one's door

Chapter 43

Chapter 43
"Want to earn some money for meatloaf?" Zhang Yan stood in front of the group of beggars across the street, and straight to the point raised some change in his hand.

"Hey, sir, how do you make money? But let's say it first, we won't do bad things." The oldest beggar stood in front of the others with a fawning smile, and answered a few words with a smile.

Zhang Yan doesn't believe the other party's so-called "don't do bad things". These beggars on the street are not fuel-efficient lamps. Maybe they really can't do murder and arson, but other nasty things like cheating and abducting Not necessarily.It depends on whether the money given is enough.

"Bad thing? Do you think I look like a bad guy?" Zhang Yan said with a smile while pointing to the alley across the street, "Tell me what's going on in that alley, the money is yours."

There is such a good thing?The leading beggar took a few glances at Zhang Yan, made sure that Zhang Yan was not teasing him, then quickly took the small bag of change from Zhang Yan's open hand, weighed it a few times, and smiled brighter. The money in it was indeed enough for them to buy a meatloaf one by one.

Zhang Yan watched the other party collect the money without urging him.

"Grandpa, that alley actually has a name, but there is no signboard. People in Hunyuhua Street call it "Luohua Alley", and there are some old houses in it. But it is said to be Luohua, but it is actually some old houses. Older show girls are buying and living. Generally speaking, they are not big show girls. When they get old, they don’t have much money and can’t afford a good house. And most of them don’t dare to go back to their hometowns. They will spend half their lives going back. No one will recognize it, so we can only hold together in twos and threes to buy a small house and wait to die."

"Is it so miserable?" Zhang Yan didn't expect such a statement.He thought that behind the prosperity of Yuhua Street, there should be a strong land price, but he didn't expect that it would become the last shelter for those mediocre showgirls in Hualou when they got old.

"Miserable? There are many worse ones." Speaking of these, the beggar showed a sense of desolation that did not match his age, and continued with a bit of a wry smile, "Master, who is the cleanest singer in Hualou? The top ones Fortunately, there are few customers, high prices and a lot of money, and various medicines are also very good for health. But the singers below are not so lucky, they are all open to receive customers, and within three to five years, no one is not a whole body Illness? If you get Hualiu, it will be even more miserable, and you will die in a few years.

I have been in Yuhua Street for six years. Anyway, I have never seen any old singer in Luohua Lane who can live past fifty. Some of them didn’t even have thin coffins when they died. Burial mound. "

Zhang Yan's heart was moved when he heard the words, so he followed the other party's words and asked: "So there are often dead people there?"

"Well, people die every month. But the corpses don't go through the alley here, they go to the exit on the back of the street, saying that they are afraid of affecting the business on the street and looking eye-catching. Sir, if you are interested in the real estate here If you are interested, I advise you to forget it. There are really no good houses in it. If you want to see it, you should go to the west side of the city. There are newly built houses in all sizes. We are familiar with that side and can take you there."

The beggar's thoughts are also straightforward. He doesn't think that Zhang Yan is interested in those broken flowers and willows, but in the real estate in Luohua Lane, so he suggests going elsewhere. They can lead the way and make another fortune along the way, right? ?
It's a pity that what Zhang Yan is interested in is not the singer or the real estate, but the evil spirit overflowing from Luohua Lane.

After waving his hand, Zhang Yan didn't continue to chat with these beggars. Zhang Yan asked the way to the exit of Back Street, and then left quickly, disappearing in the bustling and beautiful street of Yuhua Street.

Coming down from the main street, Zhang Yan made a long detour before finding the back street exit of Luohua Lane that the beggar said.

It was completely different from the bustling scene on the main street. Not only was the back street very deserted, but there was even an unpleasant musty smell in the air.

Standing at the entrance of the alley, you can still feel the yin qi overflowing from inside.

"It's such a strong yin energy, and it doesn't condense, it's impossible for there to be no evil things inside." Even Zhang Yan felt that this alley was more gloomy than the mass graves outside the city.

Coming from the detour, along the way, Zhang Yan had already made his vision into a state of both yin and yang, holding the Wanxiang Pearl in one hand, and holding three spiritual fire talismans in the other hand, and he was still in his own An exorcism talisman and a town spirit talisman were pasted on the chest.

Zhang Yan had a premonition that the evil in Luohua Lane would not be simple.

The first step into the alley, the wind rose from the ground, and it was blowing from the bottom up, even with Zhang Yan's cultivation at the late stage of entraining Qi at this time, he shuddered subconsciously.

Unlike the light outside, there is very little light in the alley, and only three or five faint lights can be seen sporadically, and the window paper cannot illuminate very far.When passing through the gates of the courtyard, I can always smell the smell of medicinal soup that seems to be there.

"Not these places."

Although the yin energy in the alley was heavy and unusual, Zhang Yan could tell that the yin energy still belonged to the diffuse range, not the source.

Continue to go deeper, the silent alley is very deep, and the night is getting darker and darker.Zhang Yan lit a piece of talisman paper, and then rubbed a little paper ash under his eyes with his fingers, as if he had wiped two dark bags under his eyes. After that, his eyes could see clearly in the dark like a nighthawk. thing.

The more you go in, the heavier the yin, the fewer traces of the owner in the house, and the older the house.Some houses and even the gates are collapsed, and through it, you can see the half-collapsed rooms inside. I don’t know how long no one has lived there.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that such a lost place would appear on the back of a bustling street like Yuhua Street.One positive and one negative are so abrupt that it is difficult to accept, but it seems reasonable, so it feels very contradictory.


Suddenly, Zhang Yan stopped, and the Wanxiang Pearl in his hand changed into a mahogany sword in his hand.Looking straight ahead, there was a ghost in a bright red dress standing in front of the door of a half-collapsed house over there. He was dressed in neat makeup. Although he didn't look stunning, he could definitely be called good-looking.And it seems to be dancing.

"What a powerful ghost!"

Zhang Yan's pupils shrank sharply, knowing that he had encountered a hard problem today.

According to what Longhushan said to the ghosts, the clearer the faces, the more powerful the ghosts are, which means that they are only strong in hostility and obsession when they transform into ghosts, and they can break free from the shackles of heaven and earth more thoroughly, and they can retain more Wisdom and some habits and preferences in life.

Such as grooming, and dancing.

Of course, what made Zhang Yan vigilant was not only the appearance of the other party, but also the yin energy overflowing from the other party.It is more than ten times higher than those wild ghosts he has seen!
(End of this chapter)

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