one's door

Chapter 46 God's Descend

Chapter 46 God's Descend
At first Zhang Yan thought there was only one ghost, but suddenly two other ghosts appeared, which caught Zhang Yan by surprise and nearly capsized in the gutter.Now they caught up, made arrangements, and then led the opponent out of the dry well. Everything seemed to be going well, but in the end there were two more.

Is this stabbing Li ghost's den? !

There is no mention in the classics of Longhu Mountain that ghosts live in groups!Or is this a special case on Huangtianyu's side?

But right now Zhang Yan couldn't think too much, he had to face the attack and bite of five furious ghosts.

There are not many ways for ghosts to extinguish fires, not to mention that what is burning now is not ordinary flames but spiritual fires. If you want to extinguish them, you must first draw away the yin energy, or Zhang Yan will take the initiative to terminate the means, otherwise it will be almost impossible. can not be destroyed.

It wasn't at 01:30 that the ghost whistling sound was stronger than before. The town spirit talismans on Zhang Yan's body showed signs of peeling off, which meant that the power on the talismans was being offset and erased.

Zhang Yan was very fortunate that he had arranged many talismans around here in advance, so that when he faced the five fierce ghosts, he would not be defeated as soon as he came up.But even so, it is inevitable to fall into the disadvantage.

The main shortcoming is that Zhang Yan's current "Five Elements Qi Shield" can't completely resist the attacks of ghost claws with soul-like attacks. Not deep scratches eroded the attached Yin Qi into his body.

Another big problem also emerged, that is, Zhang Yan seemed very clumsy when facing flexible enemies like many ghosts.

Whether it is dodging or maneuvering, Zhang Yan is currently following the basic movements similar to physical skills.This is another shortcoming that he can't effectively avoid the ghost's claw attack and can only use the "Five Elements Qi Shield" to resist.

Although this is not a strong confrontation Zhang Yan took the initiative to find, it is used to test how much he has gained from working behind closed doors in the past two years.But the fact is that although he didn't mean it, he actually found a lot of big loopholes in himself from this accident.

In fact, in addition to claw strikes, Li Gui's housekeeping skill is to create various illusions that confuse the audience, and induce various fears and other negative emotions deep in the heart.But because Zhang Yan is a Taoist monk, even though he has just started, the aura of grandeur in his body and the strength of his soul make it difficult for Li Gui's illusion methods to work on him.But as the yin qi invading Zhang Yan's body intensified, his condition became worse and worse, coupled with the illusion created by Gui Xiao and the five ghosts, Zhang Yan began to slowly raise his head.

The situation is already dangerous.Zhang Yan's most reasonable choice now is actually to retreat quickly.Relying on the Spirit Fire Talisman and the Qi Shield, as long as he leaves this Luohua Lane, and then goes to a place with strong yang and evil aura, such as the Xuanhua City Lecture Academy he passed by during the day, even if he just stays at the door, he can avoid it. A few ghosts chased after them.Waiting for dawn and everything will pass.

This is also the retreat that Zhang Yan thought of for himself at the beginning.

But now Zhang Yan is also getting angry.Several accidents happened, so he didn't want to run away in embarrassment.

What can I do if I am not reconciled?
Of course, there are still ways, but there is a price to pay.

Zhang Yan is very aware of his current situation. When the sound of car horns that he used to be familiar with began to appear in his ears, he knew that he was falling into a hallucination, and it was time to make a choice. He will no longer be alive.

So Zhang Yan gritted his teeth, and shot out [-]% of his spiritual energy at once, and ignited all the remaining eleven spiritual fire talismans on his body to form a short-lived spiritual fire barrier, leaving him a space to display it again.

escape?Zhang Yan is not reconciled, he has the means to suppress the bottom of the box.

"The universe borrows the law, and is as urgent as the law!"

"Heavenly Soldiers! God Descends!"

He took out a talisman with extremely complicated patterns, and while reciting the incantation, he held it between the index finger and middle finger of his left hand, and the surging spiritual energy ignited it.

At the moment when the talisman was burned out, an inexplicable force came across the sky, facing Zhang Yan under the hood, and penetrated directly from the Tianling Gai!

But the power was too great, Zhang Yan seemed to be able to bear only a small part of it, and most of the power that came down passed through the body and disappeared soon.

But even if it only contained a small part of the power, Zhang Yan's aura immediately changed drastically.

At this time, Zhang Yan's body was emitting a gleam of light from the inside out, and behind him was a phantom of golden light as high as Zhang Xu.

I saw that phantom in bright armor, holding a spear tightly in his hand, with a solemn and resolute face, the red tassel on his helmet was automatic without wind, and his eyes seemed to shoot out a shocking majesty.


The mahogany sword in Zhang Yan's hand also rang at this time, and then changed its shape in the blink of an eye, turning into a bright silver spear like the phantom.

"Today, use the power of your lord to quell the evil in front of you! Get up!"

The last word Zhang Yan yelled out violently, and his figure moved rapidly. Although it was still just an ordinary run, the speed was as fast as the gust of wind, and it was even difficult for the naked eye to catch his whereabouts.

The spear is like a dragon, accompanied by mighty power, like a meteor falling from the sky that day, there is no room for the five ghosts to resist at all, and even the space with a radius of several feet is locked, so that they have no chance to run.


The tip of the gun pierced the chest of the first ghost and locked it firmly on the gun.Then Pupu pierced four times in a row, and the remaining four ghosts followed suit one after another, struggling like candied haws to be pierced into a string on the spear.

At this time, as long as Zhang Yan controls the spear to vibrate, the surging force on the spear can instantly tear the five ghosts into pieces and disappear completely.

But if that happens, don't think about the merits, and the price spent this time will be a waste of work, and there is no doubt that it will be a huge loss.

So now Zhang Yan still has to continue with his original plan, instead of putting himself in an awkward position just to vent his anger.

Zhang Yan's face was solemn, and he just held the long spear flat, his eyes fell on the five ghosts who were restrained by the gun and were being roasted by the awe-inspiring aura of the gun.Then he opened his mouth and started the second ritual ceremony.

"The Big Dipper has seven yuan, and the spirit dominates the sky. The great sage of Tiangang is majestic and mighty. Go up to the world and cut off the source of evil."

This time, when Zhang Yan recited the divine mantra, he was much more majestic and charming than before, especially the silver-armored and golden-light warrior standing behind him seemed to come alive amidst the majesty of the divine mantra, and the glimmer of light on his body gradually became brighter. Brilliantly, the five struggling ghosts slowly slumped down under the light, and each of them let the spear pierce them with their hands tied, and at the same time, they began to emit foul-smelling smoke from their bodies.
(End of this chapter)

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