one's door

Chapter 27 Heavenly Eyes

Chapter 27 Heavenly Eyes
Every morning in Youtanqi's residence, you can see Zhang Yan holding a wooden sword and gesticulating outside the tent.At first glance, it really looks like a child's play house.There are not a few people who sneered in their hearts after seeing it.

But no one ran to Zhang Yan and bluffed.But now Zhang Yan's name of "Miscellaneous Studies" has become very famous in the Yubei Mountain Fortress, but many people still regard him as a lunatic, thinking that if not completely crazy, he is also a half-lunatic.

But there are also sharp-eyed people.For example, those warriors who have done some research on sword warfare, they found that Zhang Yan's daily practice is definitely not a child's crazy act of playing house, but a not simple combat skill and swordsmanship, and it is compatible with Most of the swordsmanship methods are not the same, instead of the open and close way, they are more delicate, more agile, and have an inexplicable awe-inspiring aura.

Many warriors are curious why Zhang Yan wants to practice swordsmanship, obviously he has no talent for martial arts.

As soon as I asked, I was speechless.

"Ah? My sword dance is to strengthen my body and move my legs and feet."

what can you do

I also hope to learn this set of sword techniques.If you ask Zhang Yan, you can't open the mouth, and the identity of the other party is from a mysterious miscellaneous school, so there may be many rules in it, and I'm afraid it won't be easy to teach outsiders.So I chose to watch silently from the sidelines. You have all come out to practice swords. It’s okay for me to take a look, right?

It's a pity that Zhang Yan practiced "Entraining Qi Sword Art", which is an authentic Taoist method. The sword moves in it are just superficial, and the real core is the word "entraining energy". The moves are nothing more than superficial, Zhang Yan doesn't need to care about this.

Even with the improvement of his own cultivation base, Zhang Yan's martial arts cultivation in Huangtianyu and the magic cultivation and divine way he brought from the earth are not the same way at all, and there is a big difference.

Wu Xiu's tyranny Zhang Yan has also seen it for a long time this year.It's okay to say that the fighters in the tempered body state are actually not very intuitively different from ordinary soldiers except that they are more flexible, stronger, and more resistant to blows and injuries.But once Wu Xiu entered the Kaiyuan Realm, it would be quite different.

Just like Qin Hao, whom Zhang Yan is most familiar with, is a warrior in the middle stage of Kaiyuan Realm. He has internal strength and strength. He can carry a thousand catties of strength with every move and throw, and he can also display powerful combat skills.

From Zhang Yan's point of view, the so-called power of combat skills is actually the same as that of magical means, and what is mobilized is actually the power of heaven and earth.It just behaves differently.The power of combat skills is mainly a means to attract the power of heaven and earth to strengthen oneself.The technique is mainly to induce the power of heaven and earth, and he guides it as a supporting role.

Therefore, Zhang Yan is not qualified to judge who is strong and who is weak in martial arts, art, and Shinto.He even felt that this kind of comparison was unnecessary, because his own paths were different.

For example, as far as Zhang Yan has seen and known so far, the methods of martial arts are almost all on the word "wu". Most of them are used for strengthening the body and fighting, and there are very few other things.But Taoist techniques are different. Even beginners like Zhang Yan have many methods that are not used in battle.

"Five Elements Qi Shield" and "Entraining Qi Sword Art" are both Zhang Yan's means of self-protection.Almost a year has passed now, and he has been able to operate these two methods freely, not to mention entering the room, and he can definitely use them.So he was free in his heart, and wanted to pick another method to get close to him.

This time, it is not only focused on "survival", but Zhang Yan is satisfying his own curiosity.

Since I was a child, I have followed my master in various classics and miscellaneous notes of Longhu Mountain, and what I have been fascinated by is the glory and magic of the legendary era.At the same time, the most curious are those "other sides of the world" that are said to be invisible to "the naked eye".After Zhang Yan settled down and improved his cultivation, he couldn't hold back this kind of thought.

Although the tower in Wanxiangzhu is still only open to Zhang Yan on one floor, the magic methods in it are as vast as stars, and it is easy to choose the method Zhang Yan wants: "Yin Yang Pupil Art"!
As a Chinese who grew up in legends of gods and monsters, how could Zhang Yan not be interested in Yin-Yang eyes?

Since "Yin-Yang Pupil Art" is in the first floor of the tower in Wanxiangzhuli, it means that it is actually not a very advanced technique, it is only at the level of beginners.

Perhaps for monks, distinguishing between ghosts and yin and yang at a glance is a basic method, so it is not considered advanced.

After Zhang Yan lightly touched the golden ball representing "Yin-Yang Pupil Art", his consciousness returned to his body, and all the methods and tricks about "Yin-Yang Pupil Art" were in his mind, and he needed to start practicing according to these information.

"Yin Yang Pupil Art" is indeed not difficult, even after Zhang Yan studied it carefully, he felt that it was much simpler than "Five Elements Qi Shield" and "Entraining Qi Sword Art".

But after practicing for three days in a row, Zhang Yan didn't feel anything other than feeling smooth.

According to the "Yin-Yang Pupil Technique", gather the aura in the eyes, then use specific techniques to gradually screen out the yang and yin, and finally add it in front of the line of sight like a filter, so that you can see in your eyes what the naked eye can't normally see. The evil things you see are commonly known as ghosts.

"As described in the "Yin-Yang Pupil Technique", I should have opened the "Yin-Yang Eye" now. Why haven't I seen any evil things no matter day or night?"

Zhang Yan didn't believe in gods and ghosts when he was on Earth, even though he himself benefited a lot from the theory of gods and ghosts.But when he came to Huangtianyu later, he realized that he had thought simply before.Now he believes, but he is not afraid, because behind him there is a majestic dragon and tiger mountain gate, and he is also a member of the Taoist sect now, so how can he be afraid of these things?
In the entire Yubei Mountain Fortress, there are almost dead people every day, and after many years, there are not a single ghost! ?

The only thing that can make Zhang Yan realize that his yin and yang eyes haven't failed is that although he can't see ghosts, he can see souls.Those soldiers who died in the wounded barracks under the city wall will have their souls floating out after death, but they will soon melt away like snow.

Death and soul out, should return to heaven and earth, but hindered by the six desires and seven emotions, born evil obstacles, resist the laws of heaven and earth, be trapped and deluded by obsession, and enter the ghost realm to disturb the world
Zhang Yan didn't believe that these soldiers who died in the battle had a peaceful mind and no worries, and they could all "return to heaven and earth" safely.He clearly saw the hideous and unwilling faces of many people's souls after death, but they still disappeared, which seemed to be different from the description of ghosts in Longhu Mountain Gate.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yan didn't think there was anything wrong with Longhushan's "Yin Yang Pupil Technique". The only reason why he didn't see the ghost should be that the place where he was was unusual.

"The fortress is a place of military strategists, the evil spirit is soaring to the sky, and the aura of the army is even more powerful. Is it because of these reasons that evil things cannot be born here?" Zhang Yan had a guess in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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