one's door

Chapter 44

Chapter 44
This is a bit too unexpected.

Although there are different levels of strength among the ghosts, this one is definitely the top one among the ghosts.

"Can you handle it?" Zhang Yan didn't know the truth.This was the first time he saw Li Gui, and he didn't know how effective his methods were in restraining him.

try it!If it doesn't work, just avoid it first, and then go back and clean it up after you improve your cultivation base.Zhang Yan soon had a plan in mind.

It's all here, and I spent money to inquire about the news, and it's the first ghost I've seen, so I can't just meet and run away, right?Zhang Yan would not be reconciled if he didn't try the other party's methods.What's more, even if he retreated [-] steps, he still has the means to save his life, otherwise he wouldn't be so courageous.

Another thing that gives Zhang Yan confidence is that people in this world and ghosts are ignorant of the methods of Taoism.It will be a very good first mover in the fight.

Step by step closer.When Zhang Yan was less than ten feet away from the dancing female ghost, the female ghost suddenly stopped dancing and looked at Zhang Yan curiously.And smiled slightly after watching two breaths.

"Can you see me?" The female ghost's expression was full of curiosity and surprise. If it wasn't for the ghostly aura, she would never be able to tell that it was a ghost, almost no different from ordinary people.

Just this sentence and expression made Zhang Yan's heart tighten a little more.

"Since you're already dead, why do you still linger? There is a way in heaven and earth, and you will eventually harm others and yourself." Zhang Yan finally stopped at a distance of five feet from the other party, while wearing a talisman on the ground. On the Taomu sword, he looked at the other party and asked.

"Huh?! Can you really see me? Can you hear me? You are not a warrior, but you have a magical aura that I instinctively want to avoid. Who are you?" In the end, it landed on the talisman and mahogany sword in Zhang Yan's hand. She didn't understand why she felt an inexplicable threat from some pieces of paper and wooden sword.

The spiritual energy in Zhang Yan's hand surged, igniting the spiritual fire talisman worn on the mahogany sword, and then holding a sword flower in his hand, he continued to walk towards the opponent, and at the same time said with a smile: "The poor Taoist Zhang Yan is a Taoist priest. The purpose of coming here today to find you is to save you back to heaven and earth."

"Hehe, Taoist priest? What is that? Are you trying to kill me?"

"No, it's an excess."

Hum, with a sound, the peach wood sword draws a wonderful arc, pulling up a trail of spiritual fire is really beautiful, and the light of the sword is tricky and fast, and it crosses the last little distance between the female ghost and Zhang Yan in an instant. When he was on guard, he just hit the opponent's arm.If it hadn't turned its body subconsciously, it would have cut off half of its body instead of an arm just now with the sword.


There were shrill screams and screams, and although the exquisite makeup on the female ghost's face remained the same, that beautiful face was replaced by an expression of anger and pain.

The body of the ghost is the soul body, and the spiritual fire on the mahogany sword is dedicated to burning the soul body. With the power gain of "Entraining Qi Sword Art", it can achieve the effect of cutting and destroying the ghost body.

Having his arm cut off was naturally unbearably painful.Moreover, the damage of the soul body is more sensitive.It's just that compared with the physical body, the soul body can't be hurt by ordinary people.It was also because of the latter reason that the female ghost let down her vigilance. It had never encountered a method that could hurt it lightly, and the opponent was not even a warrior.

The underestimation of the enemy and the deviation of cognition cost the female ghost a lot.

"How dare you hurt me!? I'm going to eat you!"

A ghost is a ghost, how can there be any tranquility and gentleness?The sad and beautiful dancing posture before was just a disguise, but now that the words "eat you" came out, it gave Zhang Yan some more evidence for his previous guess.

It's a pity that Zhang Yan will take the lead step by step.Although it was the first time that "Entraining Qi Sword Art" was used against the enemy after practicing for more than two years, many changes had already been done at will, and there was no jerk in the slightest.In addition, he broke the opponent's arm first with one move, which made Zhang Yan full of confidence. Before he exhausted a set of sword formulas, he had already firmly covered the opponent in his own spirit fire and sword light and gained the upper hand.


The ear-piercing ghost howl shook his soul, but the spirit-repelling talisman on Zhang Yan's body lighted up slightly and blocked most of its threats, and finally fell on Zhang Yan's soul, which only made him slightly dizzy but did not affect his hand. in the action.

However, although the female ghost lost an arm, the rest of her arm had been turned into a ghost claw. In addition, the speed of the soul body was already extremely fast. Although Zhang Yan had the upper hand, it was difficult to completely avoid the opponent's claw attack.If you step up and down a little bit, there will be a few more scratches on your body.This kind of injury cannot be resisted by the talisman on the body, and even Zhang Yan's Five Elements Qi Shield cannot block all of it.Because the ghost claw is not a simple physical attack, but also a ghost-like attack.

In addition, there will be Yin Qi attached to the scratches, eroding the meridians along the wound, which also makes Zhang Yan feel the pressure.

And after the initial adaptation, the female ghost also gradually understood the power of the spirit fire, using the wind and movement, it was rare to be swept by the sword.

"The Big Dipper is seven yuan, and the spirit dominates the sky; the great sage of Tiangang, the majesty and glory; the heaven and the earth, cut off the source of evil"

In the face of wild ghosts who have almost no ability to resist, they can naturally use the "Taishang Daojun's Explanation of the Wonderful Sutra of Resolving Injustice and Eviction of Crimes" for salvation.Because the evil spirits in the wild ghosts are not too much, and they are not stubborn, relying on the Shinto scriptures and the increase of aura can easily clear away the hostility and obsession in them, and return to the original pure state of the soul , and then it will naturally return to heaven and earth, completing the transcendence.

But Li Gui is different, the method of superseding wild ghosts cannot be used on Li Gui.

Come to them first to prestige them, then subdue them, and finally you can transcend them.In addition, the powerful mantra should be used first to clear away the hostile energy, and then use gentle scriptures to save it before it can be saved.This is recorded in the classics on Longhu Mountain.

That's why Zhang Yan came up with a surprise attack from the "Entraining Qi Sword Art", and after a successful blow, he continued to suppress him. At the same time, the mantra he chanted was not the "Exorcism Sutra", but the "Big Dipper Curse" directly!
The Big Dipper, the dead soul, deals with ghosts.Zhang Yan wanted to use the "Big Dipper Curse" with his own spiritual fire and sword formulas to subdue the opponent.

"Climb up on the clouds, come to the altar. Come down with true energy, go through the water and into the smoke"

"Legend of the Three Realms, ten thousand demons raise their fists. Slash the demons and destroy their traces, return to death and ascend to immortality!"

Cooperating with the power of the divine mantra, Zhang Yan's tone quickly slowed down again, and the last eight characters were paused one by one, and each pause was a power, which triggered the spiritual fire on the sword to appear in the sky and the Big Dipper appeared!
The stalwart power from another world seems to have passed through the barrier of infinite space and shrouded it.Even just a little feathery power is enough to restrain a district of ghosts.

But when the female ghost's movements became stiff and the ferocity and hostility on her face gradually eased, a sudden change occurred, and two strong evil spirits came from Zhang Yan's left and right, accompanied by a shriek. of ghost howling.
(End of this chapter)

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