one's door

Chapter 288 Awareness

Chapter 288 Awareness
Before the cup of tea was cooled, Zhang Yan and his party took their leave, boarded the carriage again and ran towards the direction of Yuanding Imperial City. They didn't talk to Guo Yulong much, and they didn't even go back all the way with him.

This time the conversation was of little substance.Zhang Yan gave face to the other party, and the other party also wanted to make a good relationship. At the same time, he tried Zhang Yan's attitude, and wanted to see if he could stop the backhand that the Nanyuan Kingdom royal family had placed on Zhang Yan.Unfortunately, it didn't work out.

Of course, Guo Yulong was far from disappointed.Although Zhang Yan didn't follow up on all his proposals, it's not surprising.How could a person with such special abilities change course so easily?
"Go back, call Baowen again, and tell her that I have something to ask her." Guo Yulong could feel the confidence from Zhang Yan's heart.Coupled with the sense of threat that the other party gave him for an unclear reason.He thought that his previous understanding of Zhang Yan was still too one-sided or too little.Or it was hidden deep, or there might be something that was overlooked by the people on their side.

Others may not be able to give details, but as Princess Baowen, who personally participated in the competition before, she should have some experience.If Princess Qingling of Nanyuan Kingdom hadn't benefited from it, the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom would never have believed in Zhang Yan's ability and traveled all the way to find him.

Back at the residence, Guo Yulong saw Princess Baowen who had received the news in advance and was waiting here in the study.

"Baowen, recall carefully what kind of surprises the opponent gave you when you were fighting in the ring. Be careful and think about it from beginning to end."

This is not the first time that Princess Baowen has answered this question. She has written it in her own hand before and passed it on to Huayue. She knows that Guo Yulong must have read it.But now when I ask again, there must be another change.She didn't dare to be careless, she frowned and thought about it carefully.

"At the beginning, I was still pretending, but I was careful enough not to bully me too much. I felt that she might have some ultimate move to fight. After she used the combat skills in the middle stage of the Yuekaiyuan Realm, I knew that she really hid But it was still not enough to win me. After being slowly resisted by me, I forced him to the corner. At that time, I felt that I could win for sure.

Variables appear between lightning and flint.When I was about to take her down with the last blow, she suddenly used a frontal thrusting combat technique that male warriors would only dabble in, dodged my attack, and cut me out of the ring with a backhand."

Baowen's retelling is almost indistinguishable from what she said earlier.It was also in line with what everyone outside the venue witnessed at the time.

But Guo Yulong shook his head.He always felt that something was overlooked by Baowen.

"Continue to talk about it later." I couldn't think of anything wrong, but there was a feeling of being on my back.Guo Yulong didn't ask Princess Baowen to stop, but asked her to continue talking about the rest of the story.

Although Princess Baowen didn't know the meaning of continuing to talk, Guo Yulong's majesty was on display here, so she didn't dare to say anything more, so she could only continue: "I was cut off from the ring and fell a long way. He was not caught by the referee on the side. The impact on the chest and the impact on the back spurted out a mouthful of blood, and then passed out quickly. He was relieved by taking a bottle of "Wenxin San" come on"

"Wait a minute." Guo Yulong suddenly interrupted Princess Baowen's narration, her eyes seemed to be shining brightly, she was silent for a moment as if she was thinking about something in her head, and then asked: "The display of combat skills depends on the stimulation of vitality. , as well as the toughness and endurance of flesh and blood. The girl in Nanyuan Kingdom relied on the "Method of Refining Skin and Flesh with Medicine" taught by Zhang Yan to increase her flesh and flesh toughness and endurance to the point where she could leapfrog combat skills.

but.The basis for using combat skills is based on one's own vitality realm!In other words, for the same combat skill, even if she used it by leapfrogging, the power would definitely not be the same as that used by a warrior under normal circumstances.

The power will be much smaller! "

Princess Baowen frowned when she heard this, but she didn't think it through, so she asked, "So?"

Guo Yulong swept away the puzzled expression before, and said with a smile: "So the chop you received shouldn't hurt you to that extent. At most, it just cut you out of the ring, so you won't get hurt."

"But." Princess Baowen also understood the problem.But here comes the question again.She admitted that the logic of what Guo Yulong said was correct, and it was most likely the truth.But is it true that she was seriously injured at the time?How did the opponent do it?
Guo Yulong had already figured it out.He waved his hand, continued to smile and said, "No need. You don't understand how that girl did it, and neither do I. But it must be the same as Zhang who was hurriedly found by the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom from Beijiang County this time." Yan can't get rid of the relationship."

"Then what should we do? If there is such a weird method, will something happen to Seventh Brother?" Princess Baowen may not be smart enough, but she knows very well that since the other party has such a weird method, if he "breaks through" in the future Take it out at the time of "Three Passes", what should I do if there is an accident?
"Don't worry. The Seventh Prince's ability is not only at the late stage of the Hundred Refinement Realm. It is also combat skills and experience. Our Huayue Seventh Prince has already learned two secret skills. The children of the royal family may use some means to obtain combat power comparable to the late stage of the Hundred Refining Realm, but it is futile to face the Seventh Prince.

However, preparations must be made.The "Crag Sparrow" I carry with me can just be lent to the Seventh Prince.At that time, I will match him with an inner armor.If Nanyuan Kingdom can't send a disciple from Duanshan to fight, I don't think they have a chance to win. "

Can Nanyuan Kingdom find a warrior in the Duan Mountain Realm among the royal family's children?This is absolutely impossible.Because Nanyuan Kingdom does not have a martial arts pond.If you want to break through the Hundred Refining Realm and step into the Duan Mountain Realm, you can only rely on time.That is, it is impossible to appear on the younger generation.In this regard, Huayue Kingdom has an insurmountable advantage.

Hearing what Guo Yulong said, Princess Baowen smiled again.Leaving aside the inner armor, the "Rock Sparrow" that Guo Yulong referred to was a magical sword.And the Seventh Prince happened to use a knife.With the help of the magic weapon, the strength will increase by at least [-] to [-]%.At that time, even if the opponent also takes the magic weapon, they really need to have the cultivation base of Duanshan to win.

What is safe?Princess Baowen thought this was it.At least with her knowledge, she really couldn't imagine how the Seventh Prince would lose.

If Zhang Yan heard Guo Yulong's analysis here, he would applaud Guo Yulong for his thoughtfulness.But if he listened to Guo Yulong's subsequent countermeasures, he would laugh it off.Because the so-called coping is meaningless in front of Zhang Yan's methods.

Soon, Guo Yulong, who is used to it smoothly, will understand how tricky and weird the unknown methods from the Taoist sect can be.

(End of this chapter)

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