one's door

Chapter 28 Family Letter

Chapter 28 Family Letter
Although he failed to see the evil thing that he had been curious about for a long time in the Yubeishan Fortress, Zhang Yan also figured it out. He didn't expect to encounter ghosts in a place like the fortress, where there is probably no such thing. In the breeding environment, the soul will be forced to dissolve and return to the heaven and earth when it leaves the body, turning into a fart ghost.

It seems that if you want to see what a ghost looks like, you have to find another opportunity.

However, Zhang Yan did not stop practicing "Yin Yang Pupil Technique". Anyway, this method is not complicated. Generally speaking, it is similar to breathing technique, and it is something similar to habit formation. Once his eyes can get used to it The aura related to the pupil technique is running, so he can switch between yin and yang sights at will with a thought.Moreover, according to some ancient books in Longhushan, "Yin Yang Pupil Art" was originally a must-have method for Taoist monks in the legendary era on earth when they walked the rivers and lakes. How could they not be proficient?
In addition to "Yin-Yang Pupil Technique", Zhang Yan also started to dabble in some other techniques.For example, talismans, such as the basic description and use of array disks, and even some basic knowledge of alchemy in pure pharmacology, etc., are all within the scope of his learning and absorption.

In Zhang Yan's own words, idleness is idleness anyway, it's better to learn something and have more confidence to venture out.

Patrol and maintain the gossip formation, teach the sentry soldiers some simple ways to change the path of the gossip formation, and at the same time improve their cultivation step by step, and learn various magic methods in the Wanxiangzhu.Zhang Yan quickly settled down in this regular life.Looking at it from another angle, it might not be a bad thing for him to be left in Yubei Mountain by Song Qinghe for two years. At least in another place, he doesn't know if he can have such a suitable environment to devote himself to practice without worrying about external disturbances.

But suddenly one day, Lin Zedong found Zhang Yan with a letter, which also made his already silent memory of the previous body reappear, causing some ripples in his originally calm state of mind. .

"The letter from your family should have been from last month. It was delayed for a long time at the post station. This time, the brothers from the supply camp brought it back for you along the way."

As for Zhang Yan, Lin Zedong didn't have much tone of subordinates and subordinates anymore, and he was more concerned about equal relations. He knew that Zhang Yan would not stay in the army for long, and he would definitely leave when the two-year forced requisition came, otherwise he would not be able to Have you always been a gang leader in the army with all your abilities?However, Zhang Yan's status as a former criminal soldier did not allow Zhang Yan to have seniority in the army, so it was inevitable to leave.

Since you can't keep it, then make friends, and if the mountains don't turn around in the future, who can tell the world?
In fact, there are many people who think like Lin Zedong in Yubei Mountain, which is one of the reasons why Zhang Yan is treated preferentially even though he is only a gang leader.

But after leaving the Yubei Mountain Fortress, no one knew the word Zhang Yan, and his name was just a young man who had been cleared of his crimes from the criminal soldiers. Who would take it seriously?Therefore, things that are not military assets, such as family letters, are usually held up for a long time at the post station before manpower can be brought back.Generally, it is common to receive letters from three to five months ago. Some people have died, and it is not uncommon for family letters to be still on the way.

"Thank you, my lord!" Zhang Yan thanked him, sent Lin Zedong away, and then opened the letter. The words inside were crooked and ugly, but there were quite a lot of words, a full five pages.

"My brother kisses me, and my sister kowtows to my brother at Langyuan's house, and wishes my brother to return in peace and safety as soon as possible."

Younger sister Zhang Yan suddenly felt the memories belonging to her predecessor swarming deep in his consciousness, and the appearance of a petite, thin, and yellow-skinned woman gradually became clear in his mind.That was the predecessor's biological sister, Zhang Huiyuan, who was sixteen years old.

The letter wasn't written by Zhang Huiyuan, she didn't have much literacy and couldn't write well enough, but she found a down-and-out one-eyed scholar who she knew well to write.The scholar Zhang Yan actually had an impression. It is said that he was talented at first, but then he was in trouble. He lost one eye and rotted a few fingers in a fire. He couldn't be an official and he couldn't write well. People crookedly write a few words to barely make ends meet.

Although the letter is well-written, it is also easy to understand.

First of all, I said that I didn't write because there was no news about the criminal soldiers. I didn't know where Zhang Yan was sent to.

Later, Zhang Yan was miraculously cleared of his crimes in just a few months, and then he received a forced conscript order from Yubeishan Fortress, and after many twists and turns, he got the news. The place to settle down, together with the forced collection documents, were delivered to the Zhang family.

It was said to be "the Zhang family", but in fact there were only three people left in the Zhang family at this time.One is Zhang Yan's sister, Zhang Huiyuan; the other is Zhang Yan's mother Wang Lanping; and Zhang Yan's brother Zhang Shun.

My mother, Wang Lanping, is in her sixties and not in good health.And Zhang Yan's brother Zhang Shun broke his legs in an accident before, and he is also disabled at home.Only the younger sister, Zhang Huiyuan, was able to receive some work from the embroidery workshop by relying on her female celebrity skills, which was the main source of livelihood for the family. Coupled with the old mother's spinning thread, the family's life was very tight.

Of course, the Zhang family was not so difficult before Zhang Yan was convicted.The ancestors of the Zhang family were quite wealthy and had many fertile fields.

But in Zhang Yan's generation, there was a big change.

First, Zhang Shun, who was in charge of the family, became disabled due to an accident, and his emotions collapsed, and his whole body collapsed at home.After the family business came into the hands of Zhang Yan, he listened to the persuasion of several friends and sold the fertile land at home and replaced it with two shops in Langyuan City, and opened a shop to start a business.

But as soon as the business picked up, a case came to Zhang Yan, claiming that he set fire to murder and killed one person.Not only did they confiscate the shop, but they also made Zhang Yan a death row prisoner.

Later, Zhang Yan was exiled to the Yubei Mountain Fortress, and was frightened to death by the demon soldiers on the battlefield. Then Zhang Yan on the earth had the opportunity to use his corpse to revive his soul until now.

In the letter, Zhang Huiyuan's excitement overflowed on paper, and at the same time told Zhang Yan about the situation at home.The happy thing is that the family has already received two pieces of fertile land from him in exchange for his military achievements. Now that he has asked the people in the village to help, the difficult days should soon pass.The health of the old mother at home has also improved after hearing the news that he is still alive, and now her appetite is much better.Even Zhang Shun, the eldest brother, started to cheer up again, helping his mother spin all day long, with a smile on his face
"Report good news but not bad news." Zhang Yan closed the letter and thought to himself.How could he fail to see the strong smile between the lines?

The family is in trouble, and there is no man who can support them. How can life be so easy?What kind of wind and rain can be protected by a teenage girl?Even if he gained military merits and exchanged fertile land, it's really hard to tell whether this matter is good or bad.

What's more, in the memory of Zhang Yan's predecessor, the incident of arson and murder was an unjust case.There are too many doubts in it, Zhang Yan does not believe that no one framed him.With such a foreign aggression around, can the family live in peace?
(End of this chapter)

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