one's door

Chapter 38

Chapter 38
Doing things pays attention to a pay and return.Unilateral contributions, or doing nothing and waiting for the pie to fall from the sky, are not normal, and even go against the principles of heaven and earth.

If you do good deeds, you should be rewarded as a matter of course.

Of course, the good things mentioned here do not refer to the communicative behavior between "people and people", but the intersection between living beings and this world.Only in this way will it involve the vain concept of "merit" that can be regarded as a reward from heaven and earth.

"But it seems that the way of heaven and earth in Huangtianyu is very different from that of the earth." Zhang Yan secretly made a comparison in his heart.

According to the sporadic records in the Longhushan classics, although the "merit" is not detailed, it generally falls on a "body protection", which is more like a "talisman" given by heaven and earth to protect you from harm. disaster.For example, ordinary people can live a long life and have many children, and monks can live smoothly without being disturbed by external evils, and even have a higher probability of chance than others.

And if the "merit" on Huangtianyu's side is right, if Zhang Yan guessed correctly that it was the golden splendor before, it seems to be more direct and practical than the "merit" on Earth.And immediately give benefits, the kind that can be seen and touched.

Although it is hard to say which of the "merits" of the two worlds is higher or lower, but in terms of Zhang Yan's current situation, he himself prefers Huang Tianyu's way of honoring his "merit".After all, he has just stepped into the practice now, and the improvement of his cultivation is his core concern. Being able to use Huang Tianyu's "merit" to speed up his practice is undoubtedly more suitable than "talisman".

And this also opened a door that Zhang Yan had never imagined.

In the past, he learned Taoism on earth just to make a living. After all, the job he can find with a pheasant university degree is not as good as he can make money as a Taoist priest who travels all over the world with his master.Although there are often dangers, it can be regarded as high risk and high reward.

Later, when he traveled to the barren world, the abundant spiritual energy allowed Zhang Yan to pick up the mystery of Longhu Mountain and embark on the road of practice to become a monk.

But now, the sudden appearance of Huang Tianyu's "merit" gave Zhang Yan the idea of ​​being a Taoist priest again.

Being a Taoist priest in the Huangtian Territory, the benefit is no longer money, but the "merit" given by this world.It's just six wild ghosts, they used nearly [-]% of their aura, and what they got in return was a harvest of aura equivalent to half a month of hard work.How many ghosts can Zhang Yan save in this world?
I can't say a lot, I can only say that there are definitely enough for Zhang Yan to save his life, and there are still many.

There is no skill cultivation in Huangtian Territory, and there is no divine way. The warriors here respect their own power and practice martial arts.In the early days of martial arts, the concepts of ethereal souls and yin and yang were very vague. Even after advanced martial arts, it is very troublesome to fight ghosts. You can only use the tyrannical energy and blood of the warriors to fight against the yin and evil of ghosts with strength. Of.

However, from the very beginning, art cultivation and Shinto practice have been yin and yang, so the means have a direct and effective effect on ghosts.

Therefore, Zhang Yan can boldly be sure that there will never be fewer ghosts in the wild world.And when there are too many ghosts, there will definitely be ghosts and even ghost kings in them.It is an inevitable fact that quantitative change leads to qualitative change.These are all his "merit".

Thinking of this, Zhang Yan's face was full of smiles.It seems that the time for him to hit the air-entraining environment barrier should be greatly advanced.And this way home seems to have more expectations.

Feeling overwhelmed and unable to calm down, Zhang Yan simply took out the yellow paper and cinnabar in the bag and began to draw symbols.I didn't expect to encounter ghosts so soon before, and I didn't expect to get "merit" to improve my cultivation base after saving ghosts, so I don't have many talismans on my body, and most of them are more targeted talismans.Now Zhang Yan is going to draw some talismans specifically for ghosts, in case of emergency.

At dawn the next day, Zhang Yan packed up his things, got off the mass grave, and was going to go to the city for a stroll, so he took a ride with a car dealer going northeast.

But when Zhang Yan just walked to the foot of the hillside of the mass grave, he saw a few people in the robes of government servants and a coachman driving a carriage slowly approaching.

None of the people were sitting in the carriage, including the coachman, they were all on foot.After getting closer, Zhang Yan saw that the reason these people did not ride in the carriage was because there were three corpses lying flat on the carriage, without even a white cloth to cover them, and the corpses on the carriage were only covered with tattered clothes, even their faces Visible dirt is also visible.In addition, besides the yamen servants, they were coachmen, and the companions had no family members, and they were going in the direction of mass graves. Zhang Yan felt that these three corpses were probably homeless refugees or beggars.

The yamen servant saw Zhang Yan coming down from the mass grave with a burden on his back, so he approached vigilantly to question him.It wasn't until Zhang Yan took out the paperwork for his return home that the vigilance on the faces of the two yamen servants eased.But I'm also curious why Zhang Yan appeared at the mass grave early in the morning.

"Why else? I went to drink just after entering the city yesterday, but I didn't expect to drink for more than two years, and the amount of alcohol turned into scum. After three or four measures, I was so drunk that I couldn't find it. Here, I was shocked when I woke up in the middle of the night. It's really time-consuming." Zhang Yan talked about his experience yesterday with annoyed expression, but he wasn't lying.

Although Zhang Yan's statement sounds a bit strange, but coming down from the army and coming to Xuanhua City for a day will not do anything bad, besides, what else can be disturbed in the mass grave besides bones and sticks?Even thieves who dig graves don't come here, and there is no oil or water.

"Huh? This is an unbearable death!" Zhang Yan narrowed his eyes, looked at the three corpses on the carriage and stopped in his tracks.

"You're not afraid, oh, that's right, there are more dead people in Yubei Mountain Fortress than in ours, so it's strange to be afraid." After a pause, the yamen servant continued: "Isn't that right, some refugees died in this place for no reason. In the alley, Wu Zuo said he was scared to death. It’s weird, what can scare people to death?”

After a brief chat, Zhang Yan watched these people go to the mass grave. There were no more pits at the foot of the mountain, so they had to be dragged up.

After a few people left, Zhang Yan also left the mass grave, but he had other thoughts in his heart.Because there was something wrong with the three corpses, others couldn't see the problem, but he could tell that the corpses were extremely dark, not what a normal corpse should look like at all.

"It looks more like the yin qi entered the body while alive, and because the time is too short after death, the yin qi in the body has not had time to dissipate and some of it remains.

But, what thing can bring such a strong Yin Qi?And can it get into the body of a living person? "

(End of this chapter)

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