one's door

Chapter 39

Chapter 39
Yin Qi is something that cannot be possessed by living things. Even if the yin and evil kung fu practiced with Yin Qi is only an external appearance, the inside must not escape the support of Yang Qi, otherwise nothing will be able to live.

It can only be evil things that are cloudy.Or ghosts.

Moreover, ghosts have always been said to be "possessed", which explains how to bring Yin Qi into the living body.

Zhang Yan had already seen what wild ghosts were like last night, and he even saved six of them with magic tricks.So he clearly remembered the evil spirit on the wild ghost.Even for those wild ghosts, the yin energy on their bodies before they were saved was definitely not as heavy as the yin energy emanating from the bodies of the three refugees.

"That was not done by wild ghosts, at least it was done by one or several ghosts." Zhang Yan soon became concerned.

There is essentially no difference between wild ghosts and fierce ghosts, even the king of ghosts.The reason why they are called separately is because these kinds of ghosts have different degrees of evil, different spirits, and even different methods.

Although wild ghosts are also ghosts, they are basically not harmful to people or living things.They can't manifest any means, they can't possess a living person with normal yang energy, and they don't have the ability to directly interfere with physical objects.Stirring the dark wind, creating some plausible hallucinations to scare people, this kind of thing is the limit of the skills of wild ghosts.Even wild ghosts are reluctant to stay in places with many living people, because the yang energy is too strong, and they instinctively feel uncomfortable, just like bats don't like to show up in the sun.

Therefore, wild ghosts generally appear in the wild or in places where there are not many people.Wild ghost, that's how it got its name.

Li Gui is as straightforward as the name of the wild ghost. As the name implies, powerful ghosts are called Li Gui.

It is different from wild ghosts, because when they transform into ghosts, they have more obsession and are accompanied by a deep hostility, so that ghosts can break free from the shackles of heaven and earth more thoroughly. Not only do they have relatively complete spiritual wisdom, but they also have some murderous methods based on Yin Qi .They can be females for a long time in densely populated places, sinking into the ground during the day to avoid the scorching sun, and coming out at night to make trouble.

Li ghosts can possess most ordinary people, and can also use their own yin means to interfere with real things and directly affect them.At the same time, they can also strengthen themselves by capturing negative emotions such as fear and tyranny in living souls, and even some powerful ghosts can even reach the level of directly devouring living souls.It is precisely because Li Gui's methods are powerful and can affect living people, the harm is not comparable to that of wild ghosts.

From Zhang Yan's point of view, the three refugees who were frightened to death probably died of fright after being possessed by a ghost and using their fantasy to induce them to have some kind of fear beyond their ability to bear.It is not even ruled out that after these three people were frightened to death, their souls were swallowed by the ghosts possessing them before they could return to heaven and earth.

Zhang Yan's guess is also based on the remaining Yin Qi on the corpse. After all, the remaining Yin Qi is heavier than that of ordinary wild ghosts, so the ghosts possessing them must have multiple Yin and evil breaths?
As for why Zhang Yan didn't guess the more powerful ghost king, it was mainly because there were too few ghost kings, and it was the existence of ghost cultivators.He didn't think that kind of existence would do anything for the lives of a few ordinary people.Compared with ordinary people, aren't general body-hardened warriors more suitable to be the target of the ghost king?
All the way back to Xuanhua City, I found a small stall selling breakfast and sat down.

"A bowl of porridge and two meatloaf. Did you get the pickles? Then come a plate."

"Okay, wait a minute, two meatloaf, a bowl of porridge, and a plate of pickles!"

The stall is small, and it seems to be a husband and wife stall, the woman's family is busy on the stove, and the man's family greets the guests.There were four tables around, placed in the alley facing the street, and they were full when Zhang Yan sat down.

"Boss, are there any refugees in Xuanhua City?"

"Yes! There are refugees coming here all year round, but not too many."

"Oh, then no one will take care of them when they arrive in the city?" Zhang Yan took the chopsticks from the shopkeeper, picked up the freshly served hot porridge and pancakes, and started eating. While eating, he chatted with the busy shopkeeper.

"Why is no one caring? The yamen specially set up refugee halls, put porridge, and also deal with them, so that those people can support themselves, and let those people go back to their original places when they have enough money."

When Zhang Yan heard this, he felt quite humane. He thought that the refugees would be directly arrested and cleaned up before being repatriated. Now Nanyuan Kingdom's approach is very reasonable.

The owner of the stall didn't care either. He met many people in a day, and he never took it to heart just to say a few words.Moreover, it is not strange to ask refugees about things. Many merchants like to find refugees as short-term labor, which is cheap and can be used to death.

After breakfast and paying the bill, Zhang Yan walked all the way to the east of the city according to the stall owner's instructions. After asking passers-by, he saw the so-called refugee hall in an alley that was not considered a street.It was a somewhat shabby-looking room, in which sat two middle-aged men with idle faces, dressed as scribes, who should be officials of the local yamen of Xuanhua City.

The refugee hall was deserted, and it could be seen that there were indeed not many refugees in Xuanhua City as the stall owner said earlier.

"What's the matter?" The two people in the room saw Zhang Yan coming in, and at first glance, they saw that Zhang Yan was not dressed as a refugee, but a businessman who came to recruit workers?
"Hello, two officials. I'm Xia Wuming. I'm a writer of story books. I just arrived in Xuanhua City a while ago. I was planning to go to Yubei Mountain to have a look. I wanted to write some books about the army to sell. I don't want to hear about it. The inexplicable frightening of the refugees in Xuanhua City, I think this can be written, so I want to come here to learn more about the situation.

Of course, I also understand the rules, so I don't ask in vain. This is tea money for the two of you, so just make friends? "

While talking, Zhang Yan handed over the two small paper bags that he had prepared earlier.Inside is what he called "tea money".Ask someone for help, the number of ways is the same in any world.Otherwise, if others don't owe you, why should you help me?

As for the "story book", it is the small book in Huang Tianyu, or the idle book here, and it also has everything in it.He knew it from Lin Zedong, who was a loyal buyer of the script.In his spare time, he also told Zhang Yan a lot about the script.That's why Zhang Yan used the script as his temporary excuse.

"The one who wrote the script?" The two officials looked at each other, tacitly put away the small paper bag on the table, weighed it and were satisfied with the weight.Moreover, although the writers of the story books are not on the stage, they are considered literati anyway, and they can get in a circle with them. At this time, it is not impossible to give convenience to the other party in their spare time.

"Yes, can the two officials say a few words to me?"

"Hehe, okay, although I don't think anyone will buy this kind of thing, but since you found it, let me tell you a few words. You want to know about the three refugees who died last night, right?" Right? Actually, it’s not the first time a refugee has died so inexplicably.”

(End of this chapter)

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