one's door

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

Luo Changshan stood up from the chair in surprise.Twirling his beard, he walked back and forth quickly.His face was frowning, and his eyes were full of thought.It can be seen that Luo Changshan was very touched by the two methods given by Zhang Yan just now.

The previous point was fine.Work hard to recruit students from Mengxue Middle School and pre-Mengxue children. Zhang Yan actually told Luo Changshan about this before.Luo Changshan still remembered it at this time.At that time, he did not realize that recruiting students would be so difficult and involved such difficult difficulties.So he didn't take Zhang Yan's suggestion seriously.I still feel that it is too troublesome, and I am just a beginner, and it remains to be seen whether I am smart or not. In this way, the time will be too long, and it is easy to form a situation where the good and the bad coexist among the students.This is far from Luo Changshan's idea of ​​"receiving only excellent talents".

But then was then, and now is now.After being knocked into a daze by the trapped reality, Luo Changshan had no choice but to seriously consider Zhang Yan's idea.Lower the threshold for students, and even take the initiative to contact those children of the lower class who have no family background or study just to make a living.It is also possible to pay back money, because it is necessary to build Mongolian studies and send teachers.If this path is really followed, the cost will definitely not be low.

Although I don't know if the effect is as good as Zhang Yan speculated.However, it should be no problem to avoid the imprisonment of the main faction and the current predicament.

The main surprise was the second point, which made Luo Changshan need to digest it for a while, because it was too unexpected.

"That's right, it's the army! Today, [-]% of the generals in the army are from the School of Martial Arts. The time when I was exposed to the mainstream school of thought from a young age was only a short period of three to five years after I was born. When entering school, they mainly study strategy and martial arts. In terms of knowledge, there are also some aspects, but it is not a specific school. Compared with miscellaneous studies, the hostility is very small, and some even have good intentions.

Senior Luo should know about this.

In addition, I have worked in Yubei Mountain Fortress for two years, which is actually the place with the most complete equipment of all kinds of ordnance in Nanyuan.But in many cases, it is still difficult to rely on ordnance in the face of the attack of the monster clan, and can only use life to fill it.Or the number of useful ordnance is too small to be able to benefit a fortress at all.It boils down to the reason why the cost is too high and difficult to popularize.

Therefore, for the military, ordnance is an important research direction that definitely has broad prospects and must be valued.In this regard, there are many places where miscellaneous studies can be compared by analogy.If you can get in with peace of mind, you should get results in a short time.At that time, you will be able to stand firm, and the army is still begging. "

Zhang Yan added a lot.The meaning is basically expressed clearly.After that, it depends on what Luo Changshan thinks when he goes back.

"Ordnance? The knowledge of miscellaneous studies can indeed make inferences in that respect, and can make ordnance to kill people." Luo Changshan didn't say the rest of the sentence.Because knowledge has always been "pure" in the minds of scholars of miscellaneous studies.It is still difficult to adapt to the current time to actively use it to study the ordnance of killing people.But at the same time, Luo Changshan also understood that what Zhang Yan said was indeed a feasible strategy.

"Mr. Zhang's vision is indeed extraordinary. The old man's eyes were opened by two ways, so I'll go back and discuss with those old men. I won't bother you. Farewell!"

"Senior Luo, please go ahead."

Luo Changshan hurriedly came and left.Zhang Yan did not continue to stay in the academy for a long time.Calling Wang Nian and Yang Rui means school is over.

Now Wang Nian and Yang Rui have completely played together. "Brother Stone" has been yelling naturally from Yang Rui's mouth.And Wang Nian also nicknamed Yang Rui "Wood", saying that Yang Rui seldom smiles and keeps a straight face like a little adult all day long.

"Teacher, brother Shitou said today that sunrise and sunset, rain and wind are all the way of heaven and earth. But this is the normal state of heaven and earth. How could it have anything to do with "Tao"?"

Now not only Wang Nian is studying Daoist scriptures, but also Yang Rui.The reason for this was what Zhang Yan was worried about before.He was worried that this part of the world in Huangtianyu would not help monks other than him to cheat on "enlightenment".In that case, enlightenment depends on oneself.The earlier you start, the stronger the foundation will be.When the mind matures, it will naturally pave the way for enough enlightenment gains for breakthroughs.At least before Dao Dan Realm, the requirements for enlightenment are not high.Zhang Yan is sure of this.

"The word Tao is all-encompassing. The ultimate principle of heaven and earth also exists in Tao. Although the sun rises and sets sunset, it is indeed a kind of "Tao". But it is not our "Tao" but the "Tao of Heaven". You can refer to Enlightenment cannot be applied casually."

"The way of heaven? What about our way?"

"When you are hungry, you have to eat. It is one of the ways of our beings. The "way" here can be divided into two characters: "need and demand."

Although Zhang Yan's "enlightenment" came from Huang Tianyu's cheating, it will not disappear, but will be deeply engraved in his consciousness.He is also actively sorting out these "reasons" in his consciousness, hoping not only to "engrave" but to integrate them into his entire practice.

Although it is not possible to talk about completely absorbing it now, at least Zhang Yan's understanding of "Tao" can be used to talk about his feelings and experiences.Naturally, there is no problem in dealing with youngsters like Yang Rui and Wang Nian.

The royal guards on the side were also listening, and they were also listening curiously, but they clearly understood, but they didn't understand what they needed to "enlighten" these principles.Isn't it normal that the sun rises and sets?Do you still need enlightenment?
In fact, it's not just these inexplicable words that Yang Rui's guards think, but also what Yang Rui learned in the classroom and what Zhang Yan taught, almost every detail was recorded by the guards and reported to the royal family to keep and Research.Most of them are incomprehensible to them.

For example, those crooked "numbers".For example, the so-called "divine mantras" that are hard to understand, and the so-called "acupoints" on the human body that are simply invisible and intangible.These are all things beyond understanding.Even if he recognized Zhang Yan's abilities, he still had no way of knowing what these things were for and what they were useful for.

What made the royal family even more confused with the dictation they got from Yang Rui was the "stories" that Zhang Yan was telling for fun.

Who is Monkey King?Who is the Jade Emperor?Chang'e, giant spirit god
It is said to be a story, but the humanities revealed in it are not like fabrications at all, and are more contextual, and the logic is basically the same.

There are races, demon races, gods, and "immortals" who seem to exist like gods.There are many similarities in the key desolate world.

This has to worry the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom behind Yang Rui.

(End of this chapter)

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