one's door

Chapter 32

Chapter 32
As soon as Zhou Cang entered the door, he could see that the life of the Zhang family was difficult. There was no decoration in the house, and there was nothing in the main room except tables and benches.Although the rice soup and dry biscuits on the table can also fill the stomach, they are the simplest.

Of course, the life of the Zhang family is not "good" or "miserable".

After asking a few simple questions, and knowing the source of the Zhang family's livelihood, Zhou Cang was thinking about how to help the other party and get a favor.

But at this moment, there was noise outside, and the two guards guarding the door caught four thieves who kept looking at Zhang's house. Those people were slapped twice and shouted to Zhou Cang who was in the house.

"Oh? Are you looking for trouble?" Zhou Cang was quite surprised. The Zhang family is old, weak and poor, how can someone come to ask for trouble?But after thinking about it, he remembered that the Zhang family seemed to have only obtained two pieces of fertile land, so he frowned, wouldn't he be so deceitful?
So Zhou Cang looked at the old woman Wang Lanping sitting in front of him, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Zhang Wang, you should know those people outside, right? Why did you come to the door early in the morning to make trouble? Now my official I came here to take care of you all, if you have any troubles, you can tell me, and I can help you a little bit."

It wasn't Zhou Cang Tuo Da, even though he couldn't interfere in government affairs in the whole Langyuan City, he was worthy of a thousand soldiers in his hand.Not to mention bullying anyone, at least it is possible to protect a family of three, old and weak. He doesn't believe that there is anyone in the city who can compete with him in this kind of thing.And this is also a great opportunity for him to form a good relationship with the Zhang family.

Wang Lanping didn't say it immediately, but was obviously hesitating.Even grabbing the daughter Zhang Huiyuan next to her, she didn't let her speak in a hurry.

Compared with her daughter, Wang Lanping thinks more.She was worried that she might not be able to change the matter if she said it out. What if Master Zhou just said something polite?If he offends those bastards outside, and this Mr. Zhou doesn't take care of him wholeheartedly, wouldn't the Zhang family be in a worse situation?
Seeing Wang Lanping's actions and expressions, how could Zhou Cang fail to guess the other party's worries.So he laughed and said: "Zhang Yan has made great achievements in Yubei Mountain many times, and he is highly regarded by General Song Qinghe, and he has an equal relationship with Lin Zedong, the general manager of Youtanqi. And I am an old friend of Lin Zedong. This time I came here to see you also entrusted by my old friend. I, Zhou Cang, am the first person to be loyal, and I am entrusted with loyalty, how can I deal with you superficially? Otherwise, how can I see my old friend? ?”

Warriors value righteousness, Zhou Cang's words are very serious.

Wang Lanping opened her mouth, but she was still afraid.But the hand holding her daughter Zhang Huiyuan loosened.So Zhang Huiyuan hurriedly told Zhou Cang about the recent troubles at home. From Zhang Huiyuan's point of view, now that there are such big officials helping her family decide, how could she be afraid of those bastards outside?
When Zhang Huiyuan finished speaking, the smile on Zhou Cang's face was gone, his brows were wrinkled and his eyes were angry.Even the adjutant and two other guards beside him who had listened to Zhang Huiyuan's speech also had their chests heaving violently and were very angry.

To be honest, the most unacceptable thing for people in the army is not to die in battle or outnumbered, but to be coveted or robbed of the credit they have earned through their hard work.Because in that case, the lives of soldiers will look like a joke.

"It's really audacious!" According to Zhang Huiyuan, a few people outside came to persuade them to sell two pieces of fertile land obtained by Zhang Yan's military exploits to redeem a former shop of the Zhang family.But the Zhang family didn't do it, so they kept pestering them.Have the guts to make some military achievements, and have the guts to redeem the shop that was seized by the yamen?Plus Zhang Yan's previous charges.Even if Zhou Cang didn't speculate, he could taste a lot of the smell.

Zhou Cang snorted coldly, but didn't say much.He is not going to let this matter go, but is going to take it all on.But he also won't dig deep into this matter.Because it would be too long for him, and the variables are too big.Although Langyuan City is not big, the water is very deep.

People can be saved, so can Zhou Cang.But he didn't want to touch the strangeness inside.After Zhang Yan, whom Lin Zedong repeatedly praised and valued, came back, he would make another plan.

"Bring the four people outside to talk."

"Yes, my lord!"

After a while, four men with bruises on their faces were brought in, each obediently kneeling on the ground and not daring to look up.

"The four of you heard clearly. If you dare to come to harass the Zhang family and appear in front of the Zhang family again, don't blame me, Zhou Cang, for being rude to you!"

In the end, Zhou Cang asked the four people to report to the house, and asked the guards to escort them back to check the door one by one, completely looking serious.This is the platform.In the future, I need to intervene from time to time, and to give the Zhang family a convenience, so that they can go directly to the city gate to find someone if they have something to do, and when the time comes to report the name of Zhou Cang, someone will respond.

That's the only way to deal with it for the time being.Deterrence Xiaoxiao is the main thing, there is no need to dig deep.Everything has to wait until Zhou Cang sees that Zhang Yan before deciding whether to continue.

The three members of the Zhang family saw the four bastards who always came to them on weekdays, kneeling on the ground with bruised noses and swollen faces, almost peeing their pants in fright, they felt a bad breath in their hearts.And Zhou Cang also gave them a guarantee afterwards that he would protect the Zhang family from being harassed by these people.

Afterwards, Zhou Cang didn't stay in Zhang's house any longer, and after dismissing the four bastards who were entangled with Zhang's house, he said goodbye and left.

Zhang Huiyuan sent Zhou Cang to the entrance of the alley, then turned back home and took last night's embroidery and hurriedly handed in the work, walking briskly all the way, her happiness was beyond words.

In the room, Zhang Shun also had a rare smile on his face.

Only the old mother, Wang Lanping, was happy with worry on her face.

"Mother, those four bastards were cleaned up by Mr. Zhou. Why do you look unhappy? Are you still worried that Mr. Zhou will ignore it afterwards? He just said it sincerely and left us something later, you Afraid that such a big official can coax us into playing tricks?"

Wang Lanping shook her head, sighed, and said, "My lord Zhou spoke firmly that day, and mother naturally knew that he was not trying to perfuse us. Mother is worried that this matter is too unusual."

"Mother, do you mean that Mr. Zhou came here unusually?" Zhang Shun just lost his leg, and his brain is not stupid, and he came back to it after being reminded by his mother.The smile on his face also subsided a bit.

Seeing that she had spoken, Wang Lanping didn't hide it, and then continued to worry: "Think about it, although your brother has some brains, is he worthy of such care from a dignified military figure? How many catties and taels does he have? Could it be that he has caused trouble again? What's the matter?"

What Wang Lanping believes in is how big the stomach is to eat as big a bowl, if you don't have the skills, don't be brave.She even felt uneasy about the fact that her second son had done meritorious service and was cleared of his crimes, let alone Zhou Cang's personal visit?I'm afraid it's being used again, isn't it?

But no matter how worried the Zhang family was in the end, the news that the Zhang family was under the care of the city guard Zhou Cang spread like wildfire.

(End of this chapter)

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