one's door

Chapter 31 Days

Chapter 31 Days
The Zhang family was not considered an old resident in Zhuzui Lane. They didn't even live in the west city more than a year ago, but lived in the north of the city, where they belonged to the well-to-do families, and they basically lived in complete sets of houses.

Later, the family was in trouble and the family situation collapsed. In desperation, they sold the house together and changed to Zhuzui Lane in Xicheng to live.

Life in Zhuzui Lane was not stable for the Zhang family.

First of all, the family is short of labor, relying on the handicrafts of the old mother and Zhang Huiyuan, the money that can be exchanged is not much, plus the cost of decocting medicine, the family has been consuming what is left after selling the house.

And although the surrounding neighbors are not hateful, they are not friendly to their family either.It's not that the residents in Zhuzui Alley are not good people, on the contrary, many of them are actually good people, and it is precisely because they are good people that they dislike the Zhang family who has a beheaded one.Because the Zhang family is "bad people" in their eyes.

Even a lot of bums would speak ill at each other at the door of Zhang's house, or spout obscenities at Zhang Huiyuan, the youngest sister of Zhang's family.

However, the unexpected good news aroused a glimmer of hope in the Zhang family in the sinking life.The second son of their family, Zhang Yan, who was assigned to the frontier army and escaped death, was miraculously cleared of his serious crimes in just a few months, and because of his outstanding military exploits, he received a forced conscript order from the frontier army. in the hands of the family.

With land property, this will undoubtedly bring the Zhang family back to the status of "landlords". Although the two fertile fields are not very rich, they will definitely make the family's mouths full and warm.Hire someone to take care of the fields, and as long as you get through a year and grow up in the next year, life will gradually get better.

The most important thing is that the family finally has a male family. The second child, Zhang Yan, will be back in more than a year. At that time, what hurdles will the family have to overcome?
With hope, the immediate difficulties will no longer make people feel tormented.Even the old mother smiled more, and her body became stronger.Even the eldest son Zhang Shun, who had been depressed for many years, began to offer some small favors on a rare occasion, and he no longer looked lifeless all day long.

But good days, but many hardships.

Not long after the Zhang family got the fertile land, those friends of Zhang Yan who had been far away after the disaster of the Zhang family came together again and said that they could find a way to redeem one of the two confiscated shops before. , As long as you sell the two new fields in your hand, you can talk about it.He also said that with the shop, Zhang Yan will be able to do things when he comes back in the future, so he won't be idle.

Can the Zhang family still see the faces of these people clearly?After refusing, they did not let these people leave. Instead, they came to harass Zhang Huiyuan every few days, and even stopped Zhang Huiyuan on the way out to pester her, knocked over Zhang Huiyuan's embroidery, or even destroyed the medicine bought for Zhang's mother.

If it weren't for the fact that many people in Zhuzui Lane couldn't bear to bully people like this, there would always be people shouting, those people would have done even more egregious things.

Zhang Huiyuan kept many things in her heart and did not tell her mother and elder brother at home.But she didn't know how long she could resist. She was also afraid, but she would only cry when she was covered in bed late at night, and the rest of the time she acted tougher than her husband.

Zhang Huiyuan didn't sleep well last night, and she didn't fall asleep until late at night, just to catch up with the day before yesterday's work, which was to be handed over to the embroidery workshop this morning.After this order is settled, even if my mother's medicine money has been settled this month, she can still cut two catties of fat to prescribe meat for the family.

In the morning, she drank a bowl of rice soup and ate a piece of dry biscuit. After packing up her things, Zhang Huiyuan greeted her mother and elder brother and was about to go out, but when she was about to open the door, she heard a knock on the door, which made Zhang Huiyuan's expression very ugly.

"Little sister, push me over, I'm going to fight them today!" The elder brother Zhang Shun's eyes were red, and he tightly held a short knife that he didn't know when he hid on his body, with indescribable anger like that.

"Shun! What are you doing! Put down the knife! If you have another accident, what will you ask mom to do? You are so confused!"

"Brother, don't be like this. Although they are hateful, I can still handle them. Can they still eat me? Let's talk about everything after the second brother comes back." While talking, Zhang Huiyuan sighed and regained his energy.

"Yuanyuan, go and open the door, maybe it's not those people, it doesn't sound like it." The old mother's eyes are not very good, but her ears are good, and she is more sensitive than others. She doesn't remember those bastards knocking on the door so politely when they come. I kicked it with my foot, bang bang bang as if I was going to tear down the door.

After being reminded by their mother, both Zhang Shun and Zhang Huiyuan came to their senses. They really don't seem like those bastards?

Zhang Shun put away the short knife, but he was also on guard, hiding his hands in his arms and didn't let go of the handle of the knife.

Zhang Huiyuan took a deep breath, and opened the door. It was not those disgusting white faces, but a dark and fierce man's face, followed by an oppressive martial robe, and that smell that made Zhang Huiyuan unable to stop. retreat momentum.

Is it from the army?Or Master Warrior? !
"You, you."

"Is it Zhang Yan's home?"

Just when Zhang Huiyuan was a little at a loss, a slightly kind question sounded from outside the door, and then the vicious man in front of him turned sideways to make way for Zhang Huiyuan, only to see that the questioner was also wearing a military robe, and he looked like a high-ranking official. look.

She wanted to talk, but Zhang Huiyuan was too nervous due to the pressure on the other party. How could she cope with such a character at such a young age?He just nodded stiffly, indicating that the other party did not find the wrong place.

"This is Mr. Zhou, the city guard of Langyuan City. He is here to visit you this time, and he also brought Zhang Yan's family letter." The adjutant followed behind and introduced the Zhang family.Although he tried his best to calm down his tone, he still sounded habitually blunt.

The three members of the Zhang family were dumbfounded when they heard that it was a big man like the city guard officer who came.In the end, it was the old mother Wang Lanping who came to her senses first, pulled her daughter to kneel on the ground to salute, and said respectfully: "Caomin Zhang Wang pays his respects to the lord! The little girl is young, and the eldest son has a handicap. If you neglect the adults, please punish the grassmen." There is no way to teach."

"Hehe, Mrs. Zhang Wang got up to speak. I was entrusted by someone to come here to visit your family to see if you need care. Secondly, I also handed over a letter from Zhang Yan's family to make you feel at ease."

Compared with his adjutant, Zhou Cang obviously paid more attention to the Zhang family, with a smile on his face, and his words were full of kindness.

There is no other reason. In the letter Zhou Cang received from Lin Zedong, he clearly stated that Zhang Yan, the second son of the Zhang family, was not simple. It has been cleared, and it is likely to return to Langyuan in the future. It is better for Zhou Cang to send charcoal in the snow than to add flowers in the future, right?Besides, how much effort would it take Zhou Cang to take care of the old and weak Zhang family?It's just a matter of greeting.

(End of this chapter)

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