one's door

Chapter 34

Chapter 34
Entering Xuanhua City, Zhang Yan looked around in shock for a long time.He thought that the so-called "city" was nothing more than a town surrounded by earthen walls. After all, Nanyuan Kingdom seemed to be plagued by borders all the year round, so it should not have much energy to focus on construction.But the facts taught him a lesson.

Who said that internal construction cannot be carried out due to perennial border troubles?If it is a big city, then it must be a big city, who is playing with you?
Although the city wall is not high, the city is extremely prosperous, and Zhang Yan even has the illusion of returning to the ancient capital of China.

The roadside hawkers flocked endlessly, shops lined up everywhere, shouting one after another.Pedestrians are also crowded with each other.Zhang Yan even heard no less than five different dialects intertwined, perfectly interpreting what is called "hustle and bustle".

What made Zhang Yan even more unbearable was the inconspicuous but hard to ignore scent that wafted in the air.It's like barbecue, or roast chicken, and the smell of pepper.The most unbearable thing was the smell of wine, Zhang Yan almost couldn't contain the saliva in his mouth.

"Here, little brother, I'm going to hand over the car there. You can come down here. Yuhua Street in the north of the city is the place I told you before that you can find a joker. Food and lodging are also expensive. If you want a cheaper inn Go to the east side of the city, and the market has a lot of things, so you can bring some specialties back home."

"Okay brother, thank you. By the way, does brother like playing with money?"

"Huh? Is this a good thing, my little brother?"

"Hey, brother, I think you should stop playing with money in the past two months. I see that your brows are swollen, your face is weakened, and your luck is not enough, especially if your wealth is stagnant and depressed. If you play with money, you will lose badly." Yes. Don't take it seriously!"

The driver's face immediately collapsed, he snorted, turned around and left without saying goodbye, feeling unhappy but not daring to confront Zhang Yan.But he probably didn't listen to Zhang Yan's words.

Shrugging, Zhang Yan didn't say anything more after jumping out of the car.Meeting is fate, and Taoism pays attention to this, and he chatted happily with the driver along the way, and when he parted, he gave two words of advice on the art of physiognomy to end this fate.As for whether the other party listens or not, it is not something he can force.

Facial physiognomy was not learned by Zhang Yancai, it was commonly used when running rivers and lakes on the earth before, and it is also a rare method handed down by Longhu Mountain that can still work well after losing the support of aura.Although it can't be said that things are as good as God's words, it is not too difficult to hit seven out of ten times.Especially for ordinary people, it is not difficult to obtain short-term fortune trends from their faces.

If it is a warrior, Zhang Yan tried it in the Yubei Mountain Fortress. The higher the cultivation level of the warrior, the more difficult it is to judge the face. It requires him to spend more energy and even use the spiritual energy to increase his brain power to calculate a little, which is very laborious.A martial artist like Song Qinghe who is said to have reached the Aperture Realm, Zhang Yan has no way of counting.It is estimated that it will take his own cultivation to improve before he can change his mind.

Looking at the back of the driver who was leaving, Zhang Yan smiled, wondering if the other party would be jealous during this period of time.Wealth decline is not a joke. The best way is to keep the wealth unchanged and respond to all changes. If you want to make money by going the wrong way, you can fill in your old books.

After turning around, Zhang Yan tightened the burden on his back with a smile, shrugged his nose, and went in the direction where the aroma of wine came.He had money with him, the money that Lin Zedong gave him when he was parting, and part of the money he had left after sending it home in the fortress for the past two years.

The one with the strongest aroma of wine is a restaurant called "Xuanhua Winery".The inside is not small, and you can see no less than twenty tables inside at the door, and most of them are already full.

"Mr. Jun, please come here. The shop has the best sauced game, and the most famous "Three Brews" in Xuanhua City. You will definitely be satisfied!"

The waiter in the shop was very enthusiastic. He greeted the customers with a bowed waist and a smiling face at the door, and even revealed Zhang Yan's identity.

"Oh? How do you know I'm in the army?"

"My lord, look at what you said. You can't buy the boots on your feet anywhere else. They are only available in the army. And Xuanhua is next to Yubei Mountain. With these boots, you are just a guardian. The military master of the country. Hehe." As he said, holding it in his hands, he really led Zhang Yan into the store.

After entering the door, the aroma inside is even stronger.Not just wine, but also the aroma of meat and vegetables.This is rare in the military.

It's not that there is no meat to eat in the army, there is, and it's not once every ten days or half a month, basically you can see meat every two or three days.However, it's just "meat".A large pot of vegetables, rice, meat, and soup can be boiled together. You can't count on the taste, and if it smells like shit, you have to hold your nose and gobble it into your mouth.

Can't eat?At least in Yubei Mountain Fortress, Zhang Yan never met anyone who said he couldn't eat enough food. He often cursed the cook's [-]th generation ancestors and complained that there was too little food in the rice bowl.

"Choose a few of your restaurant's specialty dishes, enough for me to eat alone. For wine, let's drink half a catty first, and then refill after drinking." Zhang Yan sat at a small table in the corner of the store under the guidance of the waiter. Before, this place was obviously prepared for a lonely guest like him.But he didn't mind, sitting inside, he could just see the situation in most of the lobby, it was lively, if it was different from Yubei Mountain, it was also different from that on Earth.

"Okay! Just wait a moment, it will be served to you soon!"

Looking at the waiter trotting away, Zhang Yan wondered if the store gave the waiter a rake based on the number of customers, otherwise it would be hard for him to imagine that an errand runner would have such enthusiasm for his work.

Soon, two meat, one vegetable and one soup arrived on Zhang Yan's table.Each portion is very generous, both in appearance and smell are very good.I don't know if it's because he ate too much of the army's big pot of rice, anyway, Zhang Yan has quite an appetite at this time.

First, he ate Haisai for a meal, and then followed by the "Three Noodles Burning".


Breathing out the smell of alcohol, Zhang Yan couldn't help flushing on his face.This wine is much stronger than he expected, maybe it's [-]% alcohol? !And it is worthy of the word "burning". One sip from the throat to the stomach, it seems that there is a fire stirring, warm, a unique aftertaste of spirits.

“Good wine!”

It's just that he asked for half a catty this time, and Zhang Yan made a bit of a miscalculation. He measured four taels of wine with this strength at most.So I had to slow down, thinking that if I couldn't finish drinking, I would take it away.

It was Zhang Yan's interest that was aroused by the conversation of the people at the table next to him.

"Did you hear about the suburban fire the day before yesterday?"

"Isn't that right? It is said that more than ten people were burned to death, all of whom worked in the cloth workshop. Tsk tsk, that was a tragedy. After the fire was extinguished, it was like black charcoal, and no one could recognize it. In the end, it was estimated that They can only be thrown into mass graves."

(End of this chapter)

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