one's door

Chapter 277 Honor and Disgrace

Chapter 277 Honor and Disgrace
"buy on credit?"

Zhang Yan was stunned for a moment, and only realized after a while.But I am even more curious about why the other party seems so urgent.

Shen Wujiu also knew that his request was too abrupt.Even he is not the most suitable person to say this, Xiao Shu from the Martial Academy is actually more suitable.But the matter was too urgent, Xiao Shu didn't accept this matter at all, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and come over, and he was ready for Zhang Yan to open his mouth.In short, no matter what, you must first get the bone strengthening pill.

"Yes Zhang Jiaoxi, the Yuanding Imperial City urgently needs some bone-strengthening pills to attack the realm. Please ask Xie Wan for help!" Said Shen Wujiu stood up again and bowed deeply to Zhang Yan.The attitude of asking for help is also very good.

Seeing that Zhang Yan didn't answer, Shen Wujiu sighed, and continued: "Actually, there's nothing wrong with this matter. It's also a follow-up to Princess Qingling's victory in the contest that no one was optimistic about.
It has always been our Nanyuan country that has lost, and Huayue country has always won.I don't want to say too much about the blows brought to Nanyuan Kingdom.But Nanyuan Kingdom has always respected the agreement between the two parties, and paid the price for this humiliation.I thought that this time Princess Qingling showed her skills to win back a city, which would make Nanyuan Kingdom feel proud once again.But I didn't expect Huayue Kingdom to shamelessly repent and refuse to fulfill the agreement, the reason is that Princess Qingling's "method of refining skin and flesh" is an outside move, and it is an unfair competition, so the result is invalid."

As Shen Wujiu spoke, he obviously couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.As the secret power of Nanyuan Kingdom, his body and mind are only tied to the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom and even this country.The royal family was humiliated, the country was humiliated, and Shen Wujiu naturally felt the same.

But Zhang Yan gave some general information about this matter in advance.It was precisely because of this incident that Princess Qingling hurried back to Yuanding Imperial City.After all, as the center of the vortex, she cannot avoid it no matter what.

It's just that what Shen Wujiu said later was a bit surprising.The face of Huayue Kingdom's denial is indeed different from those bastards on the street. They are more thorough and insidious.It is even obvious that a shameless incident can allow them to find a new way to continue to hurt Nanyuan Kingdom and "recover their place" and to cover up their shamelessness.

"They said that they were not denying, but correcting the injustice of the previous competition. They also proposed a new competition. They said that if they want to marry their princess, they need their peers to pass three hurdles on the way of "marriage". If you don’t, it will be regarded as giving up on your own.”

For this reason, Nanyuan Kingdom urgently needs to improve the cultivation level of the young clansmen who are of the same generation as Princess Qingling.It is obviously too late to rely on the method of refining skin and flesh with medicine.We can only pick some children who are about to break through or who are already stuck in the bottleneck of the realm, and use the new rare treasure of the Strong Bone Pill to fight.

"Master Shen, it seems inappropriate to just get into the Huayue state's tricks like this? They were rude and made trouble first, and now they have reorganized the situation to make it clear that they will continue to embarrass Nanyuan, this"

Zhang Yan was very curious about what the top management of Nanyuan Kingdom thought.It's impossible not to understand this obvious rogue way, right?Or is there another secret?

"." Shen Wujiu looked embarrassed, and paused for a while before saying: "Who can Huayue Kingdom's shameless plan hide from? But this time, the envoy of Huayue Kingdom who came to preside over this matter was replaced. It was replaced by Prince Huayue Guolong, Guo Yulong."

"Guo Yulong?"

"Well. The prince of Huayue Kingdom is in charge of the Yueshui Chilin Navy. His cultivation is at the late stage of Duanshan. This time, from the moment he set foot on the land of Nanyuan Kingdom, Chilin's navy came out in full force. The south is said to be a drill, but in fact, the main water trade route flowing through the territory of Nanyuan country in the south is half closed, and there are often provocative actions against our water village in the Yuezhong Navy, which makes the entire southeast very uneasy, so .”

After all, Shen Wujiu is just the head of the special case department stationed here in Beijiang County.Looking at Beijiang County, it may have great discretion and the power to act cheaply.But putting him in the high-level power of Nanyuan Kingdom, Shen Wujiu's performance is not so impressive at best, it can even be said to be insignificant.So he may be clear about many things, but he has various concerns if he really wants to tell them, so he can only tell Zhang Yan vaguely.

But although the details are not exhaustive, it is still enough for Zhang Yan to outline the underlying context of this seemingly illogical incident.

In the end, it is still a sentence: You want to reason with others, but they just want to shake their fists with you.

At this point, Shen Wujiu has said everything he can say.The rest depends on how Zhang Yan responds.

To help or not to help?If you don't help, it is very likely that a seed of resentment will be planted between yourself and the senior management of Nanyuan Country.Although Zhang Yan is not afraid of this kind of thing, it is really unnecessary.What's more, he doesn't just want the demons to help gather ghosts. In fact, the human race represented by the Special Cases Division is more suitable to cooperate with him, because compared with the demon races who have more tricks in dealing with ghosts, the human race will naturally be purer. many.

"There is no need to talk about credit. It can be regarded as an exchange I paid in advance to the special case department. I don't know how much it takes?"

Shen Wujiu laughed out loud, he didn't expect things to go so smoothly, Zhang Yan didn't even have any intention of making a fuss about it, he seemed very cheerful.So he hurriedly said: "It would be best to have six, but if it's inconvenient, at least three."

Shen Wujiu felt ashamed and panicked when he said these requests.After all, it was a rare treasure that allowed Shi Xuan to break through from the early stage to the middle stage of Duanshan Realm.As soon as I opened my mouth, I got six, and I returned three as a base.It is absolutely difficult to refine that thing!

Zhang Yan nodded, went back to his room, put six bone-strengthening pills in a porcelain bottle, and put them in front of Shen Wujiu.Said: "Zhang Yan is also a member of Nanyuan Kingdom, so he will not neglect what he can do. These six bone-strengthening pills are doing their best, and I hope that Nanyuan Kingdom can take down those shameless people in Huayue. face!"

"Same hatred and hatred" is the best way to gain a sense of recognition. At this time, Shen Wujiu even felt that Zhang Yan was also a companion who cared about the honor and disgrace of Nanyuan Kingdom. Otherwise, how could he take such a precious treasure out of the box?
"Don't worry, Professor Zhang! These six bone-strengthening pills will definitely be used wisely! I will never let the sincerity of Professor Zhang be in vain! Those bastards in Huayue Kingdom must look good!
In addition, Professor Zhang can just wait, in less than a month, the three bells will be full, and then the special case department will do its best to help Professor Zhang with this matter, in order to repay the great help this time.Moreover, this in itself is a matter of great benefit to the Special Cases Division.

Ha ha, even this kind of bells, I think the more the better. "

"Next time. The bell is not too difficult to make, but I didn't make much preparation in advance. I should make more next time. I also look forward to the good news that Master Shen can bring Huayue Kingdom's defeat to Yuanding again."

(End of this chapter)

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