one's door

Chapter 45 Ghost Willow

Chapter 45 Ghost Willow
It can only be said that Zhang Yan was careless, and did not use the evil chasing talisman to detect whether there were other sources of evil around him, so that the sudden change at the critical moment of the battle caught him off guard.

The ghost claw is not an ordinary weapon, it is the same as the poison traps on Yubei Mountain. Although it will not make you stand up immediately, it can still make people miserable after invading the meridians of the body through the wound.Even a Taoist like Zhang Yan who knows how to drive away Yin Qi from entering his body, dare not let the ghost claws catch him casually, because too much Yin Qi intruding will also make him temporarily lose his fighting power, which is undoubtedly a fatal thing .

So Zhang Yan had no choice but to interrupt the suppression of the female ghost in front of him in a hurry, and even the "Big Dipper Curse" in his mouth also stopped chanting without coming up because of the rapid retreat and dodge.


Then two ghost howls almost rang in Zhang Yan's ears. Even with the Zhenling Talisman on his body, he was in a trance for a while. He could only try his best to strengthen the "Five Elements Qi Shield" to the extreme, and at the same time, the sword flower danced and sprinkled a piece of spiritual fire Covered by the talisman, the figure continued to retreat.

Zhang Yan stopped after retreating a full ten feet, but there was no sign of the three ghosts in his field of vision.

The clay figurine was still a bit angry, not to mention that Zhang Yan's temper was never good. He was attacked just now and almost capsized in the gutter, and a ghost who was about to complete his salvation was also rescued.

"However, there is still friendship between ghosts? Besides, could my previous judgment be wrong? The death of the three refugees was really caused by the three ghosts with a master-slave relationship?" Zhang Yan originally speculated firmly at this time It also became a little less certain.He is just a beginner in this way, and he doesn't know if those things from Longhushan can be used as iron laws in Huangtianyu.

The confusion in my heart was quickly sorted out by Zhang Yan.He suffered a loss this time, he suffered three or two claws in vain, and now he still doesn't feel well, and finally let the enemy run away.How about that?
"Hmph, can you run?"

Throwing out three evil chasing talismans, Zhang Yan will not make the same mistake as before.

The evil chasing talisman quickly turned into dots of fireflies, and then began to flutter like the wind.But the three evil chasing talismans did not divide into three strands, but flew in the same direction.

"You didn't escape separately?" Zhang Yan felt a little strange in his heart, but he continued to follow.First, he was angry, and second, after the previous fight, he already had enough understanding of Li Gui's methods, and at the same time, he also understood that he was too underestimated before, as a Taoist monk in the late stage of Qi Entraining Realm. restraint.

In addition, although the two ghosts who came from behind caught Zhang Yan by surprise, compared to the female ghost, the evil spirits in the latter two were obviously much weaker. Zhang Yan felt that he might not have come prepared now. There is no chance of winning.

Following the evil chasing talisman all the way, not only did the fireflies disperse all the time, but they didn't run far in the end, and they were only less than fifty feet away from where Zhang Yan was fighting before, and they were still in Luohua Lane.It's just that it should be in the middle of this deep alley.

"Huh? Tree?"

After making seven turns and eight turns, I finally arrived at an open space in an alley.It has a radius of more than ten feet, and in the middle is a willow tree with a thick waist.But the canopy is not high, and the branches and leaves are not luxuriant, and the growth is crooked and unsightly.There are even some strange human-head-sized tumor-like protrusions on the trunk.

"It turned out to be a ghost willow! It's no wonder it's not peaceful to have this thing. It's also hard for the living people here not to cut it down and keep it until now. It must be hundreds of years old, right?"

The willow tree is an extremely yin species, and it has the ability to gather yin energy naturally.There is a record in ancient books that if someone wants to harm someone, they will use willow trees to make coffins for his family members, and [-]% of them will eventually turn into corpses and infect the family's feng shui.It belongs to the evil deeds of lack of virtue.

The ghost willow refers to the kind of willow that has changed its shape due to the condensed yin energy, just like this one in front of you.The place where this kind of tree is located is full of Yin Qi, which naturally attracts evil things to gather.If you encounter it, you should burn it with fire, and then turn over the soil and expose it to the sun for seven to seven days to get rid of the accumulation of Yin Qi.

But at this time, the ghost willow was in front, and after chasing the evil talisman, it got into a well next to the tree.

The opening of the well is not small, it should be a shared well.But looking at the dry ground around it, I'm afraid it hasn't been used for a long time, and it may even be a dry well that has long dried up.

Without rushing to approach, Zhang Yan picked up a hand-sized broken brick from the ground, threw it into the well, and heard a cracking sound on the ground after a while.The well is not deep, and it is really a dry well as Zhang Yan expected.

So here comes the problem.Is Zhang Yan going down?Why don't you go down?
Zhang Yan didn't struggle, so naturally he wouldn't just jump down that dry well so recklessly.If there is some killer move hidden in it, wouldn't he go in and seek his own death?Moreover, as ghosts are spirit bodies, although they cannot escape underground at will, they can travel short distances through the rock and soil without any problem.So Zhang Yan may go straight to nothing.

It's better to make another fuss to draw out the three ghosts below.

How to quote?When Zhang Yan saw the ghost willow, he made a fuss about it.

Ghost willows absorb Yin Qi, and the effect is different from that of Mass Burial Mound, which is made up of dead people. It can be thicker and more solid.In addition to that well, I am afraid that the underground yin energy can form a group, and it has become an excellent hotbed for yin and evil things.In the long run, it is like living in a place full of aura, and there are too many benefits.

So what would happen if the tree was burned?

This tree is not big, and a few spiritual fire talismans will definitely burn very quickly, and it will burn down to only the roots in less than a cup of tea, and it will naturally die solidly.

It's like cutting off all the rice in your house. Do you think you are in a hurry?Will he jump out and find someone to fight for his life?

Of course, Zhang Yan had to make some preparations before that.Sprinkle a piece of spirit-repelling talisman and exorcism talisman around the dry well. It doesn't take much effort, and the effect is really outstanding. It directly stirs up the gloomy atmosphere in this place, and it obviously fades a bit.

Get ready, Zhang Yan sneered and ignited the ten spirit fire talismans pasted on the ghost willow. The spirit fire in the talisman exploded and attached to the ghost willow. It jumped up and quickly spread to the entire crown of the tree which was not very high.

Zhang Yan looked at the burning ghost willow with a smile.The yin qi accumulated on it was heavier than he thought, and it seemed that even the roots buried in the ground would be burned by the spiritual fire because of the yin qi.And the speed at which the spiritual fire burns like this is extremely fast.

Sure enough, as soon as the ghost willow burned, the ghost in the dry well couldn't sit still.Screaming, he rushed out of the well, bringing with him a much stronger killing intent than before.

"One, two, three, four, five. How come there are two more?!" The smile on Zhang Yan's face lasted less than three breaths before he was froze by the number of ghosts that rushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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