one's door

Chapter 283 Prototype

Chapter 283 Prototype
"come over."

In the small stone room in the Zangfeng Building of the Jiangwu Academy, Zhang Yan waved to He Xianghong who was standing in the corner with a dark metal arm covered with gold and silver patterns.

The latter bent over in response.He exposed the severed arm on the left without ordering, knowing in his heart that this was the master who was going to try his arm again.

He Xianghong was used to this.Even since he followed Zhang Yan for more than a month, the changes in his inner feelings and mentality can be described as earth-shaking.

First of all, He Xianghong had never enjoyed such an efficient and luxurious practice.I used two packs of muscle and bone powder in one month, and the black market price was high.It was so extravagant that he himself felt guilty.However, the effect was also obvious, the two packs of muscles and bones loosened, and the bottleneck in the early stage of Yuan Kai, which had trapped him for a long time, was immediately loosened, and he felt the signs of a breakthrough without even using the bone strengthening pill given by the master.At most press again, and within three days it will surely break through.

In the past, when I was a bandit, I worked so hard for a year that I might not be able to afford a piece of muscle and bone powder. I depended on Yushan Niang and slowly boiled it. Whether I can break through the realm depends on luck.Now that he is a slave, his practice is smooth and his resources are abundant.This had to make He Xianghong full of emotion.

In addition to the improvement in cultivation, what made He Xianghong even more excited was the metal arm that Zhang Yan was equipping on him at this time.

There are six barb-like blades at the end of the arm, which will penetrate directly into the flesh, and then hook the shoulder and shoulder blade as a fixation, so as to bear the full weight of the metal arm.This process was a bit painful, and it made He Xianghong sweat every time.But he does not reject it.First of all, after experiencing the torture of "soft bones", this little pain is nothing!Secondly, He Xianghong knew very well that once the metal arm was made, the biggest beneficiary would be himself.

"Feel it and see if you can control it."

"Yes, Master."

After the expected pain, He Xianghong felt the drape of his left arm for a long time, which was the feeling he only had when he had an arm.Over the years, He Xianghong always returns to his dreams, imagining the days when he was physically healthy.Now that he has regained this sense of draping, it is difficult for him to calm down every time.

Gather your mind.Following Zhang Yan's instructions, He Xianghong began to feel the metal arm attached.

As before, after the arm was connected to He Xianghong's bones, he felt a warm feeling.It seemed that the barbs anchored to his bones were forming some kind of fit with his body, waiting for his feedback.

In the previous two times, the first time he sensed his arm, He Xianghong's head hurt sharply, and he passed out from the pain.Although the second time was not dizzy, it was only pain, and there was no other improvement.

This is the third time like this, He Xianghong is ready to face the pain, but it is much milder than the pain he expected, the kind that is completely tolerable, and can even be ignored if his attention is distracted.

"This is fine! You can move! Master! This arm can move!"

"I saw it." Zhang Yan's voice became much calmer.He was the one who made this metal arm magic weapon, so he had some idea of ​​what would happen, so naturally he wouldn't be too surprised.

"Move your fingers, move them casually, I'll see if you can move each of them."

"Good master!" He Xianghong responded quickly, his face flushed from excitement and forced restraint.But after a while, he frowned and said, "Master, I still can't move my thumb. In addition, there is an obvious stiffness when the elbow is bent."

Zhang Yan memorized everything.These are the areas where he needs to improve in the next step.And it was already a major breakthrough for him.At least this magic weapon has a certain degree of connection with He Xianghong's body, instead of the initial conflict that caused severe pain.

In general, the completion of this magic weapon arm has gone more than half of Zhang Yan's vision.Moreover, his own crafting skills have also advanced by leaps and bounds in the past month, especially in the description and use of compound magic circles. He feels that he has entered a new level.Even if he is not yet a master of formations, he still thinks that he is a "experienced hand" who has stepped into the threshold and made some self-improvement.

These crafting techniques are not limited to the "legs" and other magic weapons, but lead to the rapid improvement of Zhang Yan's overall crafting level.

Wang Lanping's experience at home is that the necklaces given to her by the second son are always changing and becoming more and more exquisite, and she always feels a bit wasteful.

In fact, exquisiteness is only a change in appearance, and the internal change is even greater.It is already enough to get the top-level magic weapon with both offense and defense in the low-grade magic weapon.

Zhang Yan felt that if he could make the "vessel limb" as he imagined, then he could start to refine the medium-grade magic weapon.

"Okay. Try your smashing strength again." Zhang Yan put away his imagination and continued to guide He Xianghong to test the effect of this limb.

"Good host!"

After saying that, He Xianghong walked up to a large iron ingot piled up in the corner, and slammed down the metal arm on the left with a fist. There was only a deafening impact sound, and then the metal arm could be seen smashing the iron ingot out. A dent as deep as an inch, it can be clearly seen that the dent prints the shape of the side of the palm.

He Xianghong's eyes widened.He is a martial artist in the early stage of Yuan Kai, so he naturally knows how much strength it takes to punch such a mark on an iron ingot with his fist.Even with the physical strength of the warriors at the beginning of the Yuan Kai stage alone, it is actually impossible to achieve such an effect. It needs to be attached to the arm with vitality and then smashed with all its strength.

In other words, He Xianghong realized at this time that this metal arm is not just a simple way to "re-health" him, but also a rare treasure to enhance his strength!

According to Zhang Yan's plan and judgment, the limb should not only be a low-grade magic weapon when it is completed, but it is very likely to become Zhang Yan's first middle-grade magic weapon.He was not just a "prosthesis" from the beginning, but a prosthesis with the power of a magic weapon.

After some tests, Zhang Yan took off the limbs under He Xianghong's reluctant eyes, but did not melt them again.Because the basic framework is no longer a problem, what needs to be changed is the details inside.So there is no need to rework everything.

Put away the limbs and ask He Xianghong to wrap them in a cloth and take them back.Zhang Yan is going to work harder and strive to get the first finished product out this month.Only with the finished product can we continue to study the limbs that ordinary people like Zhang Shun can use.

But as soon as Zhang Yan came out of the Zangfeng Tower, he saw Xiao Shu standing not far away, and greeted him with a smile when he came out.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yan thought with a smile in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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