one's door

Chapter 284 Requirements

Chapter 284 Requirements
He Xianghong was called back by Zhang Yan, and he followed Xiao Shu in the forest behind Zangfeng Building while talking about things.

"Jiaoxi Zhang, I came to you this time to ask, whether the magic method you used to help Princess Qingling can be used on other people? Or can this method be different according to the situation."

Zhang Yan smiled, not pretending to be confused.He used it for Princess Qingling before, so he was not afraid of being pointed out by someone later.Besides, it's just a yellow scarf wrestler talisman, what is it?
"It's just a small trick. It can deal with some situations. The advantage lies in concealment. Otherwise, I couldn't help Princess Qingling last time."

Xiao Shu heard the meaning of Zhang Yan's words, and the smile on his face became stronger, knowing that his errands today should not be difficult to complete.

"Zhang Jiaoxi's ability is really admirable. If this is the case, there may be things that Zhang Jiaoxi needs to worry about."

"Oh? The Xiao court judged, but it doesn't matter."

"A letter from His Majesty. Zhang Jiaoxi can read it by himself."

While talking, Xiao Shu took out a small brass pipe half the length of an index finger from his arms and handed it to Zhang Yan.There is a seal on the copper pipe and a seal.Appears to be in good condition.But the word "Huang" on the brass tube also shows that this thing is unusual.

This is Fei Yuxin.It is a communication method in which birds carry letters.Similar to homing pigeons, but much faster and farther than homing pigeons.But this thing is rare and extremely difficult to train.Zhang Yan also saw it once in Yubeishan Fortress, this is the second time.

The emperor's personal letter?

Zhang Yan did not expect to receive such a thing.

However, with the foreshadowing made by Xiao Shu just now, he probably knew what the letter said.

He opened the copper tube, and took out a tightly rolled letter paper. After unfolding, it was actually less than a thousand characters, and the content was not much, and the meaning was similar to what Xiao Shu had laid out before.To sum it up in one sentence: the royal family needs the help of Zhang Jiaoxi, and there will be great rewards in the future.

I also roughly stated in the letter the specific content of the "help" and the time.Of course, he also praised Zhang Yan by the way.The words are sincere and the attitude is peaceful, giving people a kind of comfort like a spring breeze, without the harsh oppression of the throne.

"Mr. Zhang wrote a letter in person, please don't worry about this busy work!" Xiao Shu also cupped his hands.He and Nanyuan Kingdom are closely bound together.Naturally, she is very aware of the positive impact of Princess Qingling's previous victory, as well as the weight of this subsequent competition.

If Nanyuan Kingdom loses, it will really be slapped into the mud.For the joy of finally winning, it undoubtedly poured a basin of cold water, and it was even a heart-breaking matter.The status of the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom might be shaken.

But Zhang Yan didn't answer.Smiling and continuing to walk in the woods.Xiao Shu followed beside him, and after a while he smiled and said, "If you have any request, you can make a request. After all, time is running out, so I would like to ask Xi to make a decision earlier."

"Hehe, I dare not ask for it, but I do have it."

Xiao Shu thought it was true.It is impossible to ask Zhang Yanbai for help.Even with the emperor's handwritten letter, it doesn't have as much face as imagined.

"Teacher, please tell me. Since Xiao is here to deliver this, I can decide some things."

"With Xiao Yuan's judgment on this, I dared to say it. I want to buy all the longevity stones produced in the precious mine belt between Linxia and Yumen." Zhang Yan expressed his thoughts.

"Ah? Why is this?" Xiao Shu was dumbfounded.He naturally knew the two place names Zhang Yan mentioned, Linxia and Yumen.These are the two largest gem producing areas in Nanyuan Kingdom. Nearly [-]% of all kinds of gems are produced from these two places, and the mine belt in the middle of the two places.It's not just the Longevity Stone, some more expensive gemstones are also available.

But Xiao Shu didn't understand why Zhang Yan would suddenly make such a request.Even if Zhang Yan said "buy", you still have to ask clearly.Otherwise, it is estimated that this kind of thing will be difficult to report.Because if you think about it, you know that even if it is just the Longevity Stone, it involves many problems in all aspects.Of course, more depends on whether Zhang Yan has other choices, and I hope to find out more.

"Longevity Stone is very useful for me, and I will need to use it in many places in the future. Although the price of Longevity Stone on the market is not expensive, there are some things that I hope to hold more in my hand, otherwise I will not feel safe. .Please forgive Xiao court judge a lot."


"There are no other requests. There is no need." Zhang Yan waved his hand, seemingly satisfied, and blocked all Xiao Shu's words to test whether he could change a condition.

Xiao Shu looked a little uncomfortable.He didn't speak, and he didn't shy away from it, he just kept silent and made it clear that he was planning in his heart.The decentralization he got was actually not small, but he was cautious, so he thought it over carefully.In the end, after equating the longevity stone with the money ticket, I felt that although the matter was complicated, it was not too much, and it was even easier to deal with than some other requirements.

After all, Zhang Yan didn't ask for it, but bought it with money, but he could only sell it to him, and the price should be the current market price.In this way, there will be no loss to the government agencies that hold those mining rights, or some private mine owners, and the forces behind those mine owners.

"If Zhang Jiaoxi only has this request, then Xiao can agree to teach now. All longevity stones produced in Linxia and Yumen will be purchased by Jiaoxi first."

"Can you establish written evidence?"

"Hahaha, of course! But my written evidence can only be used when the teacher takes it to Yuanding. When it is implemented in Linxia and Yumen, the teacher needs to ask people related to the royal family to help go to the relevant yamen in Yuanding. Issue written evidence with actual effect." Xiao Shu didn't think it was disobedient, on the contrary, he broke down the matter of the written evidence and explained it clearly to Zhang Yan.

"Then thank Xiao Yuan for the judgment. With the written evidence, Zhang Yan can immediately set off for Yuanding Imperial City."

"Okay! Then it's not too late!"

But it is said to leave immediately, but there is really no such rush.Zhang Yan returned home after taking the paperwork from Xiao Shu.He has to arrange things at home.

In addition to the arrangement of the magic circle at home, the magic weapons carried by Zhang Huiyuan and Wang Lanping should also be fine.He Xianghong was also left at home to watch.He also sent a letter to Zhou Cang, and at the same time sent a letter to Shen Wujiu who stayed in Langyuan City and did not leave.What I'm asking for is the safety of the family during Zhang Yan's absence from home.

Moreover, Zhang Yan did not set off alone on this trip, but brought his two registered disciples with him.Hugging the two little babies together with excitement, even "little wood" Yang Rui rarely laughed happily.He kept telling Wang Nian that Yuan must belong to his family, and he wanted to invite "Brother Shitou" to eat delicious food!
"Teacher, did you go to the imperial city this time to help my elder sister Qingling fight bad guys?" Yang Rui asked.

"Yes, but not all. The main purpose is to help, but I also want to meet your father on the way, and I will also take you to see the effect of the actual application of the methods in the Taoist sect. Gain insight."

(End of this chapter)

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