one's door

Chapter 285 State affairs

Chapter 285 State affairs
Fei Yuxin's speed is extremely fast, and it also adopts the ladder mode of the station. After exhaustion, it will stop at the station to eat and rest, and the copper pipe will be removed and installed on another flying feather to continue.So Zhang Yan had just set off here, and even before he left Beijiang County, the news of Fei Yu had already reached Yang Sheng in the palace of Yuanding Imperial City.

"Want gems?" Yang Sheng was quite surprised.He never thought that Zhang Yan would make such a request.I have thought that the other party wants money or authority.But I spend my wallet to round up the "Longevity Stone", this...
I wrote the letter before to give the other party enough face.A strong man with mysterious means is qualified to be respected by Yang Sheng.Of course, the "strong" he respects does not refer to the killing methods shown by Zhang Yan, but the ability to refine the bone-strengthening pills, as well as the "method of refining skin and flesh with medicine" and the kind of burning paper and swallowing as mentioned by Princess Qingling. A means of gaining powerful benefits.

The letter was written by Xiao Shu himself to Yang Sheng.The above described in detail the process of negotiating conditions between myself and Zhang Yan, almost repeating the original words.

"The Longevity Stone is very important to his method?" Yang Sheng said to himself and put away the letter.

Although the longevity stone is not cheap, it may not be the top or first-class gemstone.There is also a lot of output in Nanyuan country and even other places.The actual application is only limited to a limited number of types of jewelry.There is a lot of stock, but sales have been mediocre.

Now being asked by Zhang Yan to take away the Longevity Stone produced in Linxia, ​​Yumen and the veins between the two places, this is not a big price for Yang Sheng, even if it only depends on the value, is it not worth the price easy to say.Even the government-run ore owners and the owners of those private mines will be very happy.Because longevity stones usually do not have such a large quantity and stable buyers.

"Let me tell you, if there are longevity stones in the veins in the royal family's hands, they will not be sold. You can also charge some of them in the market outside." Yang Sheng didn't care whether the price of longevity stones would be raised.What he cares about is that since the Longevity Stone is valued by Zhang Yan, it must have something important.The Imperial Household Office is not short of money, just hoarding some longevity stones, watching while walking.

According to the footsteps, it would take half a month for Zhang Yan to reach Yuanding at the earliest.In terms of time, it should be able to catch up with the deadline agreed with Huayue Kingdom.As long as Zhang Yan can do amazing moves as Princess Qingling said.In the three matches after that, there was no small chance of winning.

As for what to do if you lose?Yang Sheng is already thinking about it.

"Hasn't Shi Xuan replied yet?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Let's go to Jiyu to remind him again! Let him go to the Eastern Army not to guard Tonghu Pass, but to be able to go south and give confidence to the Yuezhong area. Once he wants to move, he must give me A definite answer!"

"It's Your Majesty, this servant will send someone to give Junshuai Shi another urging."

The people below hurriedly went to get Ji Yu's order to go to the Eastern Army's camp.This is already the third Jiyu sent by the emperor to the Eastern Army in the past half month.

Nearly [-]% of the waterway in the southeast was cut off, which had a great impact on the entire eastern counties of Nanyuan Kingdom.Moreover, Chilin's Huayue Navy has repeatedly approached and provoked the Yuezhong Water Village.Even one of them was in the middle of the night, if an oversight hadn't been discovered, no one could guarantee that Hua Yue's past would be limited to "provocation".Because there are only two important figures in Huayue in Nanyuan Kingdom.With Guo Yulong's strength, it is not impossible to protect Princess Baowen and sneak away.

Therefore, the entire southeastern part of Nanyuan Kingdom is full of panic and panic.And the terrain in the southeast does not have a strong pass to defend. Once the defense line is broken through, there is a risk of collapse.When the time comes, it will be fatal if you go straight to Yuanding.

So Yang Sheng wrote to Shi Xuan, asking if he could go south to fill the gap in the southeast at any time in the near future, and help the front line of Vietnam and China to provide strength support.Even if something happens, it can block the possibility of Huayue Kingdom going north and turning west to Yuanding.

This is the main reason why Yang Sheng placed Shi Xuan as the commander of the Eastern Army and served as the general manager of the Eastern Army.Otherwise, although Beiwu is also a serious trouble, but after all, there is Tonghuguan blocking it, so how difficult is it to break through and go south?Is it necessary to put nearly [-]% of the main force of Nanyuan Kingdom there?

But although he didn't get Shi Xuan's reply the fastest, Yang Sheng never doubted Shi Xuan's loyalty.Without absolute trust, Yang Sheng would not put Shi Xuan in such an important position.He thought that Shi Xuan failed to reply in time, and he probably had other plans.

Yang Sheng put down his pen.All copper bars on the right hand side have been approved.But there was still a roll of notes on the table in front of him that he had deliberately taken out to ponder over carefully.


How about managing state affairs?Not to mention many things, there are always various accidents.Changes in the current situation test people's judgment and decision-making.

Huayue's brazenness here made Nanyuan Kingdom feel the pressure from Shangguo on the other side of Yueshui.And in the west, the same pressure.He had even been killed to the point of bleeding.

To the east of Nanyuan Kingdom and across the river is the Kingdom of Huayue, and to the west is of course the Kingdom of Haoyue Yao.

Unlike Huayue, Yao Nation and Nanyuan Nation have never had any small tricks or tricks when confronting Nanyuan Nation.The comparison is absolute hard power and toughness on the battlefield.

Chonglan County in the west has become particularly stable because of Song Qinghe's performance.The method called Bagua array has achieved excellent results in the terrain of Yubei Mountain.

But this time it was not Chonglan County that was anxious, but Xiyuan County in the southwest.

Chonglan County was coveted by the demon clan because of the Yushan fruit on the mountain.And Xiyuan County is the vast fertile land coveted by the demon clan.They don't farm, but they like to plunder.Come every year.But this year, there is a tendency to sweep Xiyuan County.Not only was the battle extremely intense, but the fight all the way did not collect food and evacuate it as in the past. Instead, they continued to move forward and went straight to "Baishi", the core town of Xiyuan County.

Now on Yang Sheng's desk is the joint request for help from Li Mi, the governor of Xiyuan County, and Wang Wuqi, the general manager of the Ximian Military Road.They hope to send at least [-] soldiers to Xiyuan County for reinforcements as soon as possible, instead of relying on all over the place to help the criminal soldiers in the past, it is useless.It can't solve the predicament of Xiyuan County at this time.

But the more this time, the more Yang Sheng dared not easily deploy troops from other places to help.When Dongmian was also distracted by Huayue.It is even more impossible to mess up.

After unfolding the copper bar and looking at it carefully from the beginning.Yang Sheng suddenly had a ruthless arrogance.Finally, he picked up the red pen on the table and wrote eight characters on the copper bar: Waiting for the twenty thousand forbidden troops to help you!
"The decree is to immediately mobilize [-] troops from the imperial city to aid Xiyuan County. With the military talisman, report to the Yamen of the Ministry of War for endorsement, and order the arrows to be sent down to each gate of the imperial city and known along the way. Prepare food and grass for the army in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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