one's door

Chapter 35

Chapter 35
At the end of the meal, there was only the wine in the jug left, and there was half a jug left.

Zhang Yan still overestimated his drinking capacity, or overestimated the drinking capacity of this body, let alone four taels, he started to get drunk just after swallowing a little more than two taels, and quickly stopped after drinking three taels.

However, the food was cleaned up, and he even ate two large bowls of dry rice.It was the most comfortable meal he had in the past two years.

When I paid the bill, I gave a little more, and took away the flagon in the tavern by the way.

Except for the shop door, his feet were a little empty, but Zhang Yan pulled himself together, walked all the way a little wobbly, and finally left the north gate of Xuanhua City, then walked along the official road for more than three miles, and finally passed by. Under the guidance of the guide, I turned to a fork in the road and walked for a while before I saw a lonely hill in the distance.

After walking all the way, Zhang Yan's wine not only did not wake up, it seemed that after absorbing it, it became even more drunk.In the end, I insisted on staggering up the hill, but before reaching the top of the hill, I couldn't hold back the alcohol, so I found a small soil bag, used the burden on my back as a pillow, lay back, and fell asleep past.

This is the weird behavior of people who drink too much.

Originally, Zhang Yan planned to find a place to stay first, and waited for the night to come here.But when he got out of the tavern, he got drunk and lost his mind. He only remembered to come here to find out, but he ignored the step of finding a place to stay.

As soon as I slept, the sky darkened, and then turned black.

The night breeze is gentle, although Xuanhua is much warmer than Yubei Mountain, but the night is still cool, let alone sleeping with the open door in the wild.Zhang Yan, who was originally sprawled, gradually curled up, and finally began to tremble, and then woke up from the cold.

"Where is this?" Zhang Yan uttered a sentence of torture, and finally remembered it quickly in his mind.

".I came up from the mass grave?!"

Rubbing his swollen forehead, Zhang Yan was still a little speechless about his absurdity.What is the amount?so shallow?I'm afraid it's not alcohol sensitive, right?

When eating in the tavern before, Zhang Yan heard the two people at the next table mention a place in the chat, which is the mass grave.He was very curious at the time, after all, mass graves on the earth were almost extinct in peaceful times.never seen it.You think there should be the most lonely souls and wild ghosts in places like Mass Burial Mounds, right?
So Zhang Yan thought about coming over at night to open his eyes, touch ghosts, and learn a lot.

It's good now, the money for staying in the hotel is saved, and it's already night when I squint and open my eyes.

Standing up from the ground, he turned his head to pick up the burden on the ground, only then did Zhang Yan realize that the small dirt bag he was pillowing just now was actually a grave mound.

I curled my lips, but I didn't feel bad luck, I just felt that I didn't choose my position well, no wonder I felt uncomfortable when I fell asleep.After all, Zhang Yan broke into other people's graves not once or twice when he was on earth, and sleeping on the top of the grave is nothing at all.

"Huh, let's take a good look around."

No one saw the drunken appearance anyway, and although sleeping in a mass grave was strange, it didn't cause Zhang Yan any trouble.Putting aside all these confusions at this time, Zhang Yan had a thought, switched the vision of the pupil technique to the state where both yin and yang were present, and then officially started his first trip to explore the world of the dead.

As I said before, after death, a person needs a strong enough obsession to get rid of the shackles of heaven and earth and become a ghost.In other words, as long as it is a ghost, no matter how "good" it looks, it is actually an existence that violates the rules of heaven and earth and is rejected by heaven and earth.Only Taoist sects have the saying of "killing evil and supporting Taoism".

If you see a ghost, it will be over if you extinguish it, and there will be no mistakes.This is clearly written in the classics of Longhushan people.

However, if you want to break free from the shackles of the rules of heaven and earth, and resist returning to heaven and earth, you must have a strong obsession. Simple unwillingness or resentment in your heart cannot support your soul from turning into a ghost.So it is not so easy to become a ghost even after death.

Even on the mass grave, Zhang Yan looked around and didn't see any ghost for the time being.

I took a pen and paper out of the bag, and drew a "evil chasing talisman" in two or three times by the moonlight.But compared to the spirit-gathering talisman and the evil-exorcism talisman, the evil-chasing talisman cannot be useful just by drawing it. It needs Zhang Yan to use the aura in his body as a trigger to be effective.

After drawing, the aura in his hand poured into the talisman paper, and the talisman paper suddenly turned into a ball of golden flame, and then the flame shattered into dots and fluttered with the wind, like agile fireflies, and Zhang Yan followed Behind these Mars.

Finally, Zhang Yan saw a tree from a distance, squatting on the tree was a haggard figure with disheveled hair, his upper body was naked, his lower body was in messy pants, his whole body looked dirty.Zhang Yan could feel the yin energy emanating from the other party more than ten feet away.

"Is this a ghost?"

Zhang Yan's hands were not empty either, with a peach-wood sword transformed from Wanxiang beads in one hand and three spiritual fire talismans in the other, he was ready to respond, and slowly approached the crooked-neck tree.

Ghosts are also divided into high and low.The difference mainly lies in the shade of Yin and evil spirits on their body.Even some ghosts that are full of evil spirits and retain normal intelligence can also initiate ghost cultivation, and find another way to detour from the filth.In response to the old saying, there is no unparalleled road, and if you become a ghost, it does not mean that there is no road, it depends on your luck.

The ghost squatting on the tree in front of him didn't have a strong sinister aura. Zhang Yan guessed that the ghost was just the most ordinary wild ghost, although it looked a little creepy.

When the crooked-neck tree was less than five feet away, the wild ghost squatting on the tree suddenly raised its head and looked at Zhang Yan.A face seemed to be smiling, but the expression looked very distorted and added a lot of ferocity.Especially the pair of eyes, which were very swollen, and the whole eyes were gray.

To be honest, Zhang Yan was still a little nervous, after all, it was the first time he saw a ghost.Seeing the other party looking over, his footsteps subconsciously stopped.

"Forget it, let's catch it first and then watch it slowly." Zhang Yan felt that it was a bit funny for him to face a wild ghost so cautiously.It's like a cat being nervous about a little mouse, it doesn't make sense.

So he stopped hesitating and continued to move forward, the mahogany sword in his hand began to dance.

"The heavens and the earth are natural, the filth and qi are scattered, the cave is mysterious and empty, and the Taiyuan is shining brightly." "The Mantra of Jingtiandi" resounded from Zhang Yan's mouth. With an inexplicable swaying majestic momentum, and the blessing of Zhang Yan's newly learned aura added to the singing, he could clearly feel the cold atmosphere around him in an instant.

The wild ghost looked around in panic, and the ferocious expression on his face also brought obvious fear.Soon it understood where the source of its fear and discomfort came from, and it was the inexplicable living person in front of it.It instinctively sensed danger, so it wanted to run.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

"According to the Five Sacred Mountains, the knowledge of the eight seas, the head of the demon king, guarding my house, the filth dissipates, and the Dao Qi lives forever! Write it!"

(End of this chapter)

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