from the past.There is no longer just the faint sound of reading a book or the rustling of bamboo leaves blown by the wind.Instead, there are more jubilant chirping children's voices.

"Mr. Zhang, these are the children of the royal family's age. They are all smart and smart. There are three princes, three princesses, and four sons." Xiao Shu stood at the front and smiled at Zhang, who was also smiling. Yan gave a brief introduction.I didn't go into details, after Zhang Yan has finished selecting people, if there is a suitable one, I need to introduce further, and there is no need for it now.

In fact, farther away in the academy, there are still many people standing on the edge of a small forest overlooking the gate, all of whom are adults and children.And none of them are poorly dressed.And there was a long row of carriages waiting by the edge of the woods.

The news in Nanyuan Kingdom, apart from the affairs of the army, even the secrets of the royal family cannot really be hidden.Whether it is the School of Miscellaneous Studies, or the tacit understanding between the royal family and Zhang Yan, or the royal family hastily selected children between the ages of five and eight in the middle school and pre-meng school in the clan, these news are known to the well-informed people more or less quickly past.

One must know that Zhang Yan is a sweet bun now.Bone-strengthening Pill, "The Method of Refining Skin and Flesh with Medicine", and Divine Weapon, these are all the most sought-after skills with undeniable facts in front of them.The royal family flocked to him, and they would rather fight with the mainstream school for Zhang Yan.What about those below the royal family?Will it not follow?

Of course, the attitude and order are still important.Although we closely followed.But the first one to go up is the royal family.When your royal family is involved, can't we follow up?It can also be seen from this that the tacit understanding between Zhang Yan and the royal family has been figured out.

Xiao Shu is very clear about these things, even the city guard Zhou Cang is very clear, after all, it is a big deal for so many high-ranking officials and nobles to enter the city.

But Zhang Yan didn't know, what he was seeing now was the ten little babies standing in front of him.

Whether it's a princess, a prince, or a prince.There is no difference in Zhang Yan's eyes, and there is no difference between Wang Nian who is hiding behind the door frame and looking excitedly with a smile on his face.They are all babies.

It's not that Zhang Yan's pattern is big, but as a strong Taoist who has returned to the gods, and the only fire of the Taoist in the barren sky, his vision is fundamentally different.Maybe he will choose to live temporarily in order to survive, but it will not affect his confidence to stand on the door and overlook the world.

Let's go and see.

"Xiao Yuanjue, I don't want to talk nonsense, let's try to see if there are any suitable seedlings, shall we? Let's talk about the later ones later, okay?" Zhang Yan didn't talk nonsense.

"It should be so!" Xiao Shu raised his hand as a gesture of invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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