one's door

Chapter 29

Chapter 29
"My subordinates, see the adults!"

"There is no need to be so polite. Zhang Yan, why don't you rest in your tent, what are you doing here?" Lin Zedong was a little surprised.He camped with Zhang Yan, but this was the first time the other party came to him on his own initiative.I was a little puzzled, but after thinking about it for a while, I could guess something. It should have something to do with the letter from the Zhang family that he took yesterday.

Speaking of Zhang Yan's family background, Lin Zedong also knew about it.When Zhang Yan took out the Kongming lantern before, he sent a note to the local government office in Langyuan, asking them to check Zhang Yan's family background and past.The result is clear and clear without any problems.But it's also a pity that there is no sign of Zhang Yan's ability to learn all kinds of things.

Of course, what the Yubei Mountain Fortress wanted to investigate was Zhang Yan's details, not how he got there. As long as he was fine, he didn't need to pay too much attention to other things.

But after learning about it, Lin Zedong also knew that the situation of Zhang Yan's family was not good, and of course it wasn't miserable. There were many people in the army who were even worse.Even because of Zhang Yan's military industry, the fertile land that was exchanged has been divided, and the life of the Zhang family should gradually improve in the future.

So Lin Zedong never mentioned the matter of Zhang Yan's family.But after Zhang Yan got the letter from the family, he quickly looked for it, and Lin Zedong thought to himself, could there be some accident at home?

"My lord, I have something to ask, and I hope you can help me!" Zhang Yan bowed slightly, with a submissive attitude.After much deliberation, he decided that he still had to take on the responsibilities that the predecessor of this body failed to accomplish.Of course, he can ignore it, but his nature prevents him from doing so.

Since he has occupied this body, he should accept everything in this body instead of picking and choosing.Even as a reward for the opportunity given by the predecessor, it should be justified.

Zhang Yan, a member of the Zhang family, can't ignore it.So he came to Lin Zedong.

Firstly, Lin Zedong had the most contact with Zhang Yan, and Zhang Yan had a better temper, so asking him for help should not be rejected.Secondly, Lin Zedong's relationship is relatively good, so it's not like going to someone at Song Qinghe's level for help, and the variables behind it may not be clear.

Lin Zedong was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Zhang Yan, although you and I work in the military and are different from each other, we are equal. Take off this official robe, I would like to call you Friends. So, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"My lord's kindness, my subordinates will definitely remember it!" Then Zhang Yan expressed his worries.

Lin Zedong stood up from his seat unconsciously after listening.His brows furrowed slightly.After pacing for a while, he looked at Zhang Yan and asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure you didn't set the fire? You didn't kill the person who died in the fire? It didn't even have anything to do with you?"

It is impossible for Zhang Yan to just say that he is worried about the safety of his family. He must have sufficient reasons. Otherwise, he will ask people to help without explaining anything.

Besides, what kind of person was Zhang Yan's predecessor?Just a timid ordinary person, there is no fragment or thought of killing in his memory, let alone a reason.He himself also had an idea to go back and overturn the case, but now it seems upright to speak out in advance.

"My lord, I dare not lie to the truth. When the case was adjudicated, this subordinate also pleaded guilty because he was tortured and failed to deal with it. Now that the major crimes have been cleared up, this subordinate has no reason to quibble. I am just worried that there are too many people in the family now. If the property is acquired, thieves will covet it, so I would like to ask my lord to think of a way."

Some things don’t need to be said too thoroughly, because Zhang Yan’s current status is not enough, he can only talk about many things about himself, not others, but in the end he can say it, it depends on whether Lin Zedong believes it or not, or how much he believes .

Although Lin Zedong felt that what Zhang Yan said was a little too deep, he believed it.After all, no matter how you think about it, there is absolutely no need for a person who has used his military exploits to cleanse himself of serious crimes to slander a murder case, because it is of no benefit to himself.

When Zhang Yan mentioned it at this time, it was clearly a helpless move, worrying that his family members would be missed or even murdered because he would return the property because he didn't die.

It makes sense logically.And Zhang Yan didn't say it, but what he implied was the words "unjust case" and "seeking money".How could Lin Zedong not understand?
"It's not easy for me to ask about local matters, and I'm afraid it's not easy to listen to what you mean. It's better to be prepared and then ask from top to bottom. But I have an old friend in Langyuan City, It is a city guard in the garrison. Langyuan, who was transferred at the end of last year, should be able to help you. When the time comes, let him find a reason for the army to visit your house more and let the wind out. It can also deter Xiaoxiao.

If you are still not at ease, I can also help you find ways to relocate your family to another place, but it will take a long time.You think about it. "Lin Zedong thought for a while before giving two options for Zhang Yan to choose.

Zhang Yan was silent for a moment before replying: "My lord, I don't want to cause too much trouble for my lord. Thinking about it, those young people wouldn't dare to do anything outrageous under the eyes of a majestic city guard officer, and the old man at home is not in good health. Well, my brother is also handicapped, so it's better not to move."

Lin Zedong was also straightforward. He actually felt that the first method was enough to protect the Zhang family.So he went on to say: "Okay, I'll write a letter to my friend right now, and I will send it to him in five days at the latest through the accelerated channel of the army. Don't worry, my friend is honest and trustworthy, and will definitely handle it." It's fitting."

Hearing this, Zhang Yan bowed deeply again and thanked him: "My lord Gao Yi has nothing to repay, only this book of little tricks for you to play with, and it's all for fun in your spare time." As he spoke, he wrote a book of ten or so pages. The booklet was handed over to Lin Zedong.It was his gift in return.

"This is?"

"It's some other usages of the Eight Diagrams Formation, please correct me more."

"Bagua array? Other uses?" Lin Zedong didn't quite understand what he heard, but he thought it wouldn't be an ordinary thing when he touched the edge of the Bagua array, so he opened the booklet to have a quick look at it, at least two pages first. Check out the page.

As a result, Lin Zedong couldn't move his eyes away after reading only one page, and he raised his head suddenly after reading each page quickly, with a look of astonishment on his face, and at the same time asked eagerly: "Is there any more? "

"My lord, there are a lot of changes in the gossip formation. These are all things I've been figuring out. They can be used as a means of concealing one's eyes, and can also be used to arrange battle formations. Even the subordinates feel that even large battles can be dispatched." It can be used for some purposes. However, my subordinates have not personally experienced a large battle formation, and there are inevitably mistakes and omissions in it. The adults can make changes and improvements based on their own experience."

The implication is that the following content needs to be pondered by Lin Zedong himself.

Lin Zedong regretted for a moment, then carefully put away the booklet, and said seriously: "Zhang Yan, I accept your love!"

(End of this chapter)

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