one's door

Chapter 41 Possession

Chapter 41 Possession
The one-armed man thought for a while, then nodded and said, "If you have to say it, they did have some abnormal things before the accident."

"What an anomaly?"

"Because they lived on the porridge from the porridge shop, they had flat stomachs, and they would coo before going to bed at night, and they would ask me if I had anything to eat."

"Why ask you?"

"Because I'm a tortoise in the flower building. The guests who go there don't really go to eat. Every time there is a lot of food on the table and they don't move much. You can pack some when you remove the table. The owner I don’t know what to say. Sometimes when I can’t finish eating by myself, I will bring them back to Dashu Lane to share with them.

But two days before the accident, Ma Datou and the others not only didn't cry hungry at night, they didn't even take the food I brought back.I didn't pay attention to it at the time, but now that I think about it, it feels a little wrong.

After they fell asleep, their stomachs were still growling, but they said they were not hungry, and they looked cold in those two days, which was very different from their usual dingy appearance. "

Zhang Yan took a deep look at the other party. This one-armed man didn't seem to be a good person, but he was honest and careful in what he did.Even about the death of Ma Datou and the other three, he must have doubts in his heart, otherwise he would not have said so many details.It can be guessed that this one-armed man also hoped that someone would take care of the deaths of Ma Datou and the three of them, instead of letting them die in ignorance.

In addition, the detail given by the one-armed man is also very interesting.Indeed, as he said, it is indeed easy to skip at first glance, but when you think about it later, you will find it very strange and abrupt.

The stomach growls, which is usually caused by hunger in the abdomen without guessing.And the three people who are willing to rely on good porridge shops to fight bad battles in Xuanhua City are unlikely to have the backbone of "not to be eaten by you". The so-called face.Would such a person refuse the food brought to his mouth when he was hungry?

Normally not.

On the other hand, the three Ma Datou who refused the food of the one-armed man at that time were no longer normal.

The one-armed man's face was already full of doubts, and he still couldn't figure out the strange behavior of the three Ma Datou at that time.Some blamed themselves for not asking too much at the time, otherwise they should have discovered something.

The reason why he is willing to talk so much with this unknown person in front of him is that the one-armed man also has his own ideas.There are indeed benefits to be gained.Secondly, the other party gave him a very strange feeling, there was a sense of justice that made him feel at ease, and he felt that this person would not be a bad person at first sight.I also hope that the other party may be able to find an explanation for Ma Datou's death.

But the one-armed man couldn't figure it out, but for Zhang Yan, the strange behavior of Ma Datou and the three of them before they died was not so difficult to explain.

Are you hungry and don’t eat?This violates the natural laws and basic survival needs of being born as a human being.There are not many reasons for people to do such abnormal things. There is only one explanation for Ma Datou and the three of them: ghost possession.

Ghosts don't get hungry, and they don't care about the life and feelings of the living person who possesses them. Even the possession itself will bring great damage to the living person. If Yin Qi invades the body, it will damage the body's foundation Yes, it is not an exaggeration to lose ten years of life.

According to Zhang Yan's guess, the two days when the one-armed man saw Ma Datou and the three of them refusing food and behaving strangely were no longer their own activities, but were controlled by the ghosts, and they couldn't help themselves.

"Did Ma Datou talk to you in those two days, did the other two talk to you?"

The one-armed man thought for a while, shook his head, and said strangely, "It seems true when you say that! Li Mazi and Zhao Hou'er usually talk a lot, but they didn't say a word in those two days, and followed Ma Datou. Beside me, it's really weird when I think about it!" After speaking, the eyes he looked at Zhang Yan also changed, and he asked curiously, "How did you guess this?"

As the person concerned, Zhang Yan asked about details that the one-armed man himself did not notice, and Zhang Yan's image became even more mysterious.Even the one-armed man secretly speculated, could this person in front of him also have something to do with the deaths of Ma Datou and the other three? !
Thinking of this, the one-armed man subconsciously took a few steps back. Even though the person in front of him really didn't feel like a bad person, who knows whether he is good or evil under his face?Right?

Naturally, the one-armed man's petty actions could not hide from Zhang Yan, but Zhang Yan didn't care, he didn't know you well, so there was no reason why he wouldn't take more precautions against you, not to mention that he also knew that his current search did seem to be so suspicious.But Zhang Yan was not going to explain, it was too troublesome.

The key point is the one-armed man's answer, which clearly stated that during the two days when the three of Ma Datou behaved strangely, only Ma Datou had a conversation with him, and the other two did not say a word.

Two possibilities.

The first possibility is that there are three ghosts possessed by the three of Ma Datou, and the one possessing Ma Datou is the head, and the master-slave relationship is obvious.

The second possibility is that only one ghost possessed the three people, and it was mainly attached to Ma Datou, so Ma Datou would speak words to talk to the one-armed man, but the other two did not speak.

But although there are two possibilities, Zhang Yan is more inclined to the latter, that is, a ghost possesses three people at the same time.

The reason is also very simple, it is based on the conclusion drawn by Zhang Yan based on Longhushan's description of the ghost.

According to the description in the Dragon and Tiger Mountain classics, the strength of ghosts is equal to their status, which is clearer than that of living people.Just like wild beasts in the mountains, the law of the jungle is the most fundamental law, and even ghosts with fairly complete intelligence must follow this law.

Although there are differences in strength between Li Gui and Li Gui, they are definitely not to the point where they can be divided into masters and slaves.In other words, Zhang Yan didn't think that there would be such a strict master-slave relationship among the three ghosts. It was impossible to obediently only talk to the one with the big head of the horse, and the other two would be obedient and silent. .

If one ghost possessed three people, it would make sense.But in this way, a new problem will appear.That is, the strength of this ghost is somewhat beyond Zhang Yan's expectation.

Just like a wild ghost cannot possess a living person with normal yang energy, a ghost will also be resisted by the yang energy when possessing it, but compared with the wild ghost, the ghost has a stronger erosive power against the yang energy, which is extremely powerful. Some ordinary people cannot resist the possession of ghosts.But one-on-one possession is one thing, and one-on-three is completely different.

This means that the evil power of this ghost is at least three times that of ordinary ghosts.For Zhang Yan, the difficulty of the challenge has also been increased by at least three times.

(End of this chapter)

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