one's door

Chapter 42 Recourse

Chapter 42 Recourse
The methods of the Taoist sect include skill cultivation and dabbling in the divine way, both of which have a natural restraint on evil things.That's why Zhang Yan confirmed on the mass burial mound that there was a ghost in Xuanhua City, and without even thinking about it, he prepared to redeem him for the merits of Huang Tianyu.

Zhang Yan is eating the ghosts.

But if the rice is too hard, you will inevitably hurt yourself if you don't have a good mouth.

There are a lot of things about demons and ghosts killing themselves in the end when they are fine, and Zhang Yan is no exception to face the counterattack of ghosts, and even get injured.

Of course, Zhang Yan was sure of saving his life.No matter how bad he was, he couldn't run, and he was confident that he wouldn't be killed by a mere ghost.

Now Zhang Yan's problem is not only how to avoid getting hurt, but also try not to let the other party run away, otherwise, wouldn't all his thoughts in Xuanhua City be in vain today?
Putting aside the considerations in his heart, Zhang Yan continued to ask the one-armed man on the ground, "Where will Ma Datou and the others go during the day?"

"That's not very clear. It should be wandering around."

"Wangyou? Are you going to the recruitment office in the south of the city?" Zhang Yan added.The "recruitment office" he mentioned was a place jointly set up by the refugee hall and Chengbei Commercial Bank to facilitate the refugees to find work.The two people from the refugee hall told Zhang Yan that most of the refugees would gather there and look for suitable opportunities to make money.

However, the one-armed man obviously scoffed at the "recruitment office" mentioned by Zhang Yan.

"The jobs offered by the recruitment office are either jobs like mine, which shameless people can do. Or heavy jobs like coolies, which the refugees' bodies can't bear. Or some crafts, such as paper, tailoring, etc. You What kind of work do you think Ma Datou and the others can find there?
In fact, many of the refugees are old and weak. Mr. Gui may not be able to do hard work, and he may not be good at handicrafts, so life is difficult. "

"If you don't go to the recruitment office, where can you hang around?"

The one-armed man thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "If you have to find a place, it is Yuhua Street where you can get some benefits."

"How to say?"

"There are many flower houses on Yuhua Street, and there are stalls for making money. The people who come and go pay attention to their interests. As long as they keep their eyes on it, they can make a lot of loose money by saying, "Mr. It’s not much, and if you don’t keep an eye on it, you’ll be beaten easily, but the money comes quickly and easily. I’ve talked to Ma Datou and the others about this, and they also said they want to try their luck. Even Zhao Hou’er managed to do it once Back. I think they would probably go there if they were hanging out, but they wouldn’t go early, maybe after noon.”

Having said so much, the one-armed man has already told all he knows.But it's a pity that he didn't know the identities and past of Ma Datou and other relatively private things, just as some superficial understanding of the same refugees.

Zhang Yan smiled and said goodbye to the one-armed man, while following the road pointed by the other, he was going to go to the recruitment office in the north of the city first, and then talk about it, it was still early in Yuhua Street, so there was no rush to go there.

This journey from the east of the city to the south of the city allowed Zhang Yan to take a good look at the various situations in Xuanhua City.

To be honest, Xuanhua City is full of surprises for Zhang Yan.It is completely different from the backward city he imagined when he was in Fishback Mountain.

There is not only a wide main street that can accommodate two large cars side by side while passing people, but also a variety of shops.The crowds on the street were full of prosperity.

The biggest shop he has seen on the road so far is a shop named "Yuan Pharmacy", with an open door and two floors.The people who came in and out were all warriors, and some of them were even highly cultivated. The aura reminded Zhang Yan of Lin Zedong, a warrior in the Tongqiao state.

The second is the shop that sells weapons, and the scale is also very large.Although Zhang Yan didn't go in, he looked through the door and found that there were all kinds of weapons inside.In addition to ordinary long and short swords, there are also many strange weapons.However, no long-handled weapons such as long spears were seen, and there seemed to be no crossbow bolts.

In addition, Zhang Yan also passed a special place, the gate was heavily guarded, and even the guards were warriors' "Xuanhua City Lecture Academy".

Walking all the way, Zhang Yan actually came to the south side of the city. He entered the city through the south gate for the first time before, so he has some impressions of this side.

Following the words of the one-armed man, it was fairly easy to find the recruitment office.It is in the middle of a place called "Tiaoshi Street" near the city gate in the north of the city.

However, there was no clue of what Zhang Yan was looking for.

Compared with the refugee hall, this recruitment office is obviously much busier, and the people who come in and out are all hurried backs.Not only refugees would come here, even most of the people who came here were not refugees.After all, compared to the labor demand of Xuanhua City, refugees only accounted for a small and insignificant part of it.

After staying at the recruitment office for about half an hour, Zhang Yan found nothing.But there was an episode, a few people who were said to be in charge of Hualou came to Zhang Yan and asked him if he wanted to work as a male advocate in Hualou, specifically looking for money from those lonely rich women, saying that he is handsome and strong, and he will be very popular in the future. Dazi is famous in the southwest, just wait and see
After Zhang Yan escaped from the harassment in the recruitment office, he went to Yuhua Street in the north of the city. The bustling here once again made his eyes widen, and at the same time, he could feel the fragrance of rouge and gouache all around him. Let him can not help but also the spirit of the sway.

Not all Taoist schools are abstinent, and Longhushan is one of them.Although Zhang Yan was not as handsome and strong as his current skin when he was on earth, he still had good facial features, so naturally he would not be able to find women.But he has always restrained his desires and rarely indulged them.

However, in the environment of Yuhua Street, plus two years of military service, he would still have thoughts.

But business matters, Zhang Yan quickly restrained himself and carefully observed along the road, hoping to find new progress.


Not far from the street entrance, Zhang Yan saw a lot of activities of picking people to "send blessings" as the one-armed man said.Often three or two are together, either speaking well, or annoying people, they will choose to spend a little money to get rid of them.It seems that there are not many refugees among the people who do this kind of business.

Do you want to find someone to ask if you know the situation of Ma Datou and the three of them like before?Zhang Yan thought so in his heart.

But suddenly he stopped when passing by an inconspicuous alley, and an unusual yin energy overflowed from the alley, which caught his attention.

I turned my head and looked into the alley, because the sky was already dark so I couldn't see clearly, I only saw that the alley was quite deep.

Looking left and right, Zhang Yan found a few beggars gathered together across the street. Seeing that they looked at ease here, they should be begging for more than a day or two.So he walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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