one's door

Chapter 292 First Victory

Chapter 292 First Victory
Just like in a competition, the coach will arrange some on-the-spot strategies for the players before they go on stage.Zhang Yan is doing such a thing now.

Of course, what Zhang Yan did was to give some suggestions to the children of Nanyuan Kingdom who were going to play based on the characteristics of the things he brought out.In the end, it didn't matter to him whether he did what he said or not.The loss of Nanyuan Kingdom will have an impact on him, but it won't be that big.Up to now, Zhang Yan still has the confidence to let his family stand firm.

After arranging the affairs of the first session, Zhang Yan turned back to the viewing platform.Facing Yang Sheng's questioning eyes, Zhang Yan nodded.

it is more than words.Zhang Yan also understood that Yang Sheng's attitude towards him would change after this first fight.Whether it is the same trust as before or another change will be announced soon.

There are some changes from the previous fight with Princess Qingling.First of all, the size of the arena has changed. Now the built arena is a square with sixteen feet on one side.It's more than enough for a fight.In addition, the whole body of the arena is built of stronger stone, and some support structures have been built inside for reinforcement.

On the edge of the arena, there were no longer only the director of the Martial Arts Institute and the judges from the Yuanding Imperial City, but a master from the Huayue Kingdom, who was said to be the leader of the personal guards next to Prince Huayuelong.

A court on Nanyuan Country's side has ruled that Huayue Country is about to appoint a head of personal guards, so it looks like they are seeking reciprocity in everything.It is estimated that it is also to prevent Princess Baowen from being rescued in time.


The bell rang and the first match began.Everyone on the viewing platforms on both sides held their breath in unison, and the expressions on many people's faces showed that they were very nervous at this moment.

In fact, the two sides didn't really know the state of their opponents in the ring until the moment they got on the stage.

The realm of the royal children in Nanyuan Kingdom is the late Tongqiao state.Thanks to Zhang Yan's Bone Strengthening Pill and the fact that he was in a bottleneck stage, and enough muscle and bone powder worked together, he made a breakthrough in the near future.And after the breakthrough, the foundation was solid enough, and even continued to take a small step forward.

The one facing him was also a son of the royal family of Huayue Kingdom, and his cultivation was also at the late stage of Tongqiao state.The difference is that this person from Huayue Kingdom is originally in this realm, and he has been in this realm for at least a year. His foundation is more stable, and the methods of this realm are more familiar.

Apart from other things, it is also in the late stage of Tongqiao state, and everyone has a bottom line in their hearts about the strength of both sides.Comparing background and previous experience, people from Huayue Kingdom naturally have an overall advantage.

Guo Yulong's sentence, "The children of Huayue Kingdom's royal family can completely defeat the children of Nanyuan Kingdom's royal family at the same level." It was not a joke, but the truth.

However, what Guo Yulong said has changed now.

The competition that should have been unilaterally suppressed by Huayue Kingdom appeared to be evenly matched from the very beginning.Regardless of whether it was a collision of body skills or head-to-head combat skills, Huayue Kingdom, which was supposed to have the upper hand, was forcibly held back.Even during a battle of combat skills, the royal child of Huayue Kingdom directly used Huayue's royal secret skills to break the stalemate, but he was still slapped back by Nanyuan Kingdom without any fancy .

"Hmph! Sure enough!" Guo Yulong said inwardly.The result in the arena was as he expected, similar to what happened to Princess Baowen before.It's just that he used the Bone Strengthening Pill to temporarily break through the realm. Although the foundation was solid, the combat skills in the later stage of Tongqiao Realm were not proficient at all.Relying on the physical strength that is different from ordinary people is making up for the lack of jerky combat skills.In addition, the body skills are quite good, and the agility is much better than that of ordinary people. It is not known whether this is innate or temporarily buffed.

"It's a pity, even so, it's not enough to beat my Huayue royal family's children!" Guo Yulong was confident, because he had guessed the current situation before.He also gave a way to deal with it.That is dogfighting.When you can't win the competition quickly, you don't need to take risks and rush forward, and fight with the opponent, focusing on stability.It only needs to be delayed for a period of time when the opponent temporarily gains buffs, and the victory and defeat will naturally become easy to obtain.

And Guo Yulong's instructions to Huayue's disciples were strictly followed by the opponent at this time.After a few tricks at the beginning, the disciple of Hua Yueguo knew that it was impossible to win quickly.Just start fighting, keep your strength, just don't fight with the opponent's big move to win or lose.

The scene suddenly becomes very interesting.Although the collisions are endless, it seems that they are fighting very fiercely, but in fact, anyone who knows how to fight can see that if they continue to fight like this, they are fighting for their own durability and resistance.

The Huayue Kingdom didn't panic anymore.From Princess Baowen's fight, they roughly calculated how much time the temporary buff could last, and from the situation of Princess Qingling in Nanyuan Kingdom who was out of strength, it can be seen that the disadvantages of this temporary buff after the end are also extremely obvious .

If it drags on, Huayue Kingdom will surely win!Almost everyone on the Huayue Kingdom viewing platform, including Guo Yulong, thought so.

Coincidentally, the child of the Nanyuan Kingdom's royal family on the ring also thought so.

The ideas of the two sides generally coincided with each other, but there were differences in the details, which led to the situation of fighting and grinding foreign workers, but it was not a simple paddling. On the contrary, the fighting was fighting, but the intensity of the collision was not the same. It is not small, and even has a gradual strengthening trend.

Both of them are male warriors, and most of the combat skills they learn are open and close or treacherous yet tough. When they collide, they will easily become a competition of hard power.

The man from Huayue Kingdom was naturally not afraid. He boasted that his foundation was more stable than the opponent, and he was more able to bear it. He held his breath in his heart and waited for the opponent's buff to pass.

However, even if there is an inner armor to protect the body and avoid the vital points in a violent collision, the pressure on the muscles and bones will gradually accumulate and become greater and greater due to the huge and multiple impacts.If you don't stop, what you are waiting for is that the limit of the body's endurance will be broken, and the force will collapse in an instant, and even death is also a serious injury.

But warriors are all angry, especially when they are certain that the opponent is bluffing and their own strength is stronger, no one will choose to back down in this kind of brutal collision without fancy.

A stick of incense time passed.The face of the son of the royal family in Huayue Kingdom had already started to flush.This is a sign of internal injury.On the other hand, the royal child of Nanyuan Kingdom's face was as usual, with a fierce look in his eyes, his combat skills were a bit more proficient than at the beginning, and he relied on his weak body skills to win the battle without stopping. The head-to-head confrontation in the middle has been forcing the children of Huayue Kingdom to continue.

After less than half an hour, the situation on the ring was strangely skewed.It is not the people of Nanyuan Kingdom who are at a disadvantage, but the people of Huayue Kingdom!

Suddenly, it seemed that the limit of endurance was broken, and the disciple of Huayue Kingdom spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned blue, and his body became fatigued and fell directly on the ring.

The son of the royal family from Nanyuan Kingdom was about to go up and kick his opponent out of the ring to secure the victory.But in a blink of an eye, a person with the referee's badge came to him and stopped all his subsequent actions.

"Dang!" At the same time, the bell outside the ring rang again.As the referee, the president of the Yuanding Imperial City School of Martial Arts announced the result of the competition with a loud voice.

"First pass, Nanyuan Kingdom wins!"

(End of this chapter)

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