one's door

33 The sky is high

33 The sky is high
"Hiss..." Zhang Yan took a deep breath, which seemed to be more refreshing than before.

Turning around, he waved goodbye to the boss named Li at the post station, turned over and climbed into a carriage on his way home.There were some empty sacks in the car, and the smell of some grain could be smelled, which should be the empty grain loan that was consumed, and they were dragged back.

"Master Jun, are you returning home?"

"It's not a military master anymore. He was disbanded from the army a few days ago, and now he is an ordinary person like you." Zhang Yan leaned on a stack of empty cloth bags with a smile, while answering the coachman's question.

"Yo? Why don't you do it at such a young age? I heard that the military masters in Yubei Mountain Fortress have made a lot of military achievements. Why don't you work for a few more years?"

Drivers are talkative.Especially after knowing that Zhang Yan was not in the army, his voice became a little louder, and his interest became even higher.

"What else are you going to do? Yubei Mountain is dangerous. People die every day. How much is enough? It's enough to make ends meet. If you stay for a long time, I'm afraid you'll lose your life." The other party started talking.I also want to learn something about ordinary people in the Huangtian Region from this coachman.

Zhang Yan completed his last patrol on Yubei Mountain five days ago, and he continued to teach everything that should be taught. Even without him in the future, those gossip formations can still operate normally and change their paths from time to time.

Two years is not a short time, but in Yubei Mountain Fortress, Zhang Yan feels that it is not too long. There are not many memorable events in the monotonous days, so when looking back, time will feel like it flies.In addition, Zhang Yan was almost in a state of semi-submerged cultivation for more than a year, and was not very sensitive to time.

Before Zhang Yan left, Lin Zedong and Song Qinghe called him to say goodbye, handed him the documents, and asked him about his future plans.

Zhang Yan didn't even think about what to do in the future, he just said to go home and have a look, he hasn't thought about the future.

Zhang Yan even went to see Huagou.The dog is still alive, and he is not planning to leave Yubei Mountain Fortress yet, saying that he plans to reap the benefits for another two years.When parting, Zhang Yan forced one of his exorcism charms to the other party, and told him that this thing could really save his life.This time Huagou didn't shirk it, he laughed and said that he would keep it, and he didn't know if he was perfunctory Zhang Yan.

After leaving the Yubei Mountain Fortress, Zhang Yan took the vehicle of the supply battalion, and it took three days to arrive at an army station at the foot of the mountain. Afterwards, he completed many procedures at the station, and repaired for a day, waiting for the return team of vehicles and horses to return to the empty convoy. Then hitch a ride and leave.Otherwise, Zhang Yan might not be able to reach the next place for at least five days just by footsteps.It takes two days by car.

There are no cars, trains, planes, national highways or high speeds. It takes time to move long distances in the wilderness, just like in the ancient times of the earth.But it is precisely because of this difficulty on the road that both parting and reunion seem extremely difficult.But Zhang Yan didn't care about it.

Because compared with other people, Zhang Yan's heart is not concerned with nostalgia and emotion at this moment. In his eyes, even every plant and tree along the way is novel, and the vast barren world officially opened its arms to him at this time, and even he Every step forward is a new world, and it's too late to be excited.

As for hurrying?Sorry, Crazy Zhang didn't think so, he was not in a hurry, and even prepared to walk slowly.

Before leaving, Zhang Yan asked Lin Zedong for a rough map of Nanyuan Kingdom. The ink outline on it looked more like a painting than a map. There was no way to make an accurate judgment on it. Terrain can only be used to understand the general orientation of some large geographical landmarks such as cities, big rivers, etc., as well as the distribution of counties in the entire Nanyuan Kingdom.

Others, Zhang Yan didn't care too much. In the memory of the body he inherited, he traveled from his hometown Langyuan City to Yubeishan Fortress for three full months.Looking at the map, Yubei Mountain is on the western border of Nanyuan Kingdom, while Langyuan City is in Beijiang County in the northeast.It almost covered half of the land of Nanyuan Kingdom.

Isn't that just right?

For Zhang Yan, the way home is tantamount to his journey across Nanyuan Kingdom, wouldn't it be fun to watch while walking along the way?
"Brother, what you said is so deep in my heart!" The driver let go, flicked his whip, and the horse rattled a few steps, then turned his head sideways and continued: "Then How fierce is it on Yubei Mountain? When will no one die? I always pick up and run corpse cars down the mountain. One car a day, sometimes several cars, and burn them when they are pulled to the Yizhuang. The last seven-foot man is as small as a small jar. Dot, sigh!
It's better to plan food in the ground honestly.

But I'm not saying that the military men are miserable. Without the military men to block those monsters, we ordinary people would not have a good life.Just think, it’s enough to block for two or three years. If you change people, there’s no need to fight to the death, right? "

Zhang Yan also smiled, shook his head and said: "Fighting, which day is it not working hard? Some people get used to it. You let them drive like you? They are not willing. They are all clamoring to make money Fuyin Children and grandchildren, but no one admits that they like the day of licking blood."

The driver must be fifty years old, and he could understand the meaning of Zhang Yan's words, but he didn't dare to answer when he opened his mouth, so he could only laugh a few times.

After a long silence, Zhang Yan sang in a strange tone:

Knife with a hook, open the skin;

A palm-breadth knife, cuts down demon generals;

Strip off the monster's skin, pull out the monster's tendons, and exchange for meritorious service, Hao Erlang.
Zhang Yan has long been able to sing this song, but he has never asked the name of this song.He didn't bother to know, but in his heart the song was called "The Ugly Song Sung by Flower Dog".catchy, but also on the head.While singing, I can also do psychological construction for myself, ignoring many things that I understand but dare not say.

For example, when someone sleeps, they always hold the handle of a knife in their hands.

For example, some people like to smell the strange smell of blood and oil on the knife.

very many.These people can't go outside, and they will only die on the city wall of Yubei Mountain in the end.

After repeating the song twice, Zhang Yan squinted his eyes, and he saw a thin layer of sweat on the back of the driver's neck.

"Brother, what fun places to go in Xuanhua City ahead?" Zhang Yan stopped singing, and changed the subject to ask about the big city closest to Yubei Mountain.It was also the first place where he settled down this time, and it was also the destination of the drive back.After that, he had to find a car dealer by himself and continue eastward.

"Hehe, the little brother asked this question is actually only one place to go. Where can I play other places when I go up the mountain? Isn't there just a few places to go? Chunxiaolou, Hongyi Pavilion, Xiaoyulin, oh yes! Newly opened recently It’s a flower garden, and the sister in it is so pretty.”

Zhang Yan's expression froze, and he shouted in his heart: Brother, is this what I'm asking?Are these things that can be written in free chapters?
(End of this chapter)

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