one's door

Chapter 278 Shangguo

Chapter 278 Shangguo
What is Shangguo?To put it bluntly, it is a country that steps on your head.

So it's all on your head, do you think you will still be "polite" with you?Of course not.

Even in the eyes of Huayue Kingdom, Nanyuan Kingdom is nothing more than a piece of fat that will eventually be pocketed by him.He also regards Nanyuan Kingdom as a special place to show his achievements.

Like Nanyuan Kingdom, the princesses of Huayue Kingdom who participated in the competition can get very good rewards once they win.You can even get rewards similar to "Ruyi Order".In the eyes of many princesses in Huayue, the princesses of Nanyuan Kingdom "none of them are great", so they competed to get the qualifications for the competition.Because in the eyes of the people of Huayue Kingdom, that is a sure win.Competing to reap the benefits.

This is also a rare opportunity for the princesses of Huayue Kingdom to get official national rewards.

In contrast, Huayue has no official title in the past, and the princess whose uncle's side is not very powerful, has no chance to be qualified to participate in the competition with the princess of Nanyuan Kingdom.This point can be said to be completely opposite to that of Nanyuan Country.

For example, the Princess Baowen who lost to Princess Qingling this time is a noble princess with a high status in the royal family of Huayue Kingdom.

But to everyone's surprise, the late Kaiyuan Realm lost against the upper Kaiyuan Realm mid-stage! ?Even suffered serious internal injuries?

Huayue's first domestic reaction was "impossible", and then he felt that he had been greatly "humiliated".How could their princess possibly lose?It must be the shameless people from Nanyuan Land used some dirty tricks to cheat!

Don't think Huayue Kingdom's reaction is weird, on the contrary, this is the normal inertia reaction that a qualified Shang countryman should have.

This has nothing to do with whether you can afford to lose or not, it's just "why would I lose if I have big fists?"

So Huayue Kingdom, who didn't feel that he was denying it at all, quickly replaced the envoy who had been on the side of Nanyuan Kingdom before, under the banner of "recovering fairness and justice", and sent someone with real power and Guo Yulong, whose identity is extremely sensitive, came to take over the post of envoy and was fully responsible for the follow-up matters.

In fact, it's not just Huayue Kingdom's inertial reaction here, the core has become "beating" and "prestige".

Why is this happening?

In a carriage, a gorgeously dressed girl asked the tall and majestic man with gray hair sitting opposite.

"Because Huayue has spent too much time on Nanyuan Kingdom. It was hard to suppress the arrogance of their royal family and high-level dignitaries. We can't just go back for decades. Therefore, we need to deal with it hard. Wei, let them understand that even if they win a fight, they still need to kneel at Huayue's feet obediently, instead of taking the opportunity to raise their heads and want to disobey.

That's why His Majesty asked the king to come here in person.It is not enough to replace it with others, or it is too far away if it is enough.This matter cannot be delayed, and it must be completely extinguished before the spark in their hearts ignites. "

The man who spoke had his gray hair tied in a purple gold crown, meticulously, and even his long beard was neat and not messy.Wearing a golden robe, the robe is embroidered with the unique totem flying beast of Huayue Kingdom.There is a white jade waist card hanging on the waist, and there are gilt words on the waist card: Prince Huayue, Long.

On the other hand, the girl opposite the man had a sickly look on her face, obviously suffering from internal injuries that hadn't healed yet.

"To be honest, I received letters from your mother, concubine and your uncle before I came this time. Let me take care of you. Hmph, especially your uncle, who actually asked me to send you back to the country immediately, you are playing the piano like crazy!"

"I also ask Prince Long to forgive my uncle."

"Okay. This king and your uncle are best friends. They studied together in the Imperial Forest Academy, and then went to the army to practice together. You don't need to speak well of him. The king mentioned that your mother and concubine are your uncle. I want you to understand that your situation is very delicate this time. Even the people behind you feel the great pressure.

So after this, I hope you can put away all the impetuousness in your heart, follow me with the utmost caution, and never make a mistake again. When Guo Yulong said the last sentence, his words were accentuated. He didn't want the girl in front of him to fail to understand the situation in the following matters, and he was also telling the other party to be more honest.

"Prince Long, don't worry, I will definitely listen to your arrangement."

"Very good." Guo Yulong nodded, and continued: "You lost in the ring. The situation is very passive. Nanyuan Kingdom is talking about things based on the agreement we have made with them for many years. You should marry. But because you The opponent used a weird method beyond his realm, which can be defined from left to right. It can be a "unique move" or an "outside move". It will be endless if you talk about it like this. So I let Chi Lin The sailors move to put pressure on them. Let them not get too angry.

After that is to give them a step.At the same time, it is also about regaining our face.

Don't they want you to marry me?Want to prove they won once?Then we have to follow our rules.They used outside moves in the previous fight, although they took advantage of the loopholes, they couldn't be regarded as wins.So you have to go through three hurdles to marry you first.If you can't, then you have to honestly give up the idea of ​​marrying you.

Taking this opportunity, we can also fight again, and let the people of Nanyuan Kingdom understand that they can't win Huayue without relying on outside tactics. "

Princess Baowen understands.Guo Yulong's method is to come first to show prestige, turning Nanyuan Kingdom's "victory" that is about to die into "requiring three more matches" and if it loses once, all the previous winning opportunities of Nanyuan Kingdom will no longer exist.The proportions are well-measured.Anyway, she didn't find any flaws.No matter how lucky the people of Nanyuan Kingdom are, they can't win three games in a row, right?

After that, Guo Yulong stopped talking.Today he specially picked up Princess Baowen from the diplomatic post of Nanyuan Kingdom.In the past, Princess Baowen was equivalent to being stared at, but now she went to the newly bought and tidied up mansion.From top to bottom, they are all Huayue's own people, so it is much more convenient to say what to do.

When they arrived at the place, Princess Baowen went down to rest with her maid and guards.She was also in a mood of uncertainty staying in the posthouse during this time, worried that she would really be handed over by Hua Yue.She would definitely not want to marry into a place like Nanyuan Country.Now Guo Yulong's arrival made all her worries go away.

While Princess Baowen could relax, Guo Yulong could not.The reason he came here was not only to bring Princess Baowen back, but also to beat the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom, and to find out what happened to the match that Princess Baowen lost that should not have been lost.

"Have you found it?"

"Returning to Your Highness, I found out. The method Princess Qingling of Nanyuan Kingdom used before was called "The Method of Refining Skin and Flesh with Medicine", which was taught by a guest teacher named Zhang Yan in the martial arts academy here. It is not easy to come to this guest teacher named Zhang Yan."

(End of this chapter)

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