one's door

Chapter 37

Chapter 37
Zhang Yan secretly realized that the trick was taken.After saving a wild ghost, he didn't use much aura before and after, equivalent to less than half of his current aura.

In fact, saving a ghost is more costly than killing a ghost.Just like just now, if Zhang Yan wants to destroy the wild ghost, he only needs to stab the power of the spirit fire talisman into the opponent's ghost body with a mahogany sword. The spirit fire will directly burn its soul body, and finally three souls and seven The soul fell apart and completely dissipated.In that case, Zhang Yan's consumption would be less than half, and could even be ignored.

But with Zhang Yan, even if he spends a little more energy, he won't just blow a ghost away just to save effort.What's more, it's just a wild ghost, there's no need to do everything.

Zhang Yan put away the mahogany sword and was in a good mood.Finally, I have seen what a ghost is, and I have also touched some core things of the ghost body, which may come in handy in the future.But I just don't know if Li Gui, who is more sinister than wild ghosts, also has a similar filthy core.

"This mass grave is not small, there shouldn't be only one wild ghost, let's go around."

Zhang Yan circled the mass grave twice, and with the help of the evil chasing talisman, he found a total of five wild ghosts.There are men and women, and their yin and evil spirits are also quite similar. In the end, they were all rescued by him with the "Exorcism of Sins" like the first wild ghost.

Zhang Yan also felt a little tired after using up nearly [-]% of his aura at one time. This was the first time he had consumed his aura in this way since he started practicing.

"It turns out that building a car behind closed doors is really not a good thing. You will be obviously tired when you consume less than [-]% of the consumption. This kind of tenacity is still too weak." Zhang Yan was very dissatisfied with feeling tired so quickly.

This is like running. You have the physical strength to run [-] miles, but you start to be mentally exhausted when you are only ten miles away. At that time, it was definitely a big failure.

The so-called "when strength is used, toughness comes first." This is the truth.

"It seems that I need to practice frequently in this area in the future. I will consume about [-]% or [-]% of my spiritual energy, and then practice again. Repeating this should be able to improve my current shortcomings."

Zhang Yan thought that it was getting late here, and it was impossible to go back to the city, and the city gates could not be entered, so he thought about it, and planned to go to a cave that he passed by when he was going around the mountain before, and he would not need to sleep for one night. , Just meditate and mix up the time.

But Zhang Yan didn't know that not long after he left, a baby's head timidly popped out from a tomb not far from him, staring at a pair of blood-red eyes, there was a deep sense of fear amidst the hideousness, The direction of gaze is the direction where Zhang Yan left.

And with the emergence of the baby, the surrounding wind suddenly rose, as if blowing from the tomb.Even the evil breath was several times thicker than the wild ghost that Zhang Yan rescued here before.

The baby was suspended in the air, and didn't dare to stay longer. It seemed a bit reluctant to look at its own tomb, but in the end it chose to leave, and soon disappeared.

Zhang Yan was not clear about this scene, he would not have known that there would be a ghost more sinister than a wild ghost hiding in the tomb under his nose, evading his perception, and using a wild ghost outside to avoid it. The pursuit of the evil talisman.Otherwise, he would be able to see the difference between a ghost and a wild ghost today.

"It's here. Well, it's not bad, there are no animals entrenched here, it's pretty clean." Zhang Yan found a branch and simply swept the cave floor a few times, and then dragged it after making sure there were no reptiles on the ground. A thick dead log came back and lit a fire, then sat down cross-legged, ready to finish today's homework.

However, when Zhang Yan performed the exercises calmly as before, golden brilliance that shouldn't have appeared one after another entered his body along with the aura of heaven and earth, and he didn't even react.

"What are these?!" Zhang Yan was taken aback at first.You must know that after the spiritual energy enters the body, it will go to the cyclone of the dantian, and will follow the path of the exercises to go through the main meridians of the body to complete the cycle. If something harmful is mixed in the spiritual energy, Zhang Yan will definitely be in big trouble of.

But soon Zhang Yan calmed down.He found that the golden brilliance did not cause any damage to his meridians and dantian. On the contrary, the cyclones that joined his dantian seemed to grow a little bit after having them, and they seemed to be actively integrated into the dantian cyclone , and finally disappeared.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhang Yan came to his senses.In just a short period of ten or so breaths just now, the strength of the cyclone in his dantian was already equal to what he had gained in half a month of practice in the past!

Now Zhang Yan is already in the late stage of Qi Entraining Realm. Although he has not yet felt where the barrier to break through the big realm of Qi Entraining Realm is, he estimates that it will be within a year or two. He has always been concerned about the growth of cyclones. Always attentive and extremely sensitive.So I was extremely surprised and puzzled by the scene that just happened.

How is this going?

In the two years since he entered the practice, Zhang Yan has never encountered such a situation when practicing the exercises. There are actually other things entering the body along with the aura.

After doing this, Zhang Yan's homework could no longer continue.In other words, what he did just now was worth half a month of hard work.

What Zhang Yan wanted to figure out was what that golden splendor was, and why it could be incorporated into his body along with the spiritual energy?And why can it dissolve and disappear in the cyclone, and it can also strengthen the cyclone.

"The cyclone is formed by the gathering of spiritual energy, and there is nothing else but the spiritual energy. The golden splendor can be integrated into it and instantly strengthen the cyclone without any foreign body feeling. So, is it possible that those golden splendors are also spiritual energy?" Zhang Yan I don't think it's hard to guess.

"But why have you never encountered this kind of golden splendor-like aura before? And six strands came at once. Could there be another reason?"

If those golden splendors were more condensed auras, why did they suddenly appear?There are no benefits for no reason in the world, even Reiki.

thought long time.Not only did he go through the environment he was in, all the details of the exercises he performed just now, but even everything he did all day today.The only difference is that Zhang Yan saw a ghost for the first time today, and performed a supernatural ceremony.

"Six wild ghosts, six ceremonies, and six golden brilliance... Could this be the "merit and virtue rewarded by heaven" in the book?!"

Zhang Yan's guess startled him again, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was right.

The wandering of ghosts violates the harmony of heaven and hinders the cycle of life and death.To save ghosts is to obey the will of heaven and do justice for heaven, so it should be rewarded naturally.

It's just that the "merit" is vaguely mentioned in the classics of Longhushan. After arriving in Huangtianyu, how can the merit be so real?

(End of this chapter)

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