one's door

Chapter 286

Chapter 286
"Brother! Try my roasted rice beans! It's delicious!"

Wang Nian held a yellowed lotus leaf in front of Zhang Yan, and on the lotus leaf were grains of ripe rice beans.There are bursts of fragrance of lotus leaves and beans.

The so-called baked beans are somewhat similar to the beggar chicken that Zhang Yan had eaten when he was on Earth.Wrap the lotus leaves with beans wrapped in mud, and then put them on the fire to bake. After they are cooked, break the mud and take out the lotus leaves inside, and you can enjoy the deliciousness.This simple but unique way of cooking is also very common in the wilderness.Especially when traveling in the wild, it is often used as an emergency cooking method.

Wang Nian grew up in Zhuangzi, where there was no shortage of leather monkeys like him, who climbed trees and drilled holes in the mountains and ponds, and felt uncomfortable everywhere they didn't peel their skins.They sneakily dug out beans from other people's fields, and dared not take them home. A few mischievous people would find a place where no one was around and use this method of roasting rice and beans to roast and share.Have fun.

So this trick made "little wood" Yang Rui, the prince who "has never seen the world", startled for a while.

Zhang Yan picked up a bean and tasted it, it was really good.Although no salt is added, the beans have a rich aroma, which can be used to satisfy hunger or as a light snack.

"It seems that you have a good grasp of the heat." While eating, Zhang Yan paid more attention to this time Wang Nian finally did not burn the beans.

Can the monkeys who often do this kind of thing in Zhuangzi burn rice and beans?

It won't burn.But it is different if the fire is not firewood but the five elements fire method.At least when Wang Nian first started, let alone roasting things, he would burn himself with a slightly larger fire method.In the end, even after a large part of his hair was burnt bald, he calmed down and honestly followed Zhang Yan's teaching to learn the art of fire control before thinking about showing off.

But Zhang Yan also had to admit that the physique of the five elements of fire is indeed different, and Wang Nian's fire control technique has progressed very quickly.Although it is not yet possible to play any tricks, the general fire method can be retracted freely and can be controlled in details in the middle.

Roasting rice beans was what Zhang Yan thought of for Wang Nian, so that he could actually test his fire control and fire skills.Now it seems that the requirements are basically met.It also means that Wang Nian can continue to practice the deeper Five Elements Fire Technique later.

However, compared to his extraordinary talents in fire control and five elements fire art, Wang Nian's performance in talismans seemed to be an eyesore.

This kid couldn't even calm down when drawing symbols.Simple talismans are okay, but slightly more complicated talismans will always start to lose the pen after half of the drawing, or start to wander, causing the talisman to fall short.After being punished several times by Zhang Yan, there was still little improvement.

It's like a partial subject. Although Wang Nian is interested in the effect of talismans, he is not interested in the process of drawing them.

On the contrary, Yang Rui, who was nicknamed "Little Wood" by Wang Nian, had a high talent in drawing talismans.This was also the time when Wang Nian wanted to be lazy, so he asked Yang Rui, who hadn't touched the talisman depiction, to help him "do his homework", but Zhang Yan discovered it after seeing through it at a glance.At that time, Yang Rui was punished for helping others to be "lazy", and he tasted the fun from the golden hoop. Since then, he has grown his mind and understood that his status as a prince will not be taken care of in the eyes of the teacher. "Brother Stone" treats everyone equally.

Although he was punished, Yang Rui made an exception for Zhang Yan to familiarize himself with the depiction of talismans because of his accidentally exposed talisman talent.Now that the aura has not yet formed a group, it can only depict some of the most basic talismans such as the spirit-gathering talisman, which should be warmed up for Yang Rui.Yang Rui should be able to bring him a lot of surprises when the aura forms a group and enters the entraining qi in the future.

After eating the roasted rice and beans, the group continued on their way.Almost never entered the city on the way, they just ran all the way, rested for a while when they arrived at the post station, and then changed horses to continue on the road.So Zhang Yan didn't see the so-called customs along the road at all, but he ate a lot of wild game.Those guards of Yang Rui who were traveling with him came here at night as an extra meal.In their opinion, the Thirteenth Prince had suffered too much along the way.

Zhang Yan saw it all, and he understood the hospitality of the guards.After all, in the eyes of others, the thirteenth prince, who had been down and out, suddenly had great luck.In the future, if he succeeds in his studies, he can definitely become a prince with real power, not to mention inheriting the throne.Follow from now on, isn't that the work of following the tiger?In the future, this cub will remember their kindness when he grows up. It won't be difficult to protect his wealth, right?

But Zhang Yan felt that the wishes of these people would probably come to nothing in the end.Yang Rui's temperament is cool and cold, which is most suitable for Taoist practice.Even in terms of xinxing alone, Yang Rui is even more suitable for the way of Taoism than Zhang Yan.He even has a natural sensitivity and interest in "Enlightenment".From Yang Rui who always asked questions before, we can see how interested he is in those weird "reasons".I am still "interested" now, maybe I will be immersed in it in the future.

There are too many mysterious things in the path of Taoism.You can realize the Tao by rolling around in the world of mortals, and you can also understand the Tao with a pure heart and few desires. Almost all the available paths are closely related to the mind.From Zhang Yan's point of view, Yang Rui will most likely choose the path of pure heart and asceticism the more he cultivates to a higher place. At that time, let alone the world of mortals, even the imperial power will be difficult to arouse Yang Rui's interest.How can protect the wealth of these guards?

On the contrary, Wang Nian's heart is out of restlessness, and he is more likely to enter the world of mortals in the future. He will have to struggle a lot before he can find his own way.

And Zhang Yan would always laugh at himself when he thought of this.Seeing the way of others seems easy.But what about his own way?He has already returned to the early stage of the divine realm, but he still can't see clearly his own way.It always appeared in front of him in a specious manner, but when he wanted to clear away the clouds and mists, he would get confused together with the essence that he wanted to see.

"What is my way?" This is Zhang Yan's first obsession with practice since he came to Huangtianyu.It was also something he had to figure out.This is related to how he should go in the future.

Zhang Yan began to sit on the carriage and close his eyes to rest.The two young ones got together and chatted small things. When they were tired, they would lie on the car window and look out. They would enjoy seeing a cow for a long time.When I was really sleepy, I leaned on the limp bed in the car and fell asleep.It's really hard for them to see the exhaustion of boats and cars.

After more than half a month of frantic rushing, I changed a section of the boat halfway, and finally arrived at the boundary of Yuanding.

Enter Yuanding and go for another two days.

"Zhang Jiaoxi, you can see the imperial city after passing the pass in front." The head of the guard came over to explain the situation.

But Zhang Yan nodded, raised his chin, and said, "There seems to be a master waiting in front, is it the person you are there to meet?"

(End of this chapter)

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