one's door

Chapter 30

Chapter 30
Lin Zedong helped Zhang Yan with this favor, but Zhang Yan didn't know that as soon as he left, Lin Zedong went to the general's mansion and handed him the pamphlet as a gift in front of Song Qinghe.

In fact, Zhang Yan's idea is also very simple, he just doesn't want to go to Song Qinghe so as not to bear a heavy debt of favor.Compared with Song Qinghe, Lin Zedong's relationship is obviously much better.Moreover, Lin Zedong's saying "I take this love" when he was parting was already an expression of his attitude, and he evened out the favor accounts between the two sides with a booklet.

But Zhang Yan didn't know how close the relationship between Lin Zedong and Song Qinghe could be.He thought that Lin Zedong would keep the pamphlet away privately and would not show it to others easily.But the fact is not like this.

Song Qinghe is the only staircase for Lin Zedong, and he can't do it unless he helps it.The more promoted Song Qinghe is, the more promising he, Lin Zedong, will be.Lin Zedong himself could see this very clearly.So he didn't even think about hiding the good things that are so useful in the brochure, but shared them with Song Qinghe.

To ask for credit, for Lin Zedong, this is a great opportunity to increase his weight in Song Qinghe's mind, and he can show his loyalty, so why not do it?

"Zhang Yan gave you this just to let you keep his family safe?" Song Qinghe put down the booklet that didn't even have a name, and took a deep breath to calm himself down.It's been a long time since he had such ups and downs. The last time was when he obtained a high-grade combat skill.

"Yes, my lord, Zhang Yan first asked his subordinates to help take care of his family, and after his subordinates responded, he took this booklet out as a gift in return, probably because he wanted to use this to pay off the favor he owed." Lin Zedong slightly Bending his waist, he stood in front of Song Qinghe and told all the previous things in detail.

Song Qinghe said with a smile: "Don't he know the weight of this thing? Hehe, exchange the favor of a mere city guard officer with a method of commanding troops who can become a handsome talent? Tsk, but it is also in line with their miscellaneous knowledge Mai's strange behavior."

"My lord's words are true, and my subordinates are also thinking whether to find supplies for Zhang Yan from other places, so as not to make it appear that we are taking too much advantage and losing our friendship."

"That's right, it's rare for you to think that way. You need to be cautious when you are in contact with people of miscellaneous studies. Their behavior may seem crazy, but in reality they have their own measures. If you want a long-term relationship, you can't always take advantage of it.

Didn't you say he mentioned his previous case?You can find supplies for him there. "

"But my lord, if we directly intervene in the affairs of the local yamen, I'm afraid."

"Who said you want to intervene directly? Langyuan City belongs to Beijiang County, and the county governor Xiao Wangcheng was at the same time as me. Some time ago, I heard that he was doing rectification in Beijiang County. He not only wanted to suppress the power of the local gentry, but also cleared up some backlogs. , revive the voice of local officials. Wouldn’t it be just right to hand Zhang Yan’s case directly to him?”

Lin Zedong saw that Song Qinghe was about to stab the incident to the magistrate of Beijiang County, so he fell silent.He had mentioned to Zhang Yan cryptically before that it was best to reverse the case from top to bottom, so that it would be strong enough and not repeated.If it can be done directly from the mouth of Beijiang County Sheriff as Song Qinghe said, it is basically a rush down, and the officials in Langyuan below will not be able to fool them.

"However, Zhang Yan can't directly appreciate this matter. It's better to take a detour and find a suitable opportunity to tell him. That way it won't appear abrupt, and let him remember it clearly."

Lin Zedong understood, smiled and flattered "Your Excellency" and slapped him.

Song Qinghe went on to say: "But it's a pity that he can't keep him. It's been a year now, and he will leave once the two-year period of the compulsory conscript expires. It's a pity.

But fortunately, there is still a good relationship left.In the future, it will be considered as an extra door for him. "

Song Qinghe looked at the unnamed booklet on the table, and his heart was even more burning.He secretly thought that Yubei Mountain was really the right place, could it be his blessed land?
Seven days later, Langyuan City.

Zhou Cang got up early in the morning. After washing, he changed into a military officer's robe, with a knife on his waist. Even though he hadn't fought the enemy for many years, he still had a lot of evil spirits on him. Now he is wearing this city guard His official robe is even more majestic.

"My lord, the carriage is ready, shall we start now?"

"Well, let's go."

Zhou Cang doesn't like riding a carriage very much, it's too slow, so it's better to ride a horse.But today he was going to the city, his status made it better for him to choose a carriage instead.

In fact, the city guards usually stay in the camps outside the city, and they don't have much time to go to the city for business.And after all, Zhou Cang was not on business today, but was doing a private matter under the guise of business, or helping an old friend with a private matter.

After entering the city, all the way to the west, the shops along the road can tell that the west side of the city is not a place for rich people to stay.

"My lord, Zhuzui Lane is just ahead. The road over there is too narrow for cars to get in. Can you call that family member out to listen?"

Before the adjutant finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhou Cang who came down from the car and said: "Since we are almost here, we must go in and sit down. Let's go, we can walk."

"It's an adult!"

Right now, two personal guards opened the way, followed by two arch guards, and the adjutant followed to lead the way. The group of people on the street crushed the passers-by with their heads down and did not dare to look around.Waiting for Zhou Cang and his party to pass by, he turned his head and looked curiously, guessing why these soldiers came to Zhuzui Lane?

The alley is not very dirty, but the road is really narrow, only two people can walk side by side in the alley, and if there is one more person, they can only stagger sideways.

It was the busy time in the morning, and many doors were open, and the people inside were also busy going out to earn a living, but when they looked up, they startled themselves, and quickly retreated back into the door, looking at the whole body with puzzled and curious eyes. Zhou Cang and his party in Wupao walked by.

"These people are city guards? Those in the middle are officials?"

"That's the city guard! The leader of a thousand people! The biggest official among our soldiers in Langyuan!"

"Hey! Why is such a big official coming to our Zhuzui Alley?"

"I don't know. Hey, stop! Isn't that Zhang Shun's house?"

"I heard before that Zhang Yan, the youngest son of the Zhang family, was dispatched to the frontier army to dare to die. In the end, he was not only acquitted of his crimes, but also got credit. He returned in exchange for two pieces of fertile land. I didn't believe it at first, but it seems that this battle is also aimed at Zhang Yan. Right? After all, aren’t city guards also members of the army?”

"Hiss, no way? Isn't the Zhang family amazing?"

The neighbors in the alley are familiar with each other. It is impossible to hide who beats the child, whose husband and wife have conflicts, and who even has a good meal.The Zhang family committed the crime of beheading before, and everyone didn't want to see it, but who would have thought how long it would be?Even a big man like the city guard came to the door in person. Could there be such a strange thing in the world? !

(End of this chapter)

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