one's door

Chapter 291 Arrangement

Chapter 291 Arrangement
You can't ask a young man under [-] to stand high on the road of martial arts.

The Tongqiao state is already a very good level that warriors under the age of 30 can achieve, and it can even be called an excellent and genius state of strength.

But it is not too rare for this kind of talented warriors, who are a small number of people, to be placed in the royal family that enjoys almost the highest supply of cultivation resources.Every generation has a few such outstanding children.Even the leaders of these royal families may become the mainstay of this country in the future.

This is especially true for a lower country like Nanyuan Kingdom, which does not have a martial pool. Children of the royal family under the age of 30 are especially precious.It belongs to the good seedlings that need to be carefully cared for and cultivated.To a certain extent, the future potential of the royal family is supported by these young people.

Nanyuan Kingdom also did its best for these younger generations.Resources, combat skills, and experience are all given to him as he wants, and he has never been sloppy.

But relative.You can't hide when the country wants to use you.

The six bone-strengthening pills that Zhang Yan gave to Shen Wujiu, the special case officer, on credit were used on the three gifted children who happened to be stuck in the bottleneck of their realm.Those with shallow realms will be the first to complete the breakthrough after using the Bone Strengthening Pill.

Just five days before the official start of "Crossing Three Passes", Zhang Yan first saw a young man led by Princess Qingling to the post where Zhang Yan was staying.He is a son of the world, and his realm is the late stage of Tongqiao state.

This is already the result of two bone-strengthening pills and three packs of tendons and bones scattered in a short period of time.From the middle stage of Tongqiao Realm to now, it is already in the late stage and the foundation has been solidified and it has moved forward a bit.

According to Princess Qingling's words, this one will take the lead in "Passing Three Passes".

Just yesterday, the imperial family brought over the official documents for the exchange that Zhang Yan and Xiao Shu had negotiated.There are not only the written documents of all the mine miners in Shanglin and Yumen, but also the seals of the government offices of the two places, and even the big seal of the government office of the Ministry of household affairs.It can be said that things are done very solidly.As long as the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom is still alive, the effectiveness of this document will not change.

When I got the document, the word "market price" mentioned on the document became irrelevant.Zhang Yan is really not short of money now, no matter how much he is.As long as you can get enough spirit stones steadily.After the first batch is delivered, not only can he himself live a life of speed-up by using the spirit stone as a training aid, but the two named disciples under him can also enjoy this convenience.

To put it more clichéd, now Zhang Yan is taking advantage of people, that is, helping them solve disasters and problems.

The Yellow Turban Lux Talisman must no longer be used.The opponent will definitely be prepared, and the duration of the talisman is too short, once the opponent drags the talisman beyond the effective time, everything will be over.

It was Zhang Yan who gave Princess Qingling the Yellow Turban Warrior Talisman to save trouble.Anyway, Princess Qingling's opponent didn't know anything, and the Yellow Turban Luxor Talisman was enough.

Now have to change it.But after all, this royal child in the late stage of Tongqiao Realm was the first to play, so he couldn't change the pattern so that it looked too different from the Yellow Turban Wrestler Talisman. It was better to leave an illusion of "it really is so" to the people of Huayue Kingdom.

So Zhang Yan chose another kind of talisman, which is similar in effect to the Yellow Turban Warrior Talisman, but has a greater gain, is more comprehensive, and lasts longer.

It's just that I can't directly draw a good talisman and hand it to the other party like I explained to Princess Qingling before, so that the other party can burn it and swallow it with wine.

After all, all aspects of power and duration are much stronger, and what needs to be consumed is not just the aura on the talisman itself.It needs Zhang Yan's aura to bless and induce the aura of heaven and earth to transform into the power of evolution on the talisman.

"Okay, my son, please go back. I will go there in person at that time, and I will help you practice buffs before going on stage."

With Zhang Yan's words, but nothing was done right away, so no one knew what was going on.However, in view of the precedents of Princess Qingling and the miraculous bone strengthening pill that has the same special effects as in the rumors, no one dares to say that Zhang Yan is being perfunctory.

This is still number one.The situation of the second place is actually similar.After Zhang Yan saw the person, he had a good idea of ​​the strength of the other party, and then he was ready to give a countermeasure.But they didn't give it to the other party directly in advance like Princess Qingling did at that time.

But Zhang Yan actually went to see the construction of the arena, and he was going to put in some effort.But things turned out to be contrary to expectations. Not long after he arrived, people from Huayue Kingdom rushed over and joined in the construction of the ring before he had time to start.In particular, there are still people left to stare at him.All the bricks and stones he touched were replaced without reason.It was obvious that he was guarding against him.

This can only show that the penetration of Huayue Kingdom in Nanyuan, and even the eyeliner in the palace has reached a chilling level.No wonder Yang Sheng would say "I can't lose, and I can't lose".

Days passed by.Zhang Yan's side is as usual.But he could feel the atmosphere around him becoming more and more tense.

Twenty-one, sunny and sunny.It is said that this day is the queen's birthday.The choice of this day cannot be described as a coincidence. It is obvious that Yang Sheng, the emperor of Nanyuan Kingdom, hoped to use the queen's birthday to win a good fortune.

Zhang Yan received a gift yesterday, from the royal family, it is said that it was a set of robes tailored for him by the queen's tailor.It is somewhat similar to Zhang Yan's robe in the martial arts academy, but the totem emblem of the royal family is particularly conspicuous on it.But the color is not the etiquette color of the royal family, it belongs to a kind of robe that is more symbolic than identity.

To put it bluntly, this robe is for Zhang Yan to stand in line with the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom, and to support the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom.

Zhang Yan wasn't pretentious, and put on the very dainty robe, if it wasn't for the embroidered totem pattern on the chest, the robe would actually look pretty good.

Shaking off the fan in his hand, Zhang Yan took Wang Nian on the carriage to the palace, passed the guard post all the way, and finally stopped in front of the palace gate, led by Princess Qingling who was waiting there. It is located on the viewing platform on Fengtai Square in front of Qinzheng Hall.Moreover, his seat was in the center, and next to it was an imperial chair that was obviously much larger than the other chairs and was padded a lot higher.

With such a seat sequence, Zhang Yan immediately felt the great expectations placed on him by the royal family of Nanyuan Kingdom at this time.At the same time, it also directly explained how powerless Nanyuan Kingdom was when facing Huayue Kingdom.Otherwise, how could you bet all your money on him?

The people of Huayue Kingdom were arranged to sit on a viewing platform opposite.

Even in terms of etiquette, this time Nanyuan Kingdom has made it clear that it wants to be tough with Huayue.Otherwise, with Guo Yulong's honor, Yang Sheng should accompany him no matter what, instead of sitting opposite each other.

After some ceremonial scenes, there is a torrent under the noisy ceremony and the seemingly harmonious cutscene.

On the viewing stand, Zhang Yan, who was sitting before, disappeared, and only Wang Nian was left standing beside the chair with a sullen face.And Zhang Yan was busy in a side hall preparing for the battle behind the viewing stand.

"Mr. Zhang."

"Don't be nervous, this talisman won't bring you pain, but it can increase your physical strength by [-]%, your agility by [-]%, and your ability to resist blows by [-]% within half an hour."

It is reasonable to gain [-]% of physical strength.Thirty percent sensitive is a surprise.The final anti-strike ability is increased by [-]%.
"Remember, fight if you can beat it, don't panic if you can't. But don't try to hide, just avoid the key points, and the rest you just go head-to-head with him. If the resistance is improved by [-]%, he is better than you. Even a small realm higher will definitely not consume you. It will take half an hour, look for the right time and strike again!"

(End of this chapter)

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