one's door

Chapter 280

Chapter 280
Although the Academy of Miscellaneous Studies outside Langyuan City is not as lively as it was some time ago, it can barely be regarded as returning to the tranquility of the past, but it is only superficially tranquil.

"Old Luo, hey, no one is willing to come. To put it nicely, it's just coveting our knowledge, but tabooing our identities. Those who are double-faced and three-faced are all shameless!"

"It's the same here. I went to all the places where I used to be acquainted and have good friendship. They told me clearly that if I want funding, I can find it by myself. If I want students, I can only find them by myself. They can't help if they don't help me. And let me stop working in vain, asserting that we can't find anyone like this."

"Oh? Are you sure we can't recruit students? Can you explain why?"

"It's said, and I think it seems like they have a lot of truth in what they say, and it's a big problem that we ignored before."

"Tell me."

"Miscellaneous scholars cannot enter the official career!"

As soon as the last sentence was uttered, everyone in the room fell silent.Including Luo Changshan, a ray of clarity flashed in their eyes to unravel their confusion.


"Is this considered a blind eye?"

There are smart people here.Many things may be missed due to some obsession or inertial cognition.Now after bumping into a wall everywhere and being awakened by someone, how can you not understand it?

Knowledge is good knowledge, and many people are willing to learn it.But being willing to learn does not mean that you are willing to put yourself in the position of miscellaneous studies.Because this will pay a huge price that some others are unwilling and feel very bad.Just "not entering the official career" is enough to make [-]% of the scholars in Nanyuan country respect their identity of miscellaneous studies.

How to do?
Knowing and waking up to the cause of the dilemma does not mean that the solution can be thought of immediately.After all, "miscellaneous scholars do not enter the official career" is not a problem that can be solved by just relying on miscellaneous learning and a few words. The things involved can be said to have related to the power base structure of Nanyuan Kingdom.How hard is it to change?

Several people thought for a long time but did not have any thoughts.In the end, someone suggested that Luo Changshan go find Zhang Yan and listen to Zhang Yan's opinion.After all, Zhang Yan's vision and thinking are different from those of them who have always been pedantic, so maybe he can give some advice.

Luo Changshan nodded in agreement after thinking about it.There was no delay either, it happened that Zhang Yan was teaching in the small courtyard at the back at this time, so he went there just in time, just in time for Zhang Yan to finish his class.

It should be said that the small courtyard where Zhang Yan is located is very special in the Academy of Miscellaneous Studies.The special thing is that others can't get in at all.Obviously seeing that the stone road is unimpeded, but after walking a few steps, he finds that he has been walking in place at the intersection.Unless Zhang Yan finishes his studies, this weird situation will continue.

Mysterious and even more curious.But if Zhang Yan doesn't say anything, who can find out the clues from him?Now the school of miscellaneous studies is still relying on his influence to open the academy. If Zhang Yan withdraws at this time, [-]% of the people in the academy, big and small, will have a hard time living.

Therefore, Zhang Yan's weirdness has also become something that is tacitly avoided in the Miscellaneous Academy and is deliberately avoided.

Furthermore, "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" has already been taken out by Zhang Yan, what more can the miscellaneous studies ask for?Even Luo Changshan always felt in his heart that Zhang Yan didn't care about the knowledge and situation of the miscellaneous studies, he seemed to care more about the identity of a miscellaneous studies, as if to put on a layer of camouflage for himself?
Especially after Zhang Yan showed his extraordinary killing methods a few months ago, this feeling became even more prominent in Luo Changshan's heart.

So Luo Changshan was not quite sure how to locate Zhang Yan's identity.

"Senior Luo, why are you free to come to my side today? Please come inside quickly." Zhang Yan welcomed Luo Changshan in with a smile.Behavior has not changed from before.There is no shortage of etiquette.

The two sensible little ones hurriedly brought cold whites to Luo Changshan, and after saluting, they bounced and ran outside to play.Leave the classroom to two adults.

"Mr. Zhang, I discussed some cumbersome issues with my husband before about the birth of miscellaneous studies, but I didn't talk in depth. Especially in terms of recruiting students, I didn't listen to my husband's opinions. Now it seems that the old man The previous plan is no longer feasible.”

Luo Changshan talked eloquently, the main point is the current difficulties of the school of miscellaneous studies.He didn't expect Zhang Yan to solve this problem at once, because that was unrealistic in itself.But I also hope that I can get some ideas and directions to solve the problem from Zhang Yan.After all, compared with them, Zhang Yan's brain is much more shrewd in this aspect.

After Zhang Yan listened carefully, there was no surprise in his heart, it was all expected.It was predicted that Luo Changshan and the others would run into a wall.It's not too late to react now.

But easier said than done!

"What? Mr. Zhang, is there anything inconvenient to say?" Seeing that Zhang Yan hesitated and said nothing, Luo Changshan didn't seem to have a clue, but seemed to hesitate to speak.

"No, it's not that it's inconvenient to say, but I'm thinking of how to say it so that Senior Luo can accept it more easily."

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhang is worrying too much. Although the old man is old, his mind is not pedantic. In addition, this is a major matter of miscellaneous studies. No matter what method, as long as it is useful, the old man will seriously consider it."

Zhang Yan smiled.Secretly Luo Changshan is indeed not pedantic, but sometimes he is very stubborn.

"Senior Luo. You also know that this kind of difficulty cannot be solved overnight. What is needed is subtle changes. So there is no rush.

Xu Xutuzhi's words, there are two paths that can go in parallel. "

"Oh? I would like to hear more about it!" Luo Changshan didn't expect that the big problem that stuck them would not only be solved by Zhang Yan, but also have two ways? !
"First, as I mentioned to my seniors last time, you can recruit some children who are in elementary school or pre-school. At worst, it will be more troublesome. And don't stare at those colleges in the city, you should go to small schools outside the city or even in remote places. The school. Most of the children there enter school because they want to be shopkeepers or to do some decent work. They have never thought about entering an official career, so naturally they are not very attracted by mainstream schools.

Even those remote places are places where the power of the mainstream schools is immersed in the weak.If the miscellaneous studies are willing to spend the capital, they can often send people to build Mengxue locally at their own expense.Over time you will definitely see benefits.

The second is to open areas where mainstream schools of thought cannot immerse.For example, the army!Utilize the unique extensive knowledge of miscellaneous studies, press your heart to dive into specific things, such as ordnance research, and even often send scholars to do field inspections in the army.Treat ordnance and even chores in the army as knowledge.

As long as it works.Is it possible to add a position in the army that can only be filled by a line of miscellaneous studies?Does this count as a closed situation to open up an official career? "

(End of this chapter)

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