one's door

Chapter 287

Chapter 287
Zhang Yan's words stunned the head of the guards beside the carriage, and he waved his hand to slow down the team, and then asked a former detective to rush forward to find out what happened.In advance, there was no notification from Yuanding Imperial City that there would be any expert support at the pass.

Besides, what realm would Zhang Yan talk about as a master?
What is more worrying is that someone is ambushing ahead.After all, the situation in Nanyuan Kingdom at this moment is not very good.But anyone who is well-informed knows that the southwest and southeast are in a state of desolation.Moreover, the subsequent "accepting relatives and breaking through three barriers" is not just as simple as saving face for Nanyuan Nation.It is uncertain whether anyone has received the news in advance that they are planning to intercept and kill them on the road.

After about half a stick of incense, the forward-looking rider came back alone, and said a few words in the ear of the head of the guards, which changed the expression on the latter's face.

Zhang Yan is not in a hurry.Since the solo rider who was exploring came back soon, he didn't sense any energy fluctuations of fighting in front of him.That means it's not dangerous.As for the change in the face of the head of the guards, it should be the appearance of some unexpected characters.

"Zhang Jiaoxi, in front of you is Prince Huayue Guolong leading someone over there. It looks like he is waiting for you."

Prince Long?Guo Yulong! ?

Zhang Yan did not expect that the person in front of him who gave him a strong qi and blood reaction and energy fluctuations would be the chief culprit of Huayue Kingdom who disturbed Nanyuan Kingdom's recent unrest in the east.

But at this moment, Guo Yulong had a choice to be in this place, and he wanted to meet him halfway.What is this for?
see you?Naturally, it cannot be pushed away.Everyone is standing at the pass and waiting, you can still go around, so you won't be so timid, right?

In addition, Guo Yulong seemed to know the whereabouts of Zhang Yan and his party like the palm of his hand, otherwise how could it be so "just right"?

In fact, compared to Zhang Yan, the guards beside him were even more troubled.They didn't know whether Zhang Yan should go to see Guo Yulong, but they had no discretion in this trip, and they couldn't do anything about Zhang Yan.

The carriage speeded up under such uncertain conditions, and finally passed the pass, and saw a pavilion made of thatched huts on the side of the road. There were many warriors guarding the pavilion, and a man with gray hair was sitting inside, Holding a cup of tea, he looked towards the carriage with a smile.

Can't avoid it, and Zhang Yan never thought about avoiding it.The reason he came to Yuanding Imperial City this time was to meet the high-ranking officials of Nanyuan Kingdom.This is a necessary process for him to start his new path now.Of course, if Guo Yulong wanted to meet him, he wouldn't mind.At the same time, I am also curious, is there anything different about the bosses of Huayue Shangguo?
"Zhang Jiaoxi is face to face, Guo Yulong is being polite!"

Seeing Zhang Yan getting off the carriage, Guo Yulong put down his teacup, walked to the side of the thatched shed, and bowed to Zhang Yan.There is no need to guess, Zhang Yan's portrait has already recorded Guo Yulong's heart, not to mention that there is only Zhang Yan in this carriage, and it is self-evident who Zhang Yan is.

After Zhang Yan returned the gift, he also politely said a few words.It is called "Prince Long".Then he followed the other party back to the thatched shed, and was served a cup of tea in front of him.

As for the distinguished thirteenth prince Yang Rui, Wang Nian pulled him aside to play with the horses grazing.It also avoided the embarrassment of the scene.

"I don't know why Prince Long is waiting here for Zhang?"

While Zhang Yan asked straight to the point, he felt in his heart the oppressive force of the other party on him, as well as the strength and weakness brought about by the hidden strength.

It is said that there is a connection between the strong and the strong.This is true.It can be called "intuition" in a more mysterious way.But this kind of intuition will not appear when the gap in strength is too great.Because it can't even do it at all, so it can't be said to sense the strength or weakness.

Zhang Yan had heard Shen Wujiu say that Guo Yulong was a warrior in the mountains.And it is also said to be the late stage of Duanshan Realm.Looking at Nanyuan Country, there is no such warrior, Zhang Yan has never heard of it anyway.The Liu Renchuan he had met was only in the middle of Duanshan Realm.

But even though the realm is the same, Guo Yulong's late stage seems to be similar to Liu Renchuan's mid stage.That is to say, the blood is indeed stronger, but the strength of the two people is almost the same in intuition.

This is not because Zhang Yan feels that Guo Yulong's late stage of Duanshan Realm is sloppy, but that Liu Renchuan's mid-stage Duanshan Realm seems to be tricky, and it is definitely not a "middle stage of Duanshan Realm" as simple as it is said.Perhaps this is why there is a saying that Liu Renchuan is the most powerful martial artist in Beijiang County even though he is not in the martial arts academy in a hub city like Xiangkou?

Guo Yulong was also observing Zhang Yan.

The ordinary reveals the extraordinary!But more can't be seen clearly, like a mystery.This is what Guo Yulong thinks of Zhang Yan.

Obviously there is no trace of a warrior at all, but it can give Guo Yulong a strong sense of threat.The seemingly contradictory feelings just confirmed a judgment of the outside world about Zhang Yan: the method Zhang Yan knows is another way of cultivation that is completely different from the warrior system.At the same time, it also explains why those methods such as bone strengthening pills and medicine for refining skin and flesh have never been known.

"Hahaha, Zhang Jiaoxi is such a strange person, even if this king has only just arrived in Nanyuan Kingdom, he has already longed for him like thunder. Now that he sees him, he is indeed the best among people, far better than the rumors!"

"Prince Long is absurd. Some of Zhang's poor names are not worth mentioning."

"That's because Zhang Jiaoxi is too modest. The king was surprised and admired just by hearing about the bone-strengthening pill. This kind of method is definitely unprecedented, not to mention unprecedented! It will also change the history of warriors for thousands of years An important treasure of the unchanging practice system”

Compliment?Yes.But not all.Because Guo Yulong just took out Zhang Yan's skills and recounted it.It's not to give Zhang Yan a hand too much, but to leave a goodwill.After all, Guo Yulong also sent an invitation to Zhang Yan, please note that if you have time to study in Huayue Kingdom, he will personally accompany you.

This face is given enough.

But none of that is the point.The point is the reason why Zhang Yan suddenly appeared in Yuanding Imperial City this time.You must know that Guo Yulong believed that the purpose of Nanyuan Kingdom's confidence and delay was in Zhang Yan's bone-strengthening pill, and he hoped that he would use the bone-strengthening pill to sharpen his guns and bring up a few good royal children.So he called Guo Xu, the seventh prince of Huayue Kingdom, from the country just in case.Even Guo Xu's arrival is not a regular port.Nanyuan Kingdom is still in the dark.

But if relying on the Bone Strengthening Pill, there is no need for Zhang Yan to come here in person.

After receiving the news that Zhang Yan was about to enter the imperial city, Guo Yulong asserted that the confidence of the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom was definitely not only the bone-strengthening pill in Zhang Yan's hands, but also depended on Zhang Yan.

That's why I came here temporarily to find out the details of Zhang Yan, and to try to see if Zhang Yan could change his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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