one's door

Chapter 290

Chapter 290
In the days that followed, Zhang Yan was actually not busy.

In addition to the practice and normal practice courses, I will continue to teach the two little ones.This is also the reason why he brought the two boys with him here.This is the beginning of the road, there are too many things to learn, especially about enlightenment, Zhang Yan must always control the direction of the two children, and they cannot be biased when they are laying the foundation up.

But after returning to the imperial city, Yang Rui would naturally have more free time.Zhang Yan was also relieved to let Wang Nian run around with Yang Rui, except for completing his homework, the two children were hardly seen in the posthouse during the rest of the time.

Zhang Yan didn't ask where Yang Rui took Wang Nian, but sometimes Wang Nian would always say "This is delicious!" or "It's a pity, I can't eat it anymore!"

I don't know if this bastard went to rob the imperial dining room.It's been less than half a month since I came here, and I've gained a lot of weight visible to the naked eye.It used to be pebbles, but now it is developing in the direction of cobblestones.

This morning, Wang Nian and Yang Rui disappeared after class.Zhang Yan didn't feel anything at first.But in the afternoon, Wang Nian came back dejected before the meal time, and Zhang Yan felt strange.

Looking again, I saw Wang Nian's mouth was flattened, and his eyes were shining, as if they were covered with teardrops.

Zhang Yan immediately walked over and touched the opponent's little head. It was the first time he saw this little stone showing such an aggrieved expression.

"what happened?"

"Brother! I got into trouble and burned someone's house down."

Zhang Yan frowned when he heard this, and then asked: "Where did you burn it? Why did you burn someone else's house?"

"That's right, it's in the courtyard of Xiao Mutou's house. Xiao Mantou was bullied by someone, I went to help her find a place, those people hid in the house and couldn't come out, Xiao Mantou cried so much, I just wanted to vent her anger , As a result, I accidentally lost control and set the house on fire. Finally, I tried to take them back, but I couldn’t do it. The rest of them burned bigger and bigger, and the house burned down. Just put out the fire."

"Burn someone?"

"No. There were only a few relatives of Xiaomu's family inside. Seeing the fire burning, they jumped out of the back window and ran away. They were not burned.

But brother, my family is so poor, I burned such a big house, my father can't afford it, what should I do? !Wow wow wow."

For the first time, Zhang Yan saw Wang Nian crying for the first time.Even when he was cleaned up by the golden hoop before, he had never cried like this.The amount of tears was unbelievable, and it was accompanied by a shaking of the head. I don't know whether it was snot or tears that came out.Let Zhang Yan retreat a few feet quickly.

Secretly said: This bastard was originally crying because he was worried that his family would not be able to pay, and felt that he had caused a catastrophe.But the angle of this fear is also different from ordinary people!

"You got into trouble, why did they let you come back?" Zhang Yan was annoyed and funny.Follow Wang Nian's words and plan to clarify the matter first.

"They said they didn't hurt anyone, and they said it wasn't urgent. They knew that I had no money, so they should have let me go back to my parents. Woohooo, brother, what should I do? If my father finds out that I broke into Such a big disaster, you must be so angry."

No matter how bad the little baby is, it can't change the essence of being young.When you encounter things beyond your ability to judge, you will be confused.

"Don't cry. Yang Rui's family has a lot of money. It's just a house. Can your family pay for it? Besides, you still have your second brother Zhang here, so do you need to cry?

All right, find a handkerchief and wipe your face. "

Wang Nian rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and obediently went to find a handkerchief to wipe away the snot and tears on his face.He didn't cry outside before, he held back, and only cried when he came back to see Zhang Yan.

"Brother, Xiaomu is my younger brother. He must have a lot of money with such a big yard. Will he really make me lose money?"

"Yeah. I let you come back, and I'll pay you a fart!" Zhang Yan shook his head and knocked on Wang Nian's forehead with a little force, and gave Wang Nian a small red envelope on the forehead in one fell swoop.The pain made the little kid grin his teeth, but he really didn't cry anymore.

Then I heard Wang Nian talk about how he got into trouble.

These days, Yang Rui and Wang Nian basically played in "Yang Rui's compound".This is easy to understand.After all, the palace is safer than the outside, and it is big enough for two brats to toss about.And the most important thing is that there are a lot of delicious food inside, and there is no need to spend money.This is the main reason why Yang Rui asked Wang Nian to play freely.

If you play more times, you will meet some babies in the palace.Some are princes like Yang Rui, and some are princes who entered the palace to study at the Imperial Forest Academy.There are also some princesses.

But most of these people don't have much idea of ​​getting close to Wang Nian.The main reason is that Wang Nian is too horizontal, and looks vulgar, which is not in line with the rules and regulations of the royal family.

In fact, if Yang Rui hadn't been thrown into the closed environment of Miscellaneous Academy, it would be difficult for him to play with Wang Nian.After all, there are often some barriers between people.

But Wang Nian doesn't care, the nature of a bear child is that you don't want to play with me, and I don't care.

Of course, Wang Nian also met new friends in the palace.A little maid.Work in the imperial dining room, help wash vegetables and do some chores.It was Wang Nian who often went to the imperial dining room these days to know each other.

Wang Nian forgot to ask for his name, but because the other person's face was very round and his skin was very fair, he arbitrarily nicknamed him Xiao Mantou.

This time Wang Nian got into trouble because Xiao Mantou was bullied by several princes and princes, saying that she followed Yang Rui to climb the dragon and become a phoenix. His head was also smashed black and blue.This incident was taken up by Wang Nian, who later discovered Xiao Mantou's injury, and then directly chased him to the Imperial Forest Court, ready to enter.He was persuaded by Yang Rui's good words.

But the two of them didn't just let it go, but ambush halfway.In the end, they really caught the princes and princes who were making small steamed buns.

Not to mention.Yang Rui is really not afraid of things.He hadn't even entered the monk's threshold, and he wasn't a warrior, so he dared to rush after Wang Nian just grabbing a stick, and he was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen and he didn't make a sound.

When Wang Nian saw that Yang Rui had suffered a disadvantage, he couldn't hold back at once. As soon as the Huo Fa was sacrificed, he drove the opponent's children into a side hall like ducks.In the end, because he was too emotional, the fire control technique lost control, and then he burned the house down, scaring himself enough.

Of course, those princes and princes who were almost burned to death in the side hall were even more scared to death.

The guards who came behind frowned when they saw Wang Nian.Knowing that this child who is not a royal family but can walk sideways in the palace is not easy to deal with.Reported to the emperor, the emperor laughed and let Fang Wangnian leave.It's just a side hall, if it is burned, it will be burned. To maintain the relationship between Zhang Yan, what's the problem with burning a few more?He even thought it was a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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