one's door

Chapter 36

Chapter 36
When the last syllable fell, Zhang Yan pointed at the wooden sword in his hand, and the talisman paper on the tip of the sword immediately ignited, and then a spiritual fire exploded, dividing into dozens of strange symbols, and one could tell that it was the talisman paper upon closer inspection The talisman strokes on it.

The wild ghost just wanted to escape, but it was too late, pieces of talisman strokes formed by pieces of golden spiritual fire had already wrapped around it layer by layer at a speed almost moving, and then pulled it away suddenly.

It was like a net that firmly caught the wild ghost that couldn't escape in the middle.


Although Zhang Yan is very curious about how these ghosts with souls can make their voices, the one in front of him is just a low-level wild ghost, neither obsession nor resentment is too strong. It's just wandering in the shadows of the world, and there is not much spiritual wisdom left. According to the Longhushan classics, most of these wild ghosts are acting according to instinct, and they can't even use words as they were when they were alive.

So Zhang Yan never thought about chatting with the other party.He grabbed this wild ghost just to get closer to see what is the difference between a ghost and a living soul.

Exploding with a spirit fire talisman and turning it into a magic mark can form a very good cage, and it is also simple to maintain. It only needs Zhang Yan to infuse spirit energy from time to time, and the consumption changes according to the struggling strength of the trapped thing. The more violent it is, the more spiritual energy Zhang Yan will consume to maintain the cage, and vice versa.

Although the power of the Spirit Fire Talisman is not great, the threshold for it to cooperate with the divine spell is extremely low, which is why Zhang Yan chose it.

Getting closer, Zhang Yan could clearly see the body of the wild ghost in front of him in the vision of both yin and yang. In addition to the characteristics of the soul, there were also some scarlet fine markings hidden in the ghost body.

Zhang Yan tried to use the peach wood sword in his hand to pierce the scarlet markings, but the peach wood sword actually gave off a pungent smell.

"How could it be so filthy?!"

Mahogany is supposed to exorcise and suppress evil, what's more, the mahogany sword in Zhang Yan's hand is a thousand-year-old mahogany that has been transformed into a Wanxiangzhu. Ordinary filth will not make it have such a reaction.

"Could it be that ghosts are called "dirty things" because of these scarlet spots on their bodies?"

Zhang Yan had never seen the relevant records of these details in the classics of Longhushan before, and he didn’t know whether it was because they were originally there but were lost later, or because the predecessors of Longhushan felt that there was no need to record the details. Ignore it.

Shaking the wooden sword, the stench on the tip of the sword dissipated, but it would not hurt the wooden sword, after all, the main body of the wooden sword is the fairy artifact Wanxiangzhu.

But those scarlet spots attracted Zhang Yan's interest.

Zhang Yan guessed in his heart: According to the description in the book, ghosts are born with obsessions, and obsessions are born from the seven emotions and six desires. The essence of ghosts is based on living souls, which means that most of their bodies are not related to living souls. difference, but the living soul will not have these red mottled
"Could it be that these red things are the reason for the filth of ghosts? Is it the manifestation of their obsession?"

Zhang Yan tried it, and the scarlet mottled hidden in the wild ghost's body could not be cut off, only a puff of smoke and stench would be attracted by the exorcism properties of the mahogany sword.

In addition, if you go to stab those scarlet spots, it will bring great pain to this wild ghost, even surpassing the confinement of the magic fire that bound it, and it will struggle desperately.

After studying for a while, Zhang Yanbian put away his thoughts.The ghosts are basically the same as those mentioned in the classics, but there are some doubts about the details. Zhang Yan can't solve it for the time being, so he can only study it later.

Then the remaining problem comes.Is this wild ghost released or eliminated?

Zhang Yan did not have a psychological burden.He had seen too many killings in Yubei Mountain Fortress, and he wouldn't feel any discomfort if he broke up the wild ghost in front of him, even worse than killing chickens and pigs.

But how to kill it?Soul-destroying?This is not good, it hurts peace, and it doesn't make sense.

Or super?

"Alright, you're the first ghost I've ever seen. Thinking of this opportunity, I'll send you a ride to get rid of bad karma and fruit of sin. I hope you can be freed." The wild ghosts in the divine mantra spirit fire slowly approached.His eyes also let go of the previous hostility and became gentle.

"At that time, the Taishang Daojun, together with all the saints, were under the Baqian Forest, in the Qibao Terrace"

The same Taoist scriptures were used countless times by Zhang Yan when he was in the rivers and lakes.Every time there is a dead person, if his relatives invite him to save his life, then this "Taishang Daojun Explains the Wonderful Sutra of Resolving Injustice and Eviction of Sins" will never be missing.

This is a very typical example in Taoism about the Taoism of fellow practitioners.The words and sentences use the power of the Taoist monarch to wash away the obsessions and sins of the dead, so that they can return to the world in peace and stability, and they can be liberated without any worries after death.

At this time, Zhang Yan was blessed with spiritual energy, and his speech was different from before. The trembling of the syllables brought righteousness, but it did not appear blunt. It actually calmed down the struggling wild ghost quickly.

".Shangbai Daojun said: If you don't judge this generation of poor souls, what's your fault for living and suffering from this?"

Thinking of Daojun's name, inexplicable coercion rained down like rain, and even Zhang Yan seemed to feel a kind of power that did not belong to the mortal world appear out of thin air in his words.

And the wild ghost curled up even more, as if kneeling, with its head on the ground, trembling.

".For the sake of all living beings, to speak the scriptures, the name is to undo wrongs and sins."


As the scriptures were recited, wisps of black smoke began to emit from the wild ghost's body, accompanied by a stench and a squeak, just like the sound of a soldering iron in water.

If you look carefully, you can see that these smokes are the scarlet mottles in the ghosts that Zhang Yan was suspicious of before, and as the smoke drifts out, those scarlet mottles also disappear quickly.But unlike when Zhang Yan used the mahogany sword to cut the thorns before, the wild ghost didn't seem to feel any pain at all. On the contrary, the ferocious expression was fading, replaced by a happy smile.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yan knew that his salvation had already worked.And the scarlet mottled inside those ghosts also seems to be the reason why ghosts are called "dirty things".Either obsession or evil karma, as long as it is eliminated, the obstacle of the soul returning to heaven and earth will be removed.

".It's about taking refuge, believing, accepting and practicing!"

As soon as the last word was uttered, a flame burst out from the wild ghost's body, and it disappeared in a flash, burning away the last scarlet mottle in its body.

How can the wild ghosts at this time still have the ferocity and evilness before?It looks like an ordinary dead soul, and there is so much kindness in him.

The ghost bowed deeply towards Zhang Yan, and when he got up again, it had already faded away quickly, returning to this world.And Zhang Yan also smiled and cupped his hands in return, watching the other party disappear completely in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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