one's door

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"Isn't this the first time such an inexplicable dead refugee?" Zhang Yan's face was filled with curiosity, his eyes widened a little, and he looked like he was listening carefully.But in fact, I have another idea in my heart.

"Well, it's not the first time. Before, three or four refugees would die every one or two months. The police in the yamen have checked it more than a dozen times, but they have never found anything useful, and it has always been an unsolved case. If it wasn't for the fact that the refugees who died were all alone and no one was looking for them, the yamen wouldn't be able to get away with it."

"Ahem. Why are you telling Wu Ming these things? Just talk about what happened last night!"

"Oh, huh, huh, yes, yes, it's too far away. Yesterday, it should be in the middle of the night, the watchman found the body and reported it to the police."

At the beginning, the two people talked a little superficially, they were listening to so-and-so, and then they became more energetic, and they uttered some conjectures together with the words of the Yamen catcher and Wu Zuo, It was so lifelike that it was like helping Zhang Yan lay out the outline of a script for Zhang Yan.

At the end, I added a sentence: "Do you think it would be more fascinating to add these?"

It was almost noon after coming out of the refugee hall, and the tempting smell of food was already wafting from the street.But this time Zhang Yan was not as anxious as yesterday.I have something on my mind, so I don’t rush to eat.

Zhang Yan got a lot of information from the officials of the two refugee halls. After sorting it out, there were a few key points that he needed to verify further.For this reason, he was willing to pay the price of staying in Xuanhua City for half a month.

The reason is that the merit gained from saving the six wild ghosts is worth half a month of hard work by Zhang Yan.Which one or several ghosts?How beneficial will it be?
At the same time, Zhang Yan is also very curious about what kind of existence Li Gui is at the bottom, and wants to get closer and take a closer look.If I have a chance, I also want to try to see if Li Gui's various methods are similar to those recorded in the Longhushan classics.

After coming out, the first place Zhang Yan went to was the good porridge shop not far from the refugee hall.

There is an extra word "good" in front of the porridge shop, so you should know what's going on there.It is the shop where the local government distributes grain from the official warehouse.But generally it will not be eaten, but it will be made into porridge and given to people to eat.The targets are either beggars on the street, or refugees who have no source of livelihood.

Greed for petty gain?Even if they are greedy for petty gain, no one will go to the porridge shop to pretend to be a meal, because it is a very shameful thing.It is even more contemptible than a woman at home looking for a wild man.So unless there is no other way, normal people will not go to the porridge shop to beg for food.This is not the same as on the earth, and the people in the world of the earth are undoubtedly better in terms of face.

According to the information provided by the two officials in the refugee hall, the refugees would gather at the porridge shop during meal time.Unless you have already found a job that can solve the meal.

The three refugees who died before all came to the porridge shop on time before they died.For them, unless they earn a living, they can save as much as they can, because if they save enough money, they will be driven back to their hometowns, and they can gain more confidence after saving more.As for the face, they were considered refugees, so they were temporarily removed and put in their pockets.

"Do you know Ma Datou? Where's Li Mazi? Zhao Hou'er?" Zhang Yan did meet a lot of refugees during lunch time, there were almost 30 to [-] people, most of them were old and weak, and few were young and strong.The three names he asked were given to him by the two people from the refugee hall.In fact, this should not be the names of the three people who died, but more like a perfunctory nickname.The two of them didn't tell Zhang Yan what their real names were, they only said these three pronouns were enough.

Zhang Yan understood that the two of them had nothing to do with each other.The real names of the refugees belonged to the archives of the local yamen, and they were liable for leaks, but the nicknames were not used.

Moreover, the real name may not be as practical as the code name and nickname among the refugees.

After asking seven or eight people in a row, they didn't get an answer. They all shook their heads and walked away silently after looking at Zhang Yan.

"Hey, what do you want to ask? Is there any benefit?"

A loud voice sounded behind Zhang Yan, and when he turned his head, he saw a man missing an arm but with a strong body and dark skin. He seemed to be around 40 years old.Although this kind of person is missing an arm, he doesn't want to be bullied no matter what, and his figure doesn't look like a hungry person.But he was dressed in the same way as the refugees on the side.

"Do you know Ma Datou and the others?"

"Of course. Those three unlucky guys were originally with me. Of course I know them. But you're not like an official. It's probably not a serious way to inquire about these things, right? Just say how much benefit you can give?"

Zhang Yan laughed without hesitation, raised a bag of change and threw it over.Money is nothing to him, he has all the way, so it shouldn't be too easy to get money.

Zhang Yan's bag of loose change is not too much but it is also a lot, at least it can be worth the money saved by the homeless helpers for many days.

The one-armed man curled his lips and collected the money, as he accepted the deal.Then he waved to Zhang Yan, signaling Zhang Yan to follow him.The two left the porridge shop, walked for half a cup of tea, and finally stopped at a street corner.There are few people here, and it is barely a place to talk.

"What do you want to ask, just ask."

"What did Ma Datou and the others do with you before they died? Didn't they do it later?" Zhang Yan was not in a hurry, and bought two dry biscuits by the side of the road, tearing them up and eating them, while leaning against the wall and The one-armed man chatted.He didn't ask the other party's name, that was not what he was interested in.

"Being tortoises for the Hualou on Yuhua Street. Those three want to save face, and they can't stand it after a day. It's so stupid. What's the matter with being a tortoise? It's not tiring, and it's earned in a day." Not a lot, if you’re lucky, you’ll get rewards, one day is worth the wages of knocking stones for three or five days.”

Turtle?Zhang Yan felt that it was indeed not a job that ordinary people could do.Then he asked again: "What happened later? Where did they go?"

"Those three people have no strength, good face, and don't know any crafts. What else can they do? They live at the porridge shop all day, and spend the night in the old warehouse on the side of Dashu Lane. Basically, they plan to live in Xuan There was a bad battle in Huacheng."

"Abandoned warehouse? Didn't the refugee hall say that they have arranged a place for refugees to settle down?"

"Hey, you mean Datong Shop? It stinks badly and there are so many lice. Except for those who really can't stand the night wind, who would want to stay there? How did the masters of the Refuge Hall know this. Before Ma Datou and the others died , I have always spent the night with them on the ground floor in Dashu Lane, so I know."

"Oh? Then did you notice any unusual behaviors before they died?" Zhang Yan looked into the eyes of the one-armed man and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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